
fǎn xuān chuán
  • Anti propaganda;counterpropaganda;slander campaign
反宣传[fǎn xuān chuán]
  1. 科索沃危机中,因特网被用来进行反宣传。

    In Kosovo crisis , the Internet was used to carry out anti-propaganda .

  2. 新思想战争与战略反宣传

    New-thought War and Strategic Anti - Propaganda

  3. 新思想战争是背景,而战略反宣传则是本论文的中心思想。

    New thought war is the background , and Strategic Anti-Propaganda is the center thesis of the dissertation .

  4. 我多年来都在进行反战宣传。

    For many years I have preached against war .

  5. 以下是一些令人印象深刻的十分具有说服力的反吸烟宣传招贴。

    Memorable anti-smoking campaigns that will inspire you to quit smoking .

  6. 但他们事先计划投放100000反平壤宣传单。

    However they went ahead with plans to send 100,000 anti-Pyongyang leaflets .

  7. 一直有许多反战宣传。

    There has been a lot of anti-war propaganda .

  8. 1946年上海学生反内战宣传史料选。

    Records on Shanghai students carrying on the propaganda against civil war in1946 .

  9. 意大利政府在全世界大搞反英宣传。

    Propaganda against this country by theltalian government is rife throughout the world .

  10. 抗战时期《新华日报》反法西斯宣传研究

    Research on Propaganda of Anti-Fascism in the Anti-Japanese Period

  11. ⑨加强反恐怖宣传和新闻控制。

    Reinforcing to propagate the ideas on fighting with terrorism and control news media .

  12. 反英宣传触犯了众怒。

    The anti-British propaganda gave much offence .

  13. 迪恩·迪昂·蒂尼先生因制造反政府宣传于2012年8月9日被判处6年的监禁。

    Mr. Dinh Dang Dinh was sentenced on August 9 , 2012 , to six years of imprisonment for producing anti-government propaganda .

  14. 华盛顿和莫斯科另一个争论的焦点是俄罗斯反同性恋宣传法,该法律对举行同性恋集会的人进行罚款。

    Another point of contention between Washington and Moscow , Russia 's anti-gay propaganda law which fines anyone holding gay pride rallies .

  15. 利文斯顿利用这次人身攻击的机会,向公众传递了一条关于恃强凌弱的信息,提醒人们十月是全国反欺凌宣传月。

    Livingston used the personal attack to send a public message about bullying , noting that October is National Anti-Bullying Awareness Month .

  16. 利文斯顿利用这次人身攻击的机会,向公众传递了一条关于恃强凌弱的信息,提醒人们十月是“全国反欺凌宣传月”。

    Livingston used the personal attack to send a public message about bullying , noting that October is National Anti-Bullying Awareness Month 。

  17. 那时,西方花费数百万用于反苏宣传,美国资助着报纸和广播,如自由欧洲电台等。

    At the time the West was spending millions spreading anti-Soviet propaganda , and America was bankrolling newspapers and broadcasters like Radio Free Europe .

  18. 这最多不过相当于英国警察制止骚乱者的程度而已,而且我对英国媒体把我们的小伙子们描述成野蛮人以及其所作的反英国宣传感到非常的恶心。

    An inquiry into the conduct of the police was not ordered , so why make such a thing about our lads doing a very unpleasant job .

  19. 38.9%的人回答曾经接触过反吸烟宣传,印象最深的宣传形式为电视和广告。

    Only 38.9 % of the respondents reported having ever been exposed to anti-smoking propaganda , according to whose opinions television and advertisement were the two most impressive methods of propagandizing .

  20. 最后,通过对《新华日报》反法西斯宣传的纵向、横向的研究与梳理,总结了《新华日报》反法西斯宣传的特点及历史贡献。

    Finally , based on the synthesized research on the Xinhua daily make propaganda for anti-fascism , it summarizes the characteristics and the historical contributions for Xinhua daily in propagandizing for anti-fascism .

  21. 安德烈在战争初期是一名恶毒的反犹太宣传者——在他一生的大部分时间里,这段历史被隐藏在他战争最后阶段的英勇抵抗事迹的粉饰记录里。

    He had been a virulently anti-Semitic propagandist early in the war - a role hidden most of his life behind the sanitizing record of his Resistance exploits in the final stages of the war .

  22. 最近,似乎又是它促使非洲联盟(africanunion)开始抓捕乌干达军阀约瑟夫科尼(josephkony),在此之前,一段反科尼的宣传影片通过社交媒体传播,总点击量超过一亿次。

    Now it has supposedly prompted the African Union to hunt for the Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony , after an anti-kony propaganda film spread through social media and was watched more than 100 million times .

  23. 然而,美国政府和舆论界一反战时的宣传腔调,转而呼吁女性回家。

    In sharp contrast to the tone during the war , the American government and its propaganda called for women to return home .

  24. 广播电台、电视台、报刊媒体以及互联网信息服务提供者应当开展反兴奋剂的宣传。

    The broadcasting stations , TV stations , the press and media , and the internet information service providers shall carry out anti-dope publicity .

  25. 参加这场纪念丽贝卡·西德维克45分钟追悼会的人们都身着霓虹绿色T恤,手拿反欺凌的宣传标语。

    A number of those who turned out for a 45-minute memorial service for Rebecca Sedwick were wearing neon green T-shirts with anti-bullying slogans .

  26. 法院发言人星期四对朝鲜中央通讯社说,裴埈皓去年11月在罗先市被捕,当时他随身携带反平壤的宣传品。

    A court spokesman told the North 's official Korean Central News Agency on Thursday that Kenneth Bae was arrested in the city of Rason in November while in the possession of anti-Pyongyang literature .

  27. 这一次,约翰逊重返韩国,为反兴奋剂运动做宣传。

    Johnson was back in South Korea as part of his anti-doping advocacy campaign .

  28. 答:关于反苏战争的宣传,包括两个方面。

    Mao : there are two aspects to the propaganda about an anti-Soviet war .

  29. 全球反贩卖人口电视宣传运动;

    Global television campaign on human trafficking ;

  30. 不同寻常的是,哈佛商学院一反其在品牌宣传方面的极度保守作风,在两个有中国教育机构参与的管理人员培训课程中,打上了哈佛品牌。

    Unusually , given the school 's ultra-conservative approach to branding , Harvard is co-branding two China-related executives education programmes .