
  • 网络Double surplus;double favorable balance;twin surpluses
  1. 内容提要中国国际收支的双顺差推动了经济增长,但也造成了物价上涨、贸易摩擦和国民福利损失。

    The twin surpluses in China 's international payments has promoted Chinese economic growth , but also has caused the rise of price , trade friction and lose of national welfare .

  2. 第四章是分析我国双顺差的可维持性。

    Fourth chapter analyzes that the double favorable balance may maintain .

  3. 特别是在我国2001年加入WTO后,由于经常项目和资本项目的双顺差,更加速了我国外汇储备规模的扩大。

    Especially our access to WTO in 2001 sped up the enlargement of the size of foreign exchange reserves due to the favorable balance in both current account and capital account .

  4. 实证结果表明,双顺差是我国GDP增长的重要因素,对我国经济发展起着至关重要的作用。

    It shows China 's double surplus is core factor affecting the growth of GDP , at the same time , it plays a vital role in the Chinese economic development .

  5. 尤其是2001年我国加入WTO之后,我国连续维持着高额的经常项目和资本项目双顺差,使我国的外汇储备以每年40%左右的速度大幅增长。

    Especially after we entered into WTO in 2001 , China keep enjoying surplus balance of both current account and capital account , which led to a 40 % annual growth rate of foreign exchange reserves .

  6. 双顺差对中国经济的影响及对策研究

    Research of Double Surplus 's Effects of Economy of China

  7. 论经济转型期中国汇率改革作用的局限性&客观、冷静地对待国际收支双顺差

    The Limited Effect of Exchange Rate Reform in the Transitional Economy China

  8. 双顺差下的中国贸易条件分析

    Analysis on Chinese Trade Conditions under the Double Favorable Balance

  9. 首先,本文试图研究双顺差的政策原因。

    Firstly , it tries to analyze the policy reason of double surplus .

  10. 中国:双顺差与新兴债权国

    China : Double Surplus and New Creditor Nation

  11. 国际收支双顺差下的经济政策选择与调整

    On the Double Surplus of Balance of Payments : Economic Policy Choice and Adjustment

  12. 中国国际收支双顺差现象研究:对中国外汇储备突破万亿美元的理论思考

    Twin Surplus in China : Reflections on China 's One Trillion Dollar Foreign Exchange Reserves

  13. 第一节给出了双顺差可维持模型。

    First section gave the model of double favorable balance to be possible to maintain .

  14. 那么如何从贸易和对外资的利用角度来分析双顺差。

    So how to trade and the utilization of foreign capital in terms of double surplus .

  15. 第三节在界定双顺差概念的基础上述评了相关理论。

    Third section was limiting the double favorable balance and in the concept foundation commenting correlation theories .

  16. 国际收支双顺差对我国经济的影响及对策研究

    The Influence of Balance of Payments " Double Surplus " to Our Country 's Economics and Relevant Counter-measures

  17. 追其原因,双顺差是外汇储备主要来源。

    The pursuit of its cause , the " double surplus " is the main source of foreign exchange reserve .

  18. 与此同时,伴随着持续的双顺差和外汇储备的快速增长,人民币的升值压力也越来越大,宏观经济内外失衡严重。

    Meanwhile , with the huge surplus and foreign exchange reserves , the revaluation pressure is also growing with serious macroeconomic imbalances .

  19. 除个别年份外,我国一直保持着经常项目和资本和金融项目的双顺差。

    Except for a few years , our country has maintained the double surplus of the current account , capital and financial account .

  20. 在中国,随着刘易斯拐点的显现,国际收支双顺差的格局也会趋于收敛。

    In China , with the appearance of " Lewis turning point ", the double surpluses in balance of payments should converge gradually .

  21. 近年来,我国国际收支持续顺差,国家外汇储备快速增长,出现双顺差甚至三顺差的局面。

    In the recent years , the balance of payment is two surpluses because of the increase of the reserve of the foreign exchange .

  22. 在目前情况下,我国的双顺差对我国和世界其他国家的经济发展都是有利的。

    China 's double surplus for the economic development of China and other countries in the world will be beneficial under the present situation .

  23. 面对“双顺差”的长期增长局面,以美国和日本为首的西方国家又再次要求人民币升值来缓解其国内的经济困难。

    Reacting on such double-surplus issue , western countries like USA and Japan required RMB to appreciate so that they can relieve their internal economies'problems .

  24. 内容提要我国经济运行中,高储蓄率、高投资率和国际收支双顺差长期并存。

    In Chinese economy , the high saving rate , high investment rate and double surplus of balance of payments coexist in a long term .

  25. 在构建一个双顺差约束条件下经济增长模型的基础上,对我国的国际收支平衡状况与经济增长率之间的关系进行实证分析。

    This paper discusses the relationship between exchange rates and the " double-surplus " in the balance of payments , which occurs in China now .

  26. 我国应继续保持双顺差,而不能过急地提高人民币价值来减少双顺差总额。

    China should continue to maintain the double surplus , it can not be too fast to reduce double surplus by raising the value of the Renminbi .

  27. 自1993年以来,我国国际收支除个别年份外,都保持经常项目与资本和金融项目双顺差的格局。

    Since 1993 , excepting the individual years , the international payment balance of our country has maintained the double favorable balance among current accounts and capital accounts .

  28. 随着我国经济的增长,我国国际收支连续出现双顺差,导致外汇储备越来越多。

    With the growth of China economic , there has been consecutive double surplus in balance of international payments in China , which resulted in more foreign exchange reserve .

  29. 而在这种表面的双顺差的背后隐藏的机理表明我国是经常账户顺差、资本与金融账户逆差的资本输出国。

    However , behind this " double surplus ", China actually is a capital export country with favorable balance in current account and adverse balance in capital and financial account .

  30. 高额外汇储备和经常项目与资本项目的双顺差给央行的汇率政策以及维持人民币汇率稳定带来了巨大压力。

    High foreign exchange reserves and the double surplus of current account and capital account have given severe pressure to the central bank to maintain the RMB exchange rate stability .