
  • 网络Brand market;brand marketing
  1. 本文运用log-log市场反应函数,对国内彩电行业中品牌市场份额对品牌价格弹性的影响进行了实证研究。

    Based on the data of TV category , the present study focus - es on the impact of brand market share on brand price elasticity . Log - log market response model is adopted in the study .

  2. 润滑油&重在品牌市场的培育

    Giving stress to the cultivation of famous brand market of lubricants

  3. 通过文献法、比较法、数理统计法等方法对我国CBA联赛品牌市场化运作的现状进行了分析。

    By means of documentary , comparison , data analysis , the authors make a deep analysis on current market status of Chinese professional clubs .

  4. 聚类分析在品牌市场定位研究中的应用

    The Appliance of Cluster Analysis in Brands Market Positioning Research

  5. 品牌市场生命周期管理理论论纲

    The Outline of Brand Life Cycle Management

  6. 汽车营销的市场策略研究对于品牌市场的发展及行业的发展具有现实意义。

    The automobile marketing strategy studies has great realistic significance to the brand market development and the industry development .

  7. 价格战后期,各品牌市场占有率与其自身属性无关,且趋于一致。

    In the late period of price war , all brand market shares tend not to be related to their own properties .

  8. 国产彩电在品牌市场份额竞争的价格大战中展开库存调整、价格调整、生产调整、技术调整。

    Domestic enterprises carry out adjustment in deposit , price , production and technology to get more marketable portion in price campaign .

  9. 随着品牌市场年龄增加,新的用户对品牌的认知和了解会自然的减少。

    As increase with brand market age , acknowledgement ( recognition ?) and understanding from new customers on brand will gradually become less .

  10. 具体分析了篮球竞赛表演市场对企业品牌市场化的推动作用,希望能为二者的合作与发展提供参考。

    A detailed analysis was made on the impetus of the performance to the marketization to offer reference for the cooperation and development of the two .

  11. 指出篮球竞赛表演市场符合企业品牌市场化的需要,二者的结合具有广阔的前景;

    And the basketball contest performance market accorded with the need for trademark marketization , it was prospective to combine the performance with the trademark promotion ;

  12. 最终决定品牌市场地位的是品牌总体上的个性,而不是产品间微不足道的差异。

    It has been recommended that it is the total personality of a brand that determines its market position , not the insignificant differences among products .

  13. 随着汽车品牌市场竞争的加剧,汽车品牌需要转化其营销思路以应对市场的变换,更好地满足消费者需求。

    With the competition in automobile brands ' market increased , automobile brands need to be transferred the marketing ideas in order to satisfy market and customers ' needs .

  14. 要确认本校的竞争优势并选择相对竞争优势,采取定位准确的品牌市场竞争法则,制订并实施学校、专业、课程营销组合策略。

    Institutions of higher education should affirm own competition advantage and select relative competition advantage , adopt brand market competition principle , whose location is exact , lay and implement combined marketing strategy of institution , speciality and course .

  15. 对全球护体产品市场规模、世界体用护理品品牌市场占有率、体用护肤品品牌、抗脂产品以及市场需求进行了分析,并对手部皮肤修复产品以及脱毛产品进行了论述。

    The body care global market size , world body care brand market share , body care brand , anti-cellulite and firming products as well as the market needs are analyzed . The hand skin relief product and the depilatory product are also related .

  16. 建立了一套由品牌市场能力、品牌管理能力、技术竞争能力、企业文化竞争力、环境竞争力五个二级指标,二十一个三级指标组成的汽车企业品牌竞争力评价指标体系。

    The establishment of A set of evaluation index system was established by brand market power , brand management capabilities , technical competitiveness and the competitiveness of corporate culture , environmental competitiveness of the five secondary indicators , 21 three-tier indicators consisting of automotive brand competitiveness .

  17. 汇丰(HSBC)预测,明年随着工资增速加快,一些本土品牌的市场份额将会下降。

    HSBC forecasts that local brands will lose market share in the coming year as wage rises pick up pace .

  18. 关于品牌与市场营销的关系。

    The paper expounds the relation between brand operation and marketing .

  19. 各种品牌在市场上的力量和价值是各不相同的。

    Brands vary in their power and value in the marketplace .

  20. 中国自主品牌汽车市场营销策略研究

    A Study on Marketing Strategies of China Self-owned Brand Vehicles

  21. 柔和七星品牌的市场份额强劲增长到32.3%。

    Market share for Mild Seven grew robustly to32.3 percent .

  22. 零售商自有品牌对市场绩效的影响研究

    The Effects of Retailer 's Store Brand on Market Performance

  23. 近些年来,超级品牌的市场规模快速膨胀。

    Recently , the market for premium brand has been expanded rapidly .

  24. 从自组织观看品牌、市场、资产的良性互动&TCL集团品牌、市场、资产良性互动的启示

    View of Good Interaction among Brand , Marketing and Assets by Self-organizing Theory

  25. 媒介品牌是市场竞争的手段。

    Media brand is a means of market cu . npetltion . - .

  26. 品牌区域市场资源竞争及品牌分布规律

    Study on the Region Market Resource Competition and Distribution Rules of the Brands

  27. 品牌区域市场经济行为模型分析

    Model analysis for the regional market behavior of brands

  28. 第三,进行了呼和浩特市蒙餐店品牌的市场定位研究。

    The third part analyses the market positioning of the Mongolian meal restaurants .

  29. 工业品公司品牌和市场战略

    MARKETING Product of Industry Corporation 's Branding Strategy

  30. 企业·品牌·市场&谈企业品牌的创立与保护

    Enterprise , Trademark and Market : On Found and Protect of Enterprise 's Trademark