
  1. 中国哲学研究方法的多元化

    To Pluralize the Methodology of Chinese Philosophy Study

  2. 传统哲学研究方法在本质上主要是思辨的,但随着非线性科学与计算技术的迅速发展,目前哲学研究中也兴起了全新的计算实验方法。

    Traditionally research in philosophy has always been speculative and has nothing to do with experiments .

  3. 百年中国哲学研究方法之反思与现代发展之路&兼谈思想的创生能力与现代合法性之关系

    Review on Research Methodology in Chinese Philosophy and the Way for Modern Development & Also the Relationship between Creative Capability in Thinking and the Modern Legality

  4. 将科学的人类学方法引入美学研究,使思辨的哲学研究方法在客观、真实的探究中找到出路。

    The method of scientific research of anthropology into aesthetics , the speculative research methods of philosophy and find a way out in the objective , true inquiry .

  5. 二是文化哲学的研究方法。

    Second , cultural philosophy research technique .

  6. 旧邦新命与冯友兰关于中国哲学史研究方法观念的转向

    " Serve the Favoring Appointment with the Old Country " and FENG You-lan 's Chinese Philosophy History Study 's Method Shift

  7. 在第二章中首先对乔姆斯基语言理论特别是对其主要的理论进行了简要的回顾。包括他的语言哲学,研究方法和转换生成语法发展的几个主要阶段。

    In chapter 2 , the thesis briefly reviews Chomsky 's theory , including his linguistic philosophy , methodology and Generative and Transformational Grammar .

  8. 如何找到中西哲学思想研究方法的切入点或是结合点,是中西融合与中医现代化的根本。

    It is the foundation of mixing TCM and Western Medicine & modernizing TCM to find a way to make a research of Chinese and Western philosophies .

  9. 借鉴当代西方分析哲学的研究方法,从心理语言的种系发生开始,来探讨意识的源头&原始灵魂观念的生成,可为科学地把握意识的本质提供新的思路。

    This article talks about the investigation into four reading models from the perspective of modern linguistic psychology , and then discusses the deep reach into English reading .

  10. 本文写作的目的主要在于综述复杂系统在国际关系中的研究应用,具体包括研究对象、科学哲学、研究方法、主要研究成果等。

    The dissertation intends to review the application of complex system in international relations studies , including research subject , science philosophy , method , and relevant works .

  11. 计算机科学和技术的不断发展使计算观念渗入到各个领域,传统科学哲学的研究方法正在接受着挑战。

    With the development of computational technology , the idea of computation has come to pervade in every filed . The traditional method of philosophy of science has been up against the challenge .

  12. 社会哲学研究对象和方法之我见

    On the Object and Method of the Study of Social Philosophy

  13. 论多元主义对哲学社会科学研究方法的拓展

    What Development Pluralism Made on the Research Methods of Philosophy and Social Science

  14. 执简御繁成为哲学研究的基本方法;

    Holding simple to control of complex became a basic research method in philosophy .

  15. 这一点与当代政治哲学的主流研究方法具有明显不同,这也使得沃尔泽的思想独具一格。

    This approach is different apparently from the mainstream approach of political philosophy research , which also makes his thoughts unique .

  16. 信息主义视角体现了技术哲学正在走向研究方法与理论成果的多样性和丰富性。

    Seeing things in an informationalistic perpective shows that the philosophy of technology is going to diversity and plenty in both research methodology and theoretic achievements .

  17. 教育哲学研究正在遭遇方法乃至研究性上的质疑,原因是教育哲学研究并没有应用现代研究推崇的规范化研究方法。

    The research of philosophy of education is challenged for its method and even its nature , because it has not applied the normative methods that modern research canonizes .

  18. 管理哲学的研究对象和方法

    Object and Method of the Study of Management Philosophy

  19. 本文尝试运用教育和哲学相交叉的研究方法,站在朱熹哲学思想的基础来研究朱熹的蒙学思想。

    This paper tries to stand philosophy position to research the children education of Zhuxi with two research methods which are education and philosophy .

  20. 阿多诺的文化工业理论体现了法兰克福学派一以贯之的批判精神以及哲学思辨与经验研究方法的结合。

    The culture industry theory of T. W. Adorno embodies the critical spirit of the Frankfurt School and the integration of philosophical meditation and experiential study .

  21. 基于不同哲学观的教育研究方法,对研究对象的侧面和层次有不同的关注,也都有各自特定的适用范围。

    Educational research methods based on different philosophic views pays attention to different sides and levels on the research objects , and have different applying ranges respectively .

  22. 当代社会思潮包含着对管理科学有借鉴作用的各种哲学思想和科学哲学研究方法。

    The contemporary ethos includes philosophy thinking and scientific philosophy methodology which are of great reference to management science .

  23. 不仅中介哲学认识,形成虚拟认识,导致可能性规范现实性的认识运动,而且中介哲学研究方法,形成哲学实验,推动哲学研究的经验转向。

    Moreover , it not only forms a virtual cognition and results in a change in cognition activity to normalize the reality by possibility , but also causes the research methods of philosophy to be a philosophical experiment , thus turning the philosophical research to be empirical .

  24. 西方哲学史上的三次重大转换之一的语言转向就是借助于逻辑分析的方法,对传统哲学问题进行改造,它给当代哲学一种新的哲学研究方法,这种逻辑方法也是现实哲学研究的需要。

    One of the three time important transformations , the " Language transformation " is a innovation of traditional philosophy by means of logic analysis , it bring a new method to modern philosophical research , and really meets the demand of realistic philosophical study .