
fǎn chōng
  • recoil;backlash;kickback;backswing
反冲 [fǎn chōng]
  • (1) [backlash]∶突然的、通常是剧烈的反向运动或回弹

  • (2) [kickback]∶内燃机在被曲柄开动时的后坐;工作件在推入机器(如圆锯)时所产生的后坐

  • (3) [recoil]∶开枪后的后坐

反冲[fǎn chōng]
  1. 警察再次开火,紧抵着反冲机构,不断向袭击他的人射击。

    The policeman fires again , tensed against the recoil , unleashing round after round at his assailant

  2. 前向反冲分析适用于材料中H和He同位素分析。

    Elastic recoil detection is useful for the analysis of isotopes of H and He in materials .

  3. 发动摩托车时要注意,有时会出现反冲现象。

    Be careful when you start the motor , it sometimes kicks back .

  4. 那支枪发射时向我肩部反冲。

    The gun kicked my shoulder .

  5. 发动机突然反冲。

    The engine kicked back .

  6. 用C离子的弹性反冲法测固体中氢分布

    H depth profiling in solid by ERD with C ions

  7. x射线辐照圆柱壳体产生的汽化反冲

    Blowoff impulse on the cylindrical shell caused by X-ray energy flux

  8. 脉冲X射线辐照材料引起的汽化反冲冲量

    The blowoff impulse on material due to pulsed X ray radiation

  9. 具有磁分裂样品的无反冲分数fa的测定

    Determination of the recoilless fraction of magnetic splitting material

  10. 单倍剂量增强MR主动脉造影另一个态为新态,并且原子动量增量为两倍单光子反冲动量。

    Single-dose contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance aortography Nevertheless , the probability of the atom in the two states is the same .

  11. F离子弹性反冲法分析固体中H的深度分布

    Determination of hydrogen depth profile in solids by detection of recoiled proton with MeV F ions

  12. 在本文所计算的衰变过程中,末态介子的质量远小于初态介子的质量,衰变过程中的反冲动量很大,而且末态P波介子处在轨道激发态,相对论效应显著。

    So the momentum recoil can be great . And the P-wave meson is in the orbital excited state , the relative effects is notable .

  13. 金云母中Alpha反冲径迹的蚀刻和退火行为

    Etching and Annealing Behaviors of Alpha Recoil Tracks in Phlogopite

  14. 20&46MeV/u~(12)C离子和Cu相互作用中靶余核的反冲性质研究

    Study of Recoil Properties of Target Residues From the Interaction of Copper With 20 ─ 46MeV / u  ̄( 12 ) C Ions

  15. 基于CAE技术的具有回转轴线容器件吹塑成型时的数值分析反吹层析,反冲层析

    Numerical Analysis of blowing mold for the revolving axis container based on CAE simulation

  16. 分析比较了计算X射线辐照固体材料引起汽化反冲冲量的几种计算公式。

    A number of models that predict the blowoff impulse generated in solid target by pulsed X ray radiation are analysed and compared .

  17. 在测量快中子(n,p)反应的实验中,同样利用屏栅电离室测得聚乙烯薄膜反冲质子的能谱,并利用蒙特-卡罗方法对其进行校正,从而得到中子的绝对注量率。

    Using gridded ionization chamber , energy spectrum of recoil proton was obtained in the measurement of ( n , p ) reaction , and corrected using Monte Carlo method .

  18. As通过SiO2在硅中反冲氧的计算及其对剩余缺陷的影响

    The calculation of recoil oxygen by As implanted through SiO_2 and the effects of residual defects

  19. ~(201)Pb经电子俘获衰变的反冲子体~(201)Tl氧化态的研究

    Study of the oxidation state of recoiled ~ ( 201 ) tl after the EC decay of ~ ( 201 ) pb

  20. 无机膜集成反应器错流微滤CaCO3反冲技术的研究

    Study of backflushing for separating CaCO_3 particles in the coupling reactor by cross-flow microfiltration

  21. 通过对X射线辐照后材料运动过程的数值模拟和分析,提出了一种计算汽化反冲冲量的数值计算公式。

    By calculating and analysing the process of material radiated by pulsed X ray a numerical model that calculates the blowoff impulse generated in solid material by pulsed X ray radiation is given .

  22. 本文研究了当As~+通过SiO2注入Si时,反冲注入高密度的氧在退火期间所引起的位锚网,以及位错网对As增强扩散的影响。

    High-density residual defects induced by rapid thermal annealing during As + implantation into Si through SiO2 and the influences of defects on As enhanced diffusion are studied .

  23. 本文详尽描述了用穆斯堡尔无反冲因子(f)法测定晶体的德拜特征温度(θD)的原理和方法,并讨论了该方法的实验误差及原理的不完善性。

    The principle and procedure of determining Debye characterstic temperature (θ D ) by MOssbauer recoil-free factor are described in detail . The experimental error and the imperfection of the principle are discussed .

  24. ~(119m)Sn穆斯堡尔谱的无反冲分数表征铂-锡/氧化铝催化剂

    Characterization of Pt-Sn / al_2o_3 catalysts by recoil free factor of tin Mossbauer spectroscopy

  25. CR-39塑料反冲径迹个人中子剂量计

    A personnel neutron dosimeter using CR-39 plastic recoil tracks

  26. 矿物中U、Th及其子核进行α衰变释放出α粒子时,剩余重核受到反冲而产生辐射损伤。

    When U , Th and their daughter nuclei emit α particles after α decays , heavy residual nuclei are recoiled , leaving behind a trail of radiation damage in the mineral .

  27. 采用Ziegler的拟合公式精确计算质子、α粒子、氘核、反冲核等带电离子的能量沉积。

    Ziegler empirical formula is adopted to calculate the energy deposition of the charged particles .

  28. 通过探测这种裂变碎片,COSY已经用反冲阴影法做了一些重超核的寿命测量(间接测量)。

    Through detecting the fission fragments , some measurements ( indirect ) in recoil shadow method had been performed by COSY .

  29. 研究了CsI(Tl)晶体探测器中反冲核信号与电子信号的甄别能力。

    The capability of Pulse Shape Discrimination ( PSD ) for recoiled nuclei and electrons with CsI ( Tl ) crystal has been studied in this article .

  30. 采用气水联合反冲洗,气冲时反冲气强度1O~12L/s·m~2;

    The backwashing way is gas combined with water .