
  • 网络propositional negation
  1. 本文在[1]的基础上,对Fuzzy命题的否定形式的数学表示做了更进一步的研究,使其更符合自然语言(汉语)的规律。

    This paper , upon [ 1 ] , deals with the mathematical represention of negative fuzzy proposition , so that it accord further with the laws of natural language .

  2. 表达肯定命题的否定句式

    The Negative Sentence Pattern to Expressed Affirmative Proposition

  3. 汉语表达肯定命题的否定句式的实质是连用两次否定形式并表达一个肯定意义。英语含蓄否定形式上是肯定的,却蕴含否定意义,因此不易一目了然。

    The essence of negative sentence pattern to express affirmative proposition is to link two negative forms together for a positive sense .

  4. 意向命题的肯定与否定

    Affirmation and Negation of Utterances with Mental Propositional Attitudes

  5. 当这些种类的命题和他们的否定命题以各式各样的形式联合在一起,并对其可靠性进行测试时,一般发现只有这四种因果关系或特殊的因果判断,是令人信服的。

    When these genera and their negations are combined together in every which way , and tested for consistency , it is found that only four species of causation remain conceivable .

  6. 命题的性质命题的肯定或否定的性质特征函数的两个性质命题与其逆命题

    Two Nature Propositions of Characteristic Function and the Converse Proposition

  7. 从关系逻辑的观点看特称否定命题的换位问题意向命题的肯定与否定

    Thinking about the Reverse of Existential Negation Proposition From the Point of View of Relation Logic

  8. 悖论是一个论证,它依据一定的背景知识和逻辑法则,从一些已知为真的前提出发却推出了互相矛盾的命题,或者在一个命题和它的否定之间可以互推这样一种事实。

    A paradox is an argument with premises appearing to be true and with steps appearing to be valid , which nevertheless ends in a conclusion that it is false .

  9. 着重从否定的转移、否定的语义层次、否定同各种从属命题之间的关系等三个方面,对俄语“意向”命题的否定进行研究。

    This paper is engaged in studies of negation of utterances with mental propositional attitudes through three areas : removal of negation , semantic layers of negation , relation between negation and subordinate propositional utterance .