
  • 网络business plan;Business Planning
  1. 本文以战略管理理论和区位选择理论为基础,以商业策划的方法为工具,首先利用PEST分析方法较为全面研究秦汉唐项目的发展环境。

    In this paper , we look the strategic management theory and location choice theory as the foundation , the method of business plan for the tool , and then take comprehensive study of environment analysis of the Qin Han Tang Project by PEST method .

  2. 所以第一件事儿是,尽可能少要资金,你必须有个商业策划,不要消耗那么多资金。

    So the first thing is ask for as least amount of money as possible , which means you have to have a business plan that doesn 't consume that amount of capital .

  3. 这组学生凭借在2012“贝塔斯曼校园达人”(TalentMeetsBertelsmann,以下简称TMB)商业策划大赛中的创业展示,最终晋级决赛,从而获得了邀请。

    The group got their invites by displaying entrepreneurship in the Talents Meets Bertelsmann ( TMB ) China workshop 2012 to enter the final .

  4. 这项试验研究了一项商业策划比赛——一个政策专家版的《龙穴》(Dragons’Den,一档英国商业真人秀节目——译者注)。该比赛由尼日利亚政府出资,举办者为世界银行和英国国际发展部。

    The trial examined a business-plan competition - a policy wonk 's version of Dragons " Den - that was funded by the Nigerian government and run by the World Bank and the Department for International Development .

  5. 今年由跨国传媒大鳄&贝塔斯曼集团组织的TMB(中国)商业策划大赛的决赛,于7月11日到12日期间在北京举办。

    The final of this year 's TMB China workshop , organized by Bertelsmann AG , the transnational media giant , was held from July 11 to 12 in Beijing .

  6. 然而现实是城市综合体往往由商业策划机构进行单体设计,很少从规划角度进行总体分析研究。

    However , UC is often designed by business planning agencies today , and the results designed by those agencies are short of overall analysis from planning perspective .

  7. 其成功的商业策划与持续的调整方式,具有典型的借鉴意义。

    The combination of the elastic story design and the multi-channel business attracts the reader groups in all levels and its successful commercial planning and the sustainable adjustment way possess the typical significance of reference .

  8. 在此过程中,也是对商业策划在商业建筑改造项目中的大胆尝试与应用,尤其通过消费者需求的研究为项目的改造方案提供了有利的依据和参考。

    In this process , but also for business planning in the commercial building renovation project in a bold attempt and practice , especially consumer demand through the transformation of the research program for the project provided a favorable basis and reference .

  9. 以便于更广泛地展开CG插画的新探索,以便于探究其创作能运用于社会商业文化策划设计中的可能性。

    Is advantageous widely launches the CG illustration the new exploration , is advantageous inquired into that its creation can utilize in the society commercial culture plan design the possibility .

  10. 基于商圈理论的商业物业策划研究

    Study of Commercial Real Estate Planning Based on Trading Area Theory

  11. 商业广告策划与设计系统研究

    The Systemic Research on the Commercial Advertising & Design

  12. 利用这一规律,商业广告策划时可凭借心理策略完成准确的定位,以更好地抓住消费者的心理。

    This , together with psychological tactics , helps complete accurate orientation of advertising and attract consumers in commercial advertisement planning .

  13. 第二、将较成熟、系统的传播学原理借鉴到商业广告策划的探讨与论述中。

    Secondly , while drawing lessons from to the discussion of the commercial advertisement plan and describing in riper , more systematic dissemination principle .

  14. 商业项目策划,商业项目招商及销售代理,商业项目市场调查,商业项目市场推广策划,商业项目企业经营管理体系建设。

    Commercial project planning , project investment and commercial sales agents , commercial market research projects , commercial projects marketing plan commercial enterprise project management system .

  15. 厦门中南商业广场建筑策划和设计实践

    The Architectural Scheme And Design Practise Of ZhongNan Commercial Plaza In XiaMen

  16. 商业房产营销策划研究

    Market Planning Research about Commercial Property

  17. 描述了商业物业全程策划的具体流程,并用实例对其流程的几个环节进行了分析。

    This paper describes the concrete procedure of full-length planning of commercial real estate and analyzes several links in the procedure with examples .

  18. 因此,对商业地产项目策划方面的研究就成了保证商业地产健康发展的重大课题。

    Therefore , study of the planning for commercial real estate project has became a major issue to ensure the healthy development of commercial real estate .