
  • 网络Philosophical Principles;principles of philosophy
  1. 《哲学原理》中笛卡尔的自由意志观初探

    The Opinion of Free Will in Principles of Philosophy by Descartes

  2. 哲学原理教科书中的若干重要命题辨误

    Identification of the Mistakes in Some Key Propositions in Textbooks about the Principles of Philosophy

  3. 《SRA阅读实验课》以令人信服的多层次基本哲学原理为依据而编就,已为世界上许多国家的数以百万计大、中学校学生使用并证明其实用价值。

    SRA Reading Laboratory is designed upon convincing multilevel philosophy and has proved practical by millions of students in schools and colleges in many countries round the world .

  4. 创新马克思主义哲学原理课程改革的思考

    Innovation in course reform for " fundamentalprinciples of Marxist philosophy "

  5. 对《马克思主义哲学原理》教材的几点意见

    Several Views on the College Teaching Material Principle of Marxist Philosophy

  6. 哲学原理教科书中若干问题质疑

    A Query to Some Problems Raised from Textbooks of Philosophical Principle

  7. 体育院校哲学原理课堂教学法的探讨

    Classroom Teaching Method of Philosophy Principle in Physical Education Institutes

  8. 论马克思主义哲学原理教学中的案例教学

    On the Case-based Learning in Teaching of Marxist Philosophy Principle

  9. 《马克思主义哲学原理》教科书亟待克服的两大缺陷

    Two defects in the textbook of Principles Of Marxist Philosophy

  10. 还有张子一物两体命题包含着高度的抽象的哲学原理。

    The propositions of Yi Wu Liang Ti contain abstract philosophic theory .

  11. 关于哲学原理的观念&中西哲学的一种比较研究

    Concepts of Philosophy Principles & Comparative Studies of Chinese-Western Philosophy

  12. 《马克思主义哲学原理》现代化教学手段效果的量化分析与测试实验报告

    A Quantity Analysis on the Test and Experiment for Teaching Marxist Philosophy

  13. 德&法整合的法哲学原理

    The principle of philosophy of law in the unification of morality and law

  14. 试析教师教学实践对哲学原理课教学的意义

    The Significance of Teachers ' Teaching Practice for the Teaching of Philosophy Principle

  15. 从三个层面来探讨马克思主义哲学原理课程的改革。

    Study of teaching reform on the lesson of " Marxist philosophy principle ";

  16. 哲学原理公共课网上教学的实践与探索

    Practice of Network-based Teaching of the General Course Philosophy

  17. 马克思主义哲学原理在护理伦理决策中的应用

    Application of the principles of Marxism philosophy in the ethical decision-making in nursing

  18. 历史创造者的生活和生活方式应在哲学原理中占一席之地;

    Way of life should occupy one seat in the principle of philosophy .

  19. 重视实践教学,提高教学质量&对哲学原理课教学的一点认识

    Attach Importance to Practical Teaching and Improve Teaching Quality

  20. 哲学原理课的人文意蕴与素质教育

    Humanity Implication and Character Education in Teaching Philosophy Principles

  21. 《马克思主义哲学原理》是高校思想政治理论课的主干课程。

    Marxist Philosophical Theory Lesson is a key point in college political teaching .

  22. 哲学原理教学三题议

    On the Three Problems of Philosophy Teach in g

  23. 论高校马克思主义哲学原理教学改革的两个着力点

    On Two Stress Points of Marxist Philosophy Principle Teaching Reform in Colleges and Universities

  24. 马克思主义哲学原理课的与时俱进

    Advancing with the Times in Marxist Philosophy Class

  25. 构筑精神支柱,改造主观世界&关于提高《马克思主义哲学原理》教学实效性的思考

    Constructing Spiritual Support and Reforming the Subjective World

  26. 这也标志着马克思主义哲学原理本土化的开始。

    This also marked the start of the localization of principles of Marxist philosophy .

  27. 哲学原理课434教学模式对教师素质的挑战

    The " 434 " Teaching Mode of Philosophical Principle Lessons Challenges Teacher 's Quality

  28. 如何学习马克思主义哲学原理

    How to study Marxist principles in philosophy

  29. 多维审计概念的哲学原理

    The Philosophical Principle of Multiple Dimensional Auditing

  30. 读懂马克思&马克思哲学原理课教学的哲学思考

    Return to Marx & Pondering over the teaching reform of the course principles of marxism