
  1. 2004年,由于商业的恢复和消费者信心的提高,以及国外对以色列出口商品需求的提高促使以色列的GDP以3.9%增长。

    In2004 , rising business and consumer confidence-as well as higher demand for Israeli exports boosted GDP by3.9 % .

  2. 出口退税率变动影响出口商品需求量,带动GDP变动,转变贸易增长方式。实行差别退税率优化产业结构和地区经济结构调整。

    The fluctuation of the rate of the refunded tax on exports will influence the demands of exports , invite the change of GDP and transform the way of the increase of trade .

  3. 在力拓发布其第三季度经营回顾之际,汤姆艾尔巴尼斯(tomalbanese)表示,中国的大宗商品需求已经从去年的过热水平明显回落。

    Chinese commodity demand has seen marked reduction from the overheated levels of 2007 , said Tom Albanese as Rio released its third-quarter operating review .

  4. 英澳合资矿业集团力拓(riotinto)上周警告,中国大宗商品需求已从2007年的过热水平大幅下滑。

    Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian mining group , last week warned of a marked reduction in Chinese demand for commodities from the overheated levels of 2007 .

  5. 在LES系统中,征收所得税会使家庭或个人依据是否能满足其商品需求性支出为标准,而在工作与闲暇之间做出重新配置;

    In the LES system , levying income tax can force families and privates to make a standard based on the expenditure of the commercial needs , and redesign during work or in leisure time .

  6. 从B2C电子商务模式下物流配送作业的具体实施过程上研究,B2C电子商务模式下的物流配送具备小批量多次数、商品需求多样化、客户需求个性化的特点。

    On the other hand , from the operation of logistics distribution based on B2C Electronic Commerce to study , the characters of B2C Electronic Commerce are small batch big frequency , merchandise demand diversification and customers demand individuation .

  7. 美林(MerrillLynch)昨日警告,如果冲击美国、欧洲和日本的经济衰退蔓延至中国,石油价格可能在2009年跌至每桶25美元。过去几年里,中国一直是全球大宗商品需求增长的发动机。

    Oil prices could fall as low as $ 25 a barrel in 2009 if the recession hitting the US , Europe and Japan extended to China , the world 's engine of commodities demand growth in the past few years , Merrill Lynch warned yesterday .

  8. 商品需求弹性有效策略范围的确定

    The Determination of Effective Strategy Range of Commodity Elasticity of Demand

  9. 耐用商品需求也不断下降。

    Demand for durable goods also continued to fall in March .

  10. 中国经济增长放缓将在一定程度上打击全球大宗商品需求。

    Slower economic growth will play a part in denting global demand .

  11. 对城市住宅商品需求的家庭人口因素分析

    Analysis of the Real Estate Market from the Factor of Family Population

  12. 论影响体育商品需求的因素

    On the Factors of Influencing the Need of Sports Commodities

  13. 对工业大宗商品需求的下降尤为明显。

    The fall in demand for industrial bulk commodities was particularly pronounced .

  14. 我国民俗旅游商品需求特征分析与创新开发路径

    Study on the Innovative Exploitation of Folk-Custom Tourist Products

  15. 这本身未必会打击大宗商品需求。

    That in itself need not zap commodity demand .

  16. 建立商品需求供给流通模型的设想

    The Goods Model of Demand Supply and Circulation

  17. 中国是当今大宗商品需求的第一大源头。

    China is by far the single largest driver of bulk commodity demand today .

  18. 花旗表示,全球大宗商品需求增长将显著低于过去十年。

    Global commodities demand growth will be substantially slower than during the past decade .

  19. 内部市场整个再生产过程的顺利进行依赖于稳定的劳动力要素投入和商品需求。

    The reproduction process of Internal Market relies on stable labour input and product demand .

  20. 多层前馈网络在商品需求量预测中的应用

    Commodity Demand Forecast Using Multilayer Feedforward Network

  21. 关键问题在于,如果商品需求下跌,非洲还能否继续保持增长。

    The big question is whether Africa can keep that up if demand for commodities drops .

  22. 如今,工业大宗商品需求的增长,全都来自于中国和印度等国家。

    All incremental demand for industrial commodities now comes from countries such as China and India .

  23. 分师家称粮食丰收和商品需求弱化也将有助于通胀指数保持低位。

    Analysts say the grain harvest and weakening demand for commodities will also help keep inflation low .

  24. 全球许多经济指标显示,大宗商品需求不断下降,反映出世界经济增长乏力。

    Sluggish world growth was also revealed across the world by numerous indicators of falling demand for commodities .

  25. 这个方案通过刺激消费来拉动商品需求,从而降低失业率。

    The idea was to boost spending , thereby creating demand for products , while reducing job losses .

  26. 由于中国对大宗商品需求放缓,拉丁美洲更多地区经济趋于放缓。

    A wider slowdown in Latin America is under way as Chinese demand for commodities from the region slackens .

  27. 美元供应的增加不足以战胜大宗商品需求的预期下滑。

    The increasing supply of dollars is not enough to overcome the anticipated decline in demand for these commodities .

  28. 因此中国市场一直受到密切关注。今年,中国的大宗商品需求已经出现了放缓的迹象。

    So the market has been watched closely as hints of moderating commodities demand have emerged from China this year .

  29. 中国新式工业和交通运输业初步兴起后对外国商品需求的增加。

    China 's increased demand of foreign merchandise after the birth and the beginning development of its new industries and transportation .

  30. 使情况更为复杂的是,眼下要想获得亚洲大宗商品需求的准确数据极其困难。

    Adding to the confusion : It is unusually hard to get an accurate reading of Asian commodity demand right now .