
tóng shì
  • colleague;co-worker;associate;fellow;workmate;work together;fellow worker;mate;comrade;work alongside;work in the same place;offsider;stablemate
同事 [tóng shì]
  • [work alongside;work in the same place;work together] 相与共事;执掌同一事物

  • 同事者曰。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

  • 过去我们同事多年

  • [colleague;fellow worker] 共事的人。后指在同一单位工作的人

  • 老同事

同事[tóng shì]
  1. 俺一同事在美国某机场,她和另外一位看见前面走着一位白人老奶奶,巨肥硕那种的。

    I work in the same place be in American some airport , she mixes additionally one see in front walking along old grandma of a white man , gigantic big and fleshy the sort of .

  2. 我们之前是同事来着

    We used to work together .

  3. 他的几位同事对他的下台起了作用。

    Several of his colleagues had a hand in his downfall .

  4. 他直言不讳的行为不受他同事的欢迎。

    His outspoken behaviour did not commend itself to his colleagues .

  5. 吉姆被同事们称为“不寻常”的人。

    Jim was described by his colleagues as ' unusual ' .

  6. 她觉得无论同事还是上司都不赏识她。

    She felt unappreciated both by her colleagues and her seniors .

  7. 这使他和他的同事陷于困境。

    This put him and his colleagues in a difficult position .

  8. 她的同事认为她的敬业精神是无可挑剔的。

    Her colleagues could not fault her dedication to the job .

  9. 20多年来我们既是朋友又是同事。

    We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years .

  10. 他被指控剽窃同事的成果。

    He was accused of plagiarizing his colleague 's results .

  11. 她的行动激起了两三个同事对她的怨恨。

    Her action earned her the enmity of two or three colleagues .

  12. 同事认为他办事可靠。

    Colleagues regard him as a safe pair of hands .

  13. 她把这种病毒传染给了所有的同事。

    She 'd given the bug to all her colleagues .

  14. 她很看重同事间的信任。

    She puts a high valuation on trust between colleagues .

  15. 她晋升的消息一传开,同事都为她高兴。

    The news of her promotion went over well with her colleagues .

  16. 这件事是同事之间闲谈时听来的

    It was a story they 'd shared around the water cooler .

  17. 我邀请了一些同事,并不是所有的。

    I invited some of my colleagues but not all .

  18. 她深受同事的敬重。

    She is held in high esteem by her colleagues .

  19. 她因为将这件事透露给新闻媒体而受到同事的指责。

    She was reproached by colleagues for leaking the story to the press .

  20. 她的辞职令同事们摸不着头脑。

    Her resignation put her colleagues in a spin .

  21. 他的同事认为他很可能是未来的负责人。

    His colleagues see him as a future director .

  22. 他自己犯了错误,却试图把责任推给同事。

    He tried to shift the blame for his mistakes onto his colleagues .

  23. 他在同事中逢人便试探地大讲他的想法。

    He bounced ideas off colleagues everywhere he went .

  24. 他因拒绝支持罢工而受到同事的排斥。

    He was ostracized by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike .

  25. 我不想当着她同事们的面令她难堪。

    I didn 't want to humiliate her in front of her colleagues .

  26. 他给同事们上意大利语课。

    He gives Italian lessons to his colleagues .

  27. 与此同时,他的同事在加紧谋划挤走他。

    His colleagues , meanwhile , were busily scheming to get rid of him .

  28. 在他退休之际,同事们赠给他一套高尔夫球杆。

    On his retirement , colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs .

  29. 我在同事中很快做了一个民意测验看有多少人赞同。

    I took a quick straw poll among my colleagues to see how many agreed .

  30. 她是一位深受同事喜爱的有才华的教师。

    She was a talented teacher who endeared herself to all who worked with her .