
  1. 我们是最好的品牌资源整合服务商!

    We Are The Best Brand integration And Promotion Operator !

  2. 叁.品牌资源整合DELVE:发掘产品价值,更坚持发掘品牌价值,将资源整合价值最大化。

    C. Brand Resources Reorganization DELVE : We excavate the product value , more persists in excavating the brand value , and maximizes the value of resources reorganization .

  3. 它作为一种新兴的广告形式,重点是为宣传企业服务的。并从品牌资源整合、品牌形象设计、品牌传播推广等方面推动品牌的发展,树立高质量的企业形象。

    As a new type of advertisement , it is in the service of corporation and improves corporation development , establish high quality corporation brand through the aspects of brand resources integration , brand image design , brand propagation .

  4. 本文认为,物流企业的决策层在实施整合的时候,必须牢牢把握住战略调整,品牌资源整合,网络资源整合,再深化人力资源管理对公司文化进行融合发展。

    This paper figures , while the integration is implemented from the decision-making levels , we must firmly grasp strategic integration , brand integration , network resource integration of resources , humanities resource integration to deepen the integration of corporate culture to develop .

  5. 浅论我国民族地区家具销售自有品牌的资源整合

    On the Resources Conformity of Domestic Brand Furniture Selling in Ethnic Minority Region

  6. 提出围绕主题品牌进行资源开发整合,提高旅游地的旅游环境质量,也即确定目的地品牌核心个性、体现该个性的目的地特质载体以及品牌个性同潜在目标游客之间的联系。

    The theme brand resources development integration , improve the quality of tourism tourism environment , namely determine destinations core brand personality , reflect the personality of the destination trait carrier and brand personality with potential target for the connection between the tourists .

  7. 湖南卫视应充分发挥频道的品牌影响力,进行资源整合,创建多元赢利模式,提升整个频道的竞争力。

    Only by constructing a multi-leveled model of profit making , can the competitive capacity of the TV Channel be raised .

  8. 目标企业估价风险的规避、新型分工体系的建立、品牌扩张和人力资源整合是实施并购过程中应该重点解决的几个问题。

    The evasion of the risks in evaluating target enterprises , the establishment of new production system , the brand expansion and the coordination of human resource should be put emphasis on during the implementing of horizontal M & A.

  9. 服务品牌以服务产品为中心环节,而服务产品本身独有的特点,决定了服务品牌的各种资源需要整合。

    Service brands depend on service product as the key link , and the peculiar characteristics of service product , have determined that various kinds of resources of the brand needs integration .