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wéi kǒng tiān xià bú luàn
  • anxious to see the world in disorder;desire to stir up trouble;crave nothing short of nationwide chaos;desire to see the world plunged into chaos
唯恐天下不乱[wéi kǒng tiān xià bú luàn]
  1. 但法国财长弗朗索瓦巴鲁安(franoisbaroin)最近访问华盛顿时却唯恐天下不乱地指出,美国也存在许多问题。

    But as Fran OIS baroin , French finance minister , mischievously pointed out on a recent trip to Washington , the US also has problems .

  2. 英国媒体总是“唯恐天下不乱”。

    The British press does love a good panic .

  3. 解读:终于体会到了什么叫做唯恐天下不乱?

    Reading : Finally realized what be called only and perhaps world is not disorderly ?

  4. 这家伙一定不知道帕蒂是那种唯恐天下不乱的人。

    This man clearly didn 't realise that Paddy is a man who relishes an argument .

  5. 科学家们去制造这些长着人的器官的嵌合体动物,并不是唯恐天下不乱而去制造怪物。

    Scientists have long to create such a human organ Chimeric animal is not left Emily to create a monster .

  6. 我的80年代我天生就是一个好事之徒,唯恐天下不乱。

    My80 's I 'm always looking for a chance to stir up trouble , I 'm a busybody inherently .

  7. 不能否认,这种混乱状况确实给一些唯恐天下不乱的人的活动,提供了一方面的有利条件。

    There is no denying that such confusion has provided favourable conditions for those who are always looking for a chance to stir up trouble .