
kǒu yì
  • oral interpretation
口译 [kǒu yì]
  • [oral interpretation] 从一种语言到另一种语言的口头翻译

口译[kǒu yì]
  1. 一语(汉语)或二语(英语)笔记对一语口译的影响

    Effects of Note Taking in L1 or L2 on L1 Oral Interpretation

  2. 谈口译中的错译技巧

    Opinions on the Skills of Error Translation in Oral Interpretation

  3. 你能担任口译吗?

    Can you act as interpreter ?

  4. 我试着把她的话口译成英文。

    I tried to interpret what she said into English .

  5. 她有潜力成为一名口译工作者。

    She has the potential to become an interpreter .

  6. 论译员会议前的口译准备工作介绍了纳米SiO2的一般制备方法,对各种制法的优缺点进行了评述;

    General Setting Preparation of Conference Interpreting In this paper , general preparation methods were discussed .

  7. MonaBaker(1993)首先提出通过语料库研究翻译和口译的概念和主张。

    The idea of investigating translation and interpreting through corpora was first put forward by Mona Baker ( 1993 ) .

  8. 本文主要以Grice提出的合作原则为理论基础,以近几年来国家级译员在全国人代会主要领导人记者招待会的现场口译为实例,旨在以跨学科的视野研究交替传译中的增补策略。

    With the Cooperative Principle put forward by linguist Grice as the theoretical basis and through studying the state-level interpreters ' performances in press conference interpreting settings over the recent years , the present study aims at studying the addition strategy in consecutive interpreting from an interdisciplinary perspective .

  9. 译员的知识结构与口译课程设置

    Knowledge Requirements for Interpreters and Their Implication to Interpreting Course Designing

  10. 根据这五个参数,分析了语域理论在实际口译语言中的体现。

    Five parameters concerning register in interpretation language are drawn out .

  11. 问题7:达纳对于她所认识的口译者说了些什么?

    Question 7.What does Dana say about the interpreters she knows ?

  12. 商务谈判口译的语用等效

    The Pragmatic Equivalence Principle in the Interpretation of International Business Negotiation

  13. 交替传译的认知研究及其对口译训练的启示

    A Cognitive Approach to Consecutive Interpretation & Instructions on Interpretation Training

  14. 如何训练口译?如何成为一名口译?

    How to practise interpretation ? How to be an interpreter ?

  15. 媒体口译探悉&在中国的问题与挑战

    Some Insights into Media Interpreting : Problems and Challenges in China

  16. 论专业口译中的知识基础和信息渠道与收集

    Knowledge Base , Information Channels , and Acquisition in Professional Interpreting

  17. 口译教学法在公共英语课堂上的应用

    The Application of Interpretation Training in English Class for Non-English Majors

  18. 会议口译需要注意的几个问题会议口译探讨

    Discussions on the Issues Need to Be Considered in Conference Interpretation

  19. 阿齐兹:幸好他没有让你去口译。

    Aziz : At least he didn 't ask you to interpret .

  20. 口译中语际转换对应幅度扩大化的认知研究

    A Cognitive Study on Equivalence Extended in Scope of Interpreting

  21. 口译在中国也有很长的历史。

    Interpreting in China also boasts of a long history .

  22. 从语用角度谈商贸口译中的信息对等

    Information Equivalence : A Perspective of Pragmatics on Business Interpretation

  23. 口译工作实质上是一种直接的、面对面的跨文化交际活动。

    Interpreting is a direct , face-to-face , cross-cultural communication .

  24. 20世纪初,口译开始职业化。

    Interpreting has been professionalized since the beginning of the twentieth century .

  25. 口译是将一种语言口头翻译成另外一种语言。

    Interpreting refers to oral translation message from one language into another .

  26. 由于文化的多样性,跨文化交际障碍不可避免,而跨文化交际障碍必然会影响导游口译的效果。

    However , cultural diversities make intercultural communicative barriers inevitable in guide-interpreting .

  27. 比利时高级口译教学的启示

    A Comparative Study of Interpretation Teaching in Belgium and China

  28. 从顺应论看口译过程中译员的创造性叛逆

    Towards an Adaptation-theoretic Account of the Interpreter 's Creative Treason

  29. 我非常喜欢学校午餐的日语口译。

    I really like the Japanese interpretation of school lunches .

  30. 我得到了一份口译工作的面试机会。

    I 've got an interview for a job as an interpreter .