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  • 【地名】【中国】Shangqiu County
  1. 商丘县农田土壤、水、粮食中氟含量的调查

    An investigation on fluorine level in soil , grain and water in Shangqiu County

  2. 用氟离子选择电极法,对地方性氟中毒高发区商丘县的农田土壤、水、粮食中的氟含量进行了监测。

    The fluorine level of the soil , the water and the grain were determined with the fluorine ion selec-tive electrode in Shangqiu County , where the endemic fluorine poisoning is high .

  3. 本文以商丘市虞城县农村义务教育为例,通过实地调查,对虞城县农村义务教育的教育经费总量、教育经费来源、财政性教育经费来源进行了详细的调查。

    The second part is the research methodology and survey implementation process , Yucheng County , rural compulsory education in total education funding , education funding sources , financial education , sources of funding to carry out a detailed investigation .