
míng yù
  • repute;reputation;honorary;honour;fame;character;celebrity;renown
名誉 [míng yù]
  • (1) [honour;reputation]∶个人或集团的荣誉或威信;个人或集团的好名声;处于受公众尊敬或尊重的地位

  • 这件事挽救了几位女士的名誉

  • (2) [fame]∶对突出的成就的总的认可

  • 名誉大

名誉[míng yù]
  1. 他对金钱,名誉和社会地位都不动心。

    Money , fame and social position have no interest for him .

  2. 他被名誉搞得眼花缭乱。

    He was dazzled by fame .

  3. 他受审获释,名誉丝毫未受损害。

    He emerged from the trial with his reputation intact .

  4. 他对恢复玛格里特艺术家的名誉起了重要的作用。

    He played a major role in rehabilitating Magritte as an artist .

  5. 在整个服刑期间,他奋力证明自己名誉的清白。

    Throughout his years in prison , he fought to clear his name .

  6. 英国没有公开反对这些残暴行为,使其名誉扫地。

    Britain , to its discredit , did not speak out against these atrocities .

  7. 你是不是存心要败坏我的名誉?

    Are you intent upon destroying my reputation ?

  8. 她获授名誉学位。

    She was awarded a degree honoris causa .

  9. 他的名誉可说是白璧无瑕。

    His reputation is without a blemish .

  10. 详情可咨询名誉秘书A.R.布什比。

    Details are available from the Hon . Sec . A.R. Bushby .

  11. 这一事件可能有损首相的名誉。

    The affair could tarnish the reputation of the prime minister

  12. 他说这一举措会让该政党在全世界名誉扫地。

    He said such methods would discredit the party worldwide .

  13. 她不愿看到她深爱的男友就这样不名誉地死去。

    She refuses to see her beloved boy die in such dishonor .

  14. 特里梅因是公司在华盛顿的名誉代表。

    Tremaine is the company 's front man in Washington .

  15. 她声称他们在败坏她的名誉。

    She claimed they were sullying her good name .

  16. 他已经赢得了该国首席小提琴独奏家的名誉。

    He has acquired a reputation as this country 's premier solo violinist .

  17. 这些传闻把他的名誉全毁了。

    The stories ruined his reputation .

  18. 一旦他们被抓住,她就会名誉扫地,被很不光彩地撤职开除。

    If they were caught , she would be thrown out in disgrace , dismissed with ignominy .

  19. 他的候选资格使该党出现分化;其中大多数人都嘲弄他,而另外一些人则想办法为他恢复名誉。

    His candidacy has divided the party ; while most have scorned him , others have sought to rehabilitate him .

  20. 这起诉讼是他的家人提起的,他们称有关他的指控损害了他们的名誉。

    The case was brought by his family , who say their reputation has been damaged by allegations about him .

  21. 我用名誉担保她是清白无辜的。

    I certify on my honour that she is innocent .

  22. 我将把我的名誉赌在这个结果上。

    I will stake my good reputation on the outcome .

  23. 他因品行有损军人的名誉而被撤职。

    He was cashiered for conduct injurious to the reputation of a soldier .

  24. 这对你的名誉是一种损害。

    This is a reflection upon your honour .

  25. 他的名誉受到损害。

    He suffered in his reputation .

  26. 泰德疑心有人企图暗中破坏他的名誉。

    Ted suspects that some people are trying to undermine his reputation .

  27. 我们对于保持商号的名誉非常急切。

    We are very anxious to keep up the reputation of the firm .

  28. 你的名誉受到了怀疑。

    Your reputation was under a cloud .

  29. 要小心保持你的名誉。

    Be careful to maintain your reputation .

  30. 这些举动将会损害你的名誉。

    Such conduct will compromise your reputation .