
fǎn shè huì xínɡ wéi
  • Anti-social behaviour;antisocial behavior
  1. Rutter儿童行为问卷调查:问卷评分分为3级,总分的最高分为62分,凡≥13分者有行为问题,分为违纪行为或称反社会行为和神经症行为。

    Rutter children 's behavior scale , it was scored by three grades , the highest total score was 62 . When total score beyond 13 , it meant the child had behavior problem , antisocial behavior or neurotic behavior .

  2. 反社会行为的原因既复杂又多样。

    74 . The reasons for antisocial behavior are both complicated and varied .

  3. 违反反社会行为令是刑事犯罪。

    Breach of an ASBO is a criminal offence .

  4. 玩这类游戏会引发反社会行为。

    Playing these games can lead to anti-social behaviour .

  5. 从另一方面来看,有一种观点认为城市设计已不再停留在使用金属钢钉等简单粗暴的形式,而且这些精巧微妙的设计元素在阻止犯罪行为或反社会行为方面很有价值。

    On the other hand , there 's also the view that urban design has moved on from crude deterrents12 like metal spikes13 , and that more subtle design elements can be valuable in discouraging criminal or anti-social behavior .

  6. 这项由ITV网站开展的民调发现,三分之一的人认为行为不端是导致英国很多反社会行为的重要因素。

    A third believe bad manners are the catalyst for much of the anti-social behaviour in Britain , the ITV poll found .

  7. 反对党和儿童慈善团体呼吁重新考虑警方和法庭对青年犯罪的处理方式。面对这些呼声,英国内政部(HomeOffice)部长托尼•麦克纳尔蒂(TonyMcNulty)昨日为反社会行为指令进行了辩护。

    Tony McNulty , a Home Office minister , yesterday defended the use of Asbos in the face of calls from opposition parties and children 's charities to rethink the way police and courts tackle youth crime .

  8. 这种有损于英国青年形象的描述,对英国首相托尼•布莱尔(TonyBlair)的政府来说可不是好消息,这届政府在未成年人怀孕、酗酒和反社会行为等有争议的政策上伤透了脑筋。

    The damaging portrayal of British youth makes unwelcome reading for the government of Tony Blair , prime minister , as it grapples with contentious policies on teenage pregnancy , binge drinking and antisocial behaviour .

  9. Canuck的反社会行为甚至沦落到篡改犯罪现场的程度。

    Canuck 's anti-social behaviour has even stooped to crime-scene tampering .

  10. 相关数据显示,从2009年开始,纽基(Newquay)康沃尔镇的反社会行为和犯罪活动就开始减少。

    Figures show anti-social behaviour and criminal activity in the Cornish town of Newquay has fallen since 2009 .

  11. 看看这些经常伴随A.D.H.D.出现的问题吧:品行障碍、反社会行为、物质使用障碍,他说,其中唯一容易治疗的就是A.D.H.D.。

    If you look at the groups of problems that tend to go with A.D.H.D & conduct disorders , antisocial behaviors , substance use , he said , only one of these is easily treatable .

  12. 警察称,一个海边小镇禁穿波拉特风格(Borat-style)的男士比基尼泳衣后,犯罪及醉酒等反社会行为减少,摆脱了“狂野西部”、婚前单身派对天堂的形象。

    The decision to ban Borat-style mankinis has helped a seaside town shed its ' Wild West ' image as a haven for stag and hen parties after cutting crime and drunken anti-social behaviour , police say 。

  13. 警察称,一个海边小镇禁穿波拉特风格(Borat-style)的男士比基尼泳衣后,犯罪及醉酒等反社会行为减少,摆脱了狂野西部、婚前单身派对天堂的形象。

    The decision to ban Borat-style mankinis has helped a seaside town shed its ' Wild West ' image as a haven for stag and hen parties after cutting crime and drunken anti-social behaviour , police say .

  14. 他的反社会行为反映出其未适应社会及缺乏良好的教养。

    His anti-social behaviour is a sign of maladjustment and inadequate parenting .

  15. 大多数反社会行为好像几乎都毫无例外地是男性所为。

    Most forms of anti-so-cial behaviour appear to be almost exclusively male .

  16. 当地报纸充斥着对破坏风景区的反社会行为的抱怨。

    Local newspapers are filled with complaints about anti-social behaviour spoiling beauty spots .

  17. 没有犯罪或反社会行为,每个人都尊重权威。

    There was no crime or antisocial behaviour , and everyone respected authority .

  18. 反社会行为会造成连锁反应。

    Antisocial behaviours can cause ripple effects .

  19. 本文将研究体罚和反社会行为之间的因果关系。

    This essay aims to deal with the causal relationship between corporal punishment and antisocial behaviour .

  20. 反社会行为的经济学思考

    Economics Analysis for Antisocial Action

  21. 如果小孩出现一些极端的反社会行为,不妨换位思考,问问自己为什么。

    When a little child performs some particularly antisocial act , stand back and ask yourself why .

  22. 教育以及家庭的关爱可以帮助降低可能的反社会行为。

    Education and family affection are highly necessary in order to crack down the possible anti-social offences .

  23. 与这里其他的评论者一样,我也觉得作者所说的,为生存而酗酒是反社会行为。

    Although like another commenter , I agree that you 're wrong about anti-social behaviour whilst under the influence .

  24. 她说,欺凌与抑郁,焦虑和反社会行为有关,欺凌者也是自身行为的受害者。

    She says bullying is connected to depression , anxiety and anti-social behavior , and bullies are often victims themselves .

  25. 总之,明显像任何一种反社会行为的例子。

    Plunging the world into recession is , after all , as clear an example as any of anti-social behaviour .

  26. 关于反社会行为的报道从2009~2010年的937例下降到2012~2013年的485例。

    Reports of anti-social behaviour dropped every year from 937 in 2009 / 10 to 485 in 2012 / 13 .

  27. 当车子是干衣机外部件或是星巴克的一部分,那车子就浪费了,而这也是反社会行为。

    It 's an anti-social act , as is idling your car when it 's part outside the dry cleaners or Starbucks .

  28. 学步的孩子会自动的帮助有困难的人,甚至六个月大婴孩喜欢看亲社会行为,相反他们对反社会行为嗤之以鼻。

    Toddlers aid people in need without prompting , and even six-month old infants prefer watching prosocial , as opposed to antisocial behavior .

  29. “我们活动的箭头直指利物浦周边重点地区反社会行为,”利物浦社团官员说道。

    " Our programme targets anti-social behaviour in the hot-spot areas in and around Liverpool ," said the LFC in the community officer .

  30. 但该疾病的患者往往并发有其他问题,例如药物滥用、反社会行为等,这些都会增加他们的早逝几率。

    But those with the disorder often had companion problems drug abuse , for example , or antisocial behavior that increased those odds .