
A gun is a deadly weapon .
Ned Land was content to sharpen his harpoon , a dreadful weapon in his hands .
Ryan Anderson is roadkill in the wrong playoff matchup , but he 's a dangerous regular-season weapon .
Soon they began to understand the message of the sunflowers so they decided to destroy all of their terrible weapons and to put an end to the greed and to the fear of war .
A supervisory special agent in the bureau 's biological countermeasures unit , Mr You warns that the US is not protecting the genomic data used to create lucrative new medicines - but which can also be used to develop fearsome bioweapons .
This is a picture of terrible new weapons .
The question before the house today is how to respond to one of the most of horrid uses of chemical weapons in a century , slaughtering innocent men , women and children in Syria .
He will provide artillery support with awesome magical weaponry that will deal huge radius damage at distance . a seagoing canoe ( as in South Pacific ) with an outrigger to prevent it from upsetting .
This petition to napoleon , kept back by villefort , had become , under the second restoration , a terrible weapon against him in the hands of the king 's attorney .