
fǎn lì
  • Counterexample;counter-example
反例[fǎn lì]
  1. Dirac猜想的一个反例

    A counter-example to a conjecture of Dirac

  2. 本文证明了当k≥11时,对每个A∈∧(2k-2,k)有b(A)≥4.还得到了该猜想的另一个反例。

    In this paper , we prove that b ( A ) ≥ 4 for every A ∈ A ( 2k - 2 , k ) if k ≥ 11 , and find another counter-example to this conjecture .

  3. 关于SAT问题物理模型猜想的一个反例

    A Counterexample of a Physical Model Hypothesis for SAT Problem

  4. B(1~1→1~∞)中几乎等距算子用等距算子逼近问题的一个反例

    A Counterexample of Approximating an Almost Isometric Operator by an Isometric Operator in B ( 1 ~ 1 → 1 ~ ∞) Space

  5. 而基于SAT的有界模型检验方法虽然能较快地发现反例,但它不支持包含数学公式的系统规范,因而难以用于验证运算电路。

    SAT-based bounded model checking is powerful in bug finding , but it does not support specification with mathematic formula .

  6. Cauchy分布及其作为反例在概率中的应用

    Discussion on Cauchy distribution and its application in probability as negative example

  7. 作为一个反例,Brown提到一个项目,其中使用了三种持久化解决方案:Spring、EJB和Hibernate。

    As a counterexample , Brown mentions a project using three persistence solutions : Spring , EJB and Hibernate .

  8. 基于Copula的一个概率论反例的构造

    Construction of a Counterexample in Probability Theory Based on Copula

  9. 一个反例是巴西,该国1978年即已达到中国现有人均GDP水平,但在其后的二十几年间一直处于停滞状态。

    A contrast is Brazil . It reached China 's current per-capita GDP in 1978 but then stagnated for more than 20 years .

  10. 这对Dirac猜想的提出产生了疑问,给出的反例表明Dirac猜想无效就很自然了。

    Thus the invalidity of Dirac 's conjecture in the counterexamples is natural .

  11. OL归结的反例及改进的MOL归结

    A counterexample of OL resolution and modified mol resolution

  12. 高阶微商系统Dirac猜想的一个反例

    A counterexample of Dirac 's conjecture for a system with a higher-order singular Lagrangian

  13. BCHMP[1]构造了一个反例指出:基于g-期望的Jensen不等式不能一般成立。

    B CHMP [ 1 ] constructed a counterexample which points that Jensen 's Inequality for g-expectation is not correct by all means .

  14. 给出了AHP中弱保序条件的一个反例,并给出了部分弱保序条件,对强保序条件作了改进。

    In this paper , we present a counte example and some new conditions on weak isotonicity , and improve the condition of strong isotonicity .

  15. Cantor函数的分析性质及其用于反例

    On the Analytic Property and Application in Reduction and Absurdum of the Function Cantor

  16. 然后,本文给出算法Z的两个反例,并对算法ZZ的正确性加以证明。

    Two contradictory cases of algorithm Z are given and the correctness of algorithm ZZ is shown in this paper .

  17. 利用正反例样本对支持向量机(SVM)抽取器进行训练,以此来判断候选命名实体对的关系类型。

    Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) classifier was trained by the positive and negative cases and used to judge the relation of the potential named entity pairs .

  18. 发现反例的经济学家和心理学家队伍日益壮大,艾伦克鲁格(alankrueger)就是其中之一。

    Alan Krueger is one of a growing army of economists and psychologists that has been discovering counterexamples .

  19. Michi在给出自己对API设计的建议之前,先举了一个反例为证。

    Before giving his advice on API design , Michi starts out by looking at an anti-example .

  20. 将得到的反例在Web服务上做投影操作,进行反例确认,对产生伪反例的Web服务抽象模型进行精化,生成新的组合抽象模型,再次对性质进行验证。

    The counterexample will be confirmed by doing projection operation in the Web services . Then refine the abstract model of Web service which causes spurious counterexample , and generate a new combination of the abstract models to verify the properties again .

  21. 利用反例指出目前基于区别矩阵计算决策表核属性方法的局限性,并指出根本原因是:U/ind(C)中的等价类的AC不相容性。

    With counterexamples the paper points out errors in present methods based on discernibility matrix for calculating the core of a decision table and points out that the key reason of errors is inconsistency of equivalent classes in .

  22. 限界模型检测(BMC)采用由局部到全局渐进式检测,能快速寻找到反例。

    Bounded model checking ( BMC ) uses the progressive detection from local to global , which can find counterexamples rapidly .

  23. 对每个检索结果,让用户标定正确结果和错误结果,并用标定的结果形成正例集合和反例集合,训练SVM分类器作为模型,并根据学习所得模型进行检索。

    Users can label the right results and wrong results after one query . Right set and wrong set are formed by these labeled results , which are used for constructing SVM classifier model .

  24. 给出一个反例,回答了Bell和Mason的问题:在拟环中,素理想和强素理想是不同的概念。

    A counter example to illuminate the difference between prime ideal and strongly prime ideal in near-rings is given , this result answers the question advanced by Bell and Mason .

  25. 由此给出反例说明,不能用Liapunov函数方法证明退化系统的渐近稳定性。

    This leads us to a counterexample which shows that the Liapunov function technique for proving asymptotic stability fails in the case of degenerate parabolic equations .

  26. 反例是包含,前提和结论的否定,所以星期五Marianne穿牛仔裤。

    And the counterexample set is the set consisting of the premises plus the negation of the conclusion , so it 's Friday Marianne is wearing jeans .

  27. 利用新的方法证明文献[1,2]中的AbelDini定理,并用反例验证该定理对任意项级数是不成立的。

    In this paper , we use the new method to prove the Abel-Dini theorem , and the theorem is inconsistent to option infinite series .

  28. 通过一个反例,说明了欧氏空间中关于微分方程解的存在性的Peano定理,对Banach空间中微分方程是不成立的。

    For a counter example , the paper proves the Peano theorem of existence about solution for differential equation in Euclidean space , differential equation is false to Banach space .

  29. 论文通过一个反例证明了弱CS模的直和项不一定是弱CS模.但满足条件C3的弱CS模对其直和项具有遗传性。

    It proves that the direct summand of a weak CS-module is not a weak CS-module by using a counter example , and that the weak CS-module satisfying the C_3-condition is of the hereditary property for its direct summand .

  30. Lemke-Howson方法的一个反例

    An Anti-example of The Lemke-Howson Method