
  • 网络harmonious culture
  1. 和谐文化视野下中华优秀传统礼仪文化的现代发展趋势

    The Modern Development of Chinese Traditional Etiquette From Harmonious Culture Perspective

  2. 构建和谐文化是摆脱文化发展困境的旨归。

    Harmonious culture is get rid of cultural development dilemma purpose .

  3. 2008年北京人文奥运、发展CBA主场文化、培养明星及国际球员等是发展、传播我国篮球和谐文化的主要途径与契机。

    Humanistic Olympics of Beijing Olympic Games , constructing CBA host court culture , cultivating sports stars and international sportsmen are the main approach and chance of developing basketball " harmony " culture .

  4. 摘要社会主义核心价值体系是建设和谐文化的根本。

    A core value system of socialist is building a harmonious culture .

  5. 全球范围内的多元文化思潮需要和谐文化调解。

    Multi-cultural thought need mediation from harmonious culture in worldwide .

  6. 社会主义和谐文化建设与发展探讨

    Probe into the Construction and Developing of Socialist Harmonious Culture

  7. 论社会主义和谐文化的科学内涵和基本特征

    On the scientific connotations and basic characteristics of the socialist harmonious culture

  8. 文化和解:构建社会主义和谐文化的基础

    Cultural Compromise : the Basis of Constructing Socialism Harmonious Culture

  9. 绿色和谐文化:构建和谐社会的理论基石

    Green Harmonious Culture : The Theoretical Foundation for Building a Harmonious Society

  10. 从和谐文化视角论繁荣少数民族文化

    Discussion on Minority Culture from the Viewpoint of Harmonious Culture

  11. 和谐文化在新农村建设中的作用新探

    Exploration on Functions of Harmonious Culture in Building New Countryside

  12. 社会主义和谐文化建设理论与民族教育政策发展

    Theory of Constructing Socialist Harmonious Culture and Development of Ethnic Education Policy

  13. 消费观、意识形态与社会主义和谐文化建设

    Viewpoint of Consumption , Ideology and the Construction of Socialist Harmonious Culture

  14. 二要建设和谐文化。

    The second is to build a harmonious culture .

  15. 社会主义和谐文化建设机制的影响因素

    The Influence and Factors on the Construction Machenism of the Socialist Harmonious Cultural

  16. 和谐文化具有导向、凝聚、整合等功能。

    The harmony culture possesses the functions of orientation , condensation and integration .

  17. 和谐文化:民族精神传承与发展的纽带

    Harmonious culture : heritage and development of the national spirit of the bond

  18. 论加强新时期统一战线与社会主义和谐文化建设的相互推进

    On Mutual Promotion of Enhancing the United Front and Constructing Harmonious Socialist Culture

  19. 社会主义和谐文化的时代价值及实现路径选择

    Times Value and the Choice of the Realization Path for Constructing Harmonious Socialist Culture

  20. 论大学校园和谐文化建设

    On the Construction of Harmonious Culture on Campus

  21. 浅谈中外语言接触、文化融合与和谐文化建构

    On Chinese and Foreign Language Contact , Cultural Mergence and Establishment of Harmonious Culture

  22. 环境文化本质上是中国哲学的和谐文化。

    Essentially , the environment culture is the harmonious culture of the Chinese philosophy .

  23. 建设和谐文化构建和谐社会

    Creating Harmonious Culture and Building Harmonious Society

  24. 和谐文化是由和谐理论、和谐观念、和谐制度与和谐装备构成的系统。

    The harmonious culture consists of the harmonious theory , idea , system and equipment .

  25. 弘扬和谐文化是时代赋予图书馆的神圣使命

    Culture A brief discussion on expanding harmonious cultural that times entrust library with the sacred mission

  26. 科学发展观统领下企业和谐文化的建构路径

    The Routes to Establish Harmonious Culture for Enterprise under the Guide of Scientific Outlook on Society

  27. 当前建设和谐文化已成为大势所趋、当务之急。

    Building a harmonious culture has become the trend of the times , it is imperative .

  28. 论建设社会主义和谐文化

    On Constructing Socialist Harmonious Culture

  29. 我们应抓好这三个重要表现层面的工作,建设好社会主义和谐文化,为社会主义和谐社会建设服务。

    If we do so , we have been served for the construction of socialist harmonious society .

  30. 中庸和谐文化心理对修辞格构建的影响

    The Influence of the Moderate and Harmonious Cultural Psychology on the Construction of the Figure of Speech