
  1. 与谷歌合作运行在线词典服务的软件公司金山软件(Kingsoft)表示,尚未考虑双方现有合同在10月份到期后该怎么办。

    Kingsoft , a software company which runs an online dictionary with Google , said it had not thought about what to do after their contract expires in October .

  2. 团队可以计划项目并合作的在线社区的数量已经迅速增长了。

    The number of online communities where teams can initiate projects and collaborate has exploded .

  3. 我们也跟动画、电影合作,在线游戏的计划也在进行。

    We are also cooperating in animations and movies , and the project on online gaming is also proceeding .

  4. 这个是由,张海英重工业,制作的,这是一个美国人和,一个韩国女人一起合作的在线数字艺术的组合。

    This is Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries , which is a collaboration of an American man and a Korean woman who create online digital artworks .

  5. 要购买此产品,请联系IBM销售代表、获得授权的IBM业务合作伙伴或在线购买。

    To purchase the product , contact your IBM Sales Representative , authorized IBM Business Partner , or purchase online .

  6. 电子艺界希望与neowiz合作推出更多在线游戏,同时希望将这种模式带到欧洲。

    EA is looking to launch other online games with neowiz and hopes to bring the model to Europe .

  7. 利用品牌效应,加强与互联网合作,开发在线音乐盈利模式。

    Take advantage of brand effect to cooperate with the internet and develop online music business model .

  8. 提醒一下,你们染厂的名称和具体国别必须告知你们的合作公司并在线公布,信息必须准确无误。

    Also a reminder , the name and country of your dyehouse is absolutely required by Target corporation and is specified in Partners on line .

  9. 但它在加纳和尼日利亚也很活跃,后者是非洲人口最多的国家,微信在该国有一个三人小组,与当地初创企业展开合作,如在线招聘服务Jobberman和在线时尚购物服务Traclist。

    But it is also active in Ghana and Nigeria , the continent 's most populous nation , where it has a team of three and is working with Nigerian start-ups such as Jobberman , an online employment service , and Traclist , an online fashion shopping service .

  10. 如果您还不是以上产品的客户,那么需要购买该产品或获取试用许可证,请联系IBM销售代表和获得授权的IBM业务合作伙伴,或在线购买(见参考资料)。

    If you are not a current customer , to purchase the product or obtain a trial license , contact your IBM sales representative , authorized IBM Business Partner , or purchase online ( see Resources ) .

  11. JudithMurray是AltiusEducation的校园执行院长,托莱多长青藤桥大学(美国蒂芬大学和Altius合作的两年制在线副学位课程)校长的特别助理,他表示该机构使用数据分析大概有一年的时间。

    Judith Murray , campus executive officer at Altius Education and special assistant to the president at Toledo-based Ivy Bridge College , a 2-year , online associate degree program developed by Tiffin University and Altius , said the institution has been using data analytics for about a year .

  12. 丹麦玩具制造商乐高将与中国互联网巨头腾讯控股集团展开合作,共同开发在线游戏以及针对中国儿童的社交网络。

    Danish toymaker Lego is teaming up with Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd to jointly develop online games and potentially a social network aimed at Chinese children .

  13. 在欧洲,数个独立的在线学习平台已经于本年开始运作了。一个公开的大学财团组织已经开始相互合作、经营众多在线学习平台的联合数据库。

    Several distinct platforms have started operating in Europe this year , while a consortium of open universities has come together to provide a database of their MOOCs .

  14. 电子商务其本质是企业利用电子方式在客户、供应商和合作伙伴之间实现在线交易,相互协作和价值交换。

    The essence of electronic commerce ( E-commerce ) is that the enterprise realize online business 、 cooperation trade and exchange of value among client 、 provider and collaborator by electron model .