
  • 网络Commodity index;GSCI;CRB;CRB INDEX
  1. 问:你在二十世纪九十年代晚期创立了罗杰斯国际商品指数(RogersInternationalCommodityIndex),你在农业领域是如何进行投资的呢?

    You set up the RICI [ Rogers International Commodity Index ] in the late 1990s , how are you investing in agriculture ?

  2. 购买这一基金的散户投资者相当于投资于20种期货,其中包括谷物和活牛。这些期货都包括在罗杰斯国际商品指数(RogersInternationalCommodityIndex)的农业分类指数里面。

    Retail investors can gain exposure to 20 futures , including grains and live cattle , included in the agricultural sub-index of the Rogers International Commodity Index .

  3. CRB商品指数差不多从2009年的低位上涨近三分之一。

    The CRB commodity index is nearly up by one third from the low in2009 .

  4. 彭博(Bloomberg)大宗商品指数(大宗商品投资的一个基准)近期降至5年最低水平。

    The Bloomberg commodity index – which acts as a benchmark for commodity investments – fell to its lowest level in five years this week .

  5. 美国油价昨日跌至每桶80美元下方,此前高盛(GoldmanSachs)预计2015年油价将继续下跌,而交易员们紧张地关注着大宗商品指数投资者的抛售潮。

    US oil prices fell below $ 80 a barrel yesterday after Goldman Sachs forecast lower oil prices in 2015 and traders nervously eyed a wave of selling from commodity index investors .

  6. 而这一次,政府债券处于牛市,收益率位于几十年来低点,而crb大宗商品指数仍徘徊在2006年水平。

    This time , government bonds are in a bull market with yields at multi-decade lows , and the CRB commodities index is at 2006 levels .

  7. 棉花市场的规模相对较小,在基准指数标普高盛商品指数(s&pgsci)中的权重仅为1.2%。

    The cotton market is relatively small , making up just 1.2 per cent of the benchmark S & P GSCI commodity index .

  8. 追踪一篮子原材料价格的基准指数标准普尔高盛商品指数(s&pgsci)上涨6%,因油价昨日飙升至每桶51美元,为去年12月以来的最高水平,当日涨幅达7%。

    The benchmark S & P GSCI index , a basket of raw materials , rose 6 per cent as oil prices soared to $ 51 a barrel , up 7 per cent on the day , to their highest level since December .

  9. 在大多数的商品指数中,油是权重最大的单一商品。

    Oil is the biggest single component in most commodity indices .

  10. 道琼斯-AIG大宗商品指数上涨1.2%。

    The broad Dow Jones-AIG Commodity Index was up1.2 % .

  11. 用于规避通货膨胀风险的商品指数合约定价及其应用

    Constructing the Commodity Index Contract in order to Evade the Inflation Risk

  12. 过去十年间,大宗商品指数型基金投资大幅上升。

    Commodity index-fund investment has soared over the last decade .

  13. 开展国际商品指数的比较研究,将为我国商品指数研究提供有价值的借鉴。

    Undoubtedly , comparative study of the international commodity index will provide a valuable reference .

  14. 商品指数的国际比较生态综合指数初步研究

    A Comparative Study of International Commodity Index

  15. 但此后,欧洲央行开始在措辞上有所克制,大宗商品指数也大幅下跌。

    But since then , the ECB has damped its rhetoric , and commodity indices have fallen sharply .

  16. 尽管自今年4月以来全球大宗商品指数下跌,但中国需求不会就此消失。

    Despite the fall in global commodities indices since April , Chinese demand is not disappearing just yet .

  17. 在过去几年中,机构投资资金大量涌入大宗商品指数基金。

    There has been a large influx of institutional money into commodity index funds during the past few years .

  18. 此外,投资者正在变现自己的大宗商品指数和篮子,其中黄金占据很大比例。

    Also , investors are liquidating their commodities indices and baskets , in which the precious metal has a large presence .

  19. 推出上述黄金期货合约之后,香港商交所还计划推出包括贵金属、贱金属、能源、农产品以及大宗商品指数在内的各种交易产品。

    After gold futures , HKMEx plans to introduce products including precious and base metals , energy , agriculture and commodity indices .

  20. 长期以来,国际市场上的商品指数由于能够有效反映商品市场价格波动,揭示经济发展趋势,在经济领域一直发挥着重要的指标作用。

    During the past decades , international commodity index has played an important role in reflecting trends in commodity prices and the tendency of economic development .

  21. 正常的情况应该是,年初有大量资金进入大宗商品指数基金,并引发市场的上扬。

    The norm is a lot of money comes into commodity index funds at the beginning of the year , and that can create a market rally .

  22. 但是目前较成熟的商品指数主要以期货价格为主,针对现货市场的商品价格指数还比较少,而且当前现货指数的构造方法与期货指数基本一致。

    However , most of the current commodity indexes mainly focus on futures pricing , while the commodity price index for the spot market is still relatively few .

  23. 举个例子,燃料是印度大宗商品指数的重要组成部分,因为油价会传导到国内燃料成本,所以通胀就会上升。

    Fuel is a big component of its wholesale-price index , for example , so inflation will rise as higher oil prices are passed through to domestic fuel costs .

  24. 香港商交所表示,还准备推出以人民币计价的铜等基础金属期货合约,以及能源、农产品和大宗商品指数的期货合约。

    Also in the pipeline are renminbi contracts in copper and other base metals , and other futures contracts in energy , agriculture , and commodity indices , it said .

  25. 由于有迹象表明全球增长放缓,今年迄今为止,股市与大宗商品指数累计下跌了10%。高盛表示,大宗商品会战胜这些恐惧,在未来12个月内奉上抢眼的表现。

    With both equities and commodity indices down by a 10th in the year to date amid evidence of a global slowdown , Goldman says commodities can transcend such fears and have a banner performance over the next 12 months .

  26. 当前IMF大宗商品价格指数比2008年年中创下的名义纪录高位下滑近15%。

    The IMF index of commodities prices is down nearly 15 per cent from a nominal record high set in mid-2008 .

  27. 随着股市下跌,CRB商品价格指数等广义通胀指标的最低点正在不断上升。

    Broad measures of inflation , such as CRB prices , continue to make higher lows as stock prices decline .

  28. 在纽约,西得克萨斯中质原油(westtexasintermediate)期货的价格暴跌5美元以上,达到日内低点每桶119.5美元,这使得全球大宗商品基准指数reuters-jefferiescrb指数跌至5月初以来的最低点。

    In New York , West Texas Intermediate oil futures plunged more than $ 5 to an intraday low of $ 119.5 a barrel , sending the reuters-jefferies CRB index , a global commodities benchmark , to its lowest in since early May .

  29. 本文为了能够提出有效解决中国商品价格指数(CGPI)预测的模型,对多种预测模型进行实际模拟计算。

    For the purpose of developing an efficient forecasting model for The Corporate Goods Price Index ( CGPI ), this paper makes many empirical studies of different forecasting models .

  30. 因担心经济增长放缓会抑制原材料需求,全球大宗商品基准指数Jefferies-ReutersCRB指数下跌了10.1%,这是自1980年3月该指数下跌10.5%以来的最大单月跌幅。

    The Jefferies-Reuters CRB index , a global commodities benchmark , lost 10.1 per cent , its largest monthly decline since it fell 10.5 per cent in March 1980 , amid worries about lower economic growth damping demand for raw materials .