
  • Luminous quality;luminous mass
  1. 并且对白光LED特性进行分析,设计了恒流驱动电路,保证发光质量。

    And this paper analyzes the characteristic of white LED , designs constant-current drive circuit , so that guaranteeing the quality of light .

  2. 从提高ZnO发光质量和调整ZnO性质的角度出发,本篇论文采用等离子体辅助电子束沉积技术,制备ZnS薄膜,然后进行低温热氧化,获得了ZnO薄膜。

    Here , We fabricate polycrystalline ZnS thin films by plasma-assisted e-beam evaporation and then anneal them at low temperatures , so as to obtain ZnO and ZnO : S thin films .

  3. 实验证明,这两种应力调制结构对改善发光质量具有显著作用。

    The experimental results show that the two strain modulation structures are useful to improve the luminous quality .

  4. 发光陶瓷釉面质量和发光性能烧成工艺方面的影响因素有:烧成温度和烧成周期。

    Five , the surface quality and luminescent capability of luminescent ceramics have two aspect effects : buming temperature and burning period .

  5. OLED(有机电致发光显示屏)具有质量轻、厚度薄、对比度高、响应速度快和主动发光等优良特性,是未来最有发展前途的平板显示器之一。

    OLED ( Organic Light Emitting Display ) is one of the most prospective panel display in the future because it has many advantages , such as light quality , thin thickness , high contrast , fast response and actively light emitting .

  6. 发光二极管外延片质量控制的新方法

    New Method of Quality Controlling of LED Epi - Wafers

  7. 发光分析与中药质量控制

    Quality control of traditional Chinese medicine with luminescence analysis

  8. 素烧坯的成分、素烧程度对坯、釉的适应性有影响并进而影响到发光釉的釉面质量和发光性能。

    The elements and burning degree affect adjustability between brick and glaze and at the same time to affect glaze surface quality and luminescent capability .

  9. 把计算出的质量和星系团中发光星系的总质量相比较,就能确定出星系团中存在多少暗物质。

    Comparing the calculated mass and the total mass of the light-emitting galaxies in the galaxy cluster would determine the amount of dark matter that exists in the galaxy cluster .

  10. 这样可大幅度提高为提高发光效率设置了反射层10的半导体发光元件100的质量和生产性。

    Therefore the quality and productivity of the semiconductor light-emitting device ( 100 ) having a reflecting layer ( 10 ) for improving the luminous efficiency can be significantly improved .

  11. 讨论了发光材料用量、烧结温度、釉料粒度、烧结工艺以及有机载体对光致发光釉发光性能和釉面质量的影响;

    Discusses the effect of phosphor concentration , sintering temperature , sintering process and organic vehicle on phosphorescence properties of photoluminescence glaze and glaze surface quality ;