- well-known saying;famous remark;catchphrase;celebrated dictum;famous remark well-known saying;celebrated diction

[celebrated diction;famous remark well-known saying] 很出名的说法,著名的话
Female doctrine person Simore · de · Beauvoir has a well-known saying " one person is not being born as a female , but becoming a female " . She thinks that the woman is not " natural formation ", but is to be constructed by society and culture .
Have a well-known saying ;
She reminded us of Barnum 's dictum : You could sell anything to anybody if you marketed it right .
I keep remembering Hannah Pakula 's immortal line : ' Hollywood is no place for a woman over forty with a library card . '
He finished his speech with a quotation from Shakespeare .
The play contained one immortal line .
He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries .
On the ground of the village , Grandpa Huang has painted a lot of well-known Chinese sayings .
Franklin is also remembered for other proverbs like , " A penny saved is a penny earned . "
For example , one of his famous sayings , " He who learns but does not think is lost ; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger " , tells us the importance of learning and thinking .
For example , the catchphrase " To be or not to be , that is the question " can be turned into " To eat or not to eat , that is the question . "
The term " snowclone " describes the practice of transforming cliches , axioms and pop culture catchphrases into modern analogies . By replacing a few key words from the original saying , a writer can put a new context using the old formula .
The same goes for high-profiled CEOs of world recognized companies as well .
John Stuart Mill famously said that it is better to be Socrates unhappy rather than a pig happy .
Harold Wilson , another Labour Prime Minister , famously remarked that a week is a long time in politics .
We can thank Shakespeare for committing the phrase " Carry your heart on your sleeve " - or being transparent - to paper . Iago famously says it in " Othello . "
Winston Churchill famously said that the United States invariably does the right thing , after having exhausted every other alternative .
Reworking Henry Ford 's famous words , governments must stipulate to manufacturers and consumers : You can make and buy cars in any colour you like .
Few males want to look , in Arnold Schwarzenegger 's undying phrase , like " girly men . "
Corruption thus offers yet another confirmation of the dictum attributed to Thomas Jefferson that " the government is best which governs least . "
It was Vivienne Westwood who said buy less but buy well .
However , Yoda 's most memorable quote is one of the last he gives to the young Luke Skywalker .
As former Arsenal and England captain Tony Adams famously said , " Play for the name on the front of the shirt , and they 'll remember the name on the back . "
Building on Franklin 's wisdom ( he also once quipped ," Guests , like fish , begin to smell after three days "), here are10 tips to keep your UNIX systems humming .
The late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs famously said , " A lot of times , people don 't know what they want until you show it to them . " The problem is that entrepreneurs have taken that to heart .
The founder , Henry Ford , was cavalier about his customers , famously declaring : Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black .
They often quote the phrase " premature optimization is the root of all evil " popularized by Donald Knuth [ 6 ] .
Life without love is like a tree without blossom and fruit , wrote Khalil Gibran .
The famous saying ( famous among central bankers , anyway ) of the Cambridge economist John Maynard Keynes was his hope that economics would one day become as humble and routine as dentistry .
If , to mangle LP Hartley 's quote , the future is a foreign country - they do things differently there , then maybe future generations are our best guide .