
  • 网络binary;dual
  1. 用Ti质粒的双元载体法将抗性基因转入西红柿体细胞

    Introduction of kanamycin resistant gene into tomato somatic cells by Ti plasmid binary vector system

  2. 对H2,CO双元爆炸性混合气体的爆炸特性进行了系统的研究。

    The explosive characteristics of the air system containing binary explosive gas mixture of H2 and CO were studied .

  3. 本文介绍双元活性气体CO2+O2作为保护气体在熔化极电弧焊中的应用。

    Application of CO_2 + O_2 mixture shield gas used in MIG welding is introduced .

  4. MSTNRNAi双元表达载体对成肌细胞增殖及分化的影响

    Effects of MSTN RNAi Binary Expression Vector on Myoblast Hyperplasia and Differentiation

  5. SF6-CF2ClBr双元示踪气体检测复杂采空区漏风技术

    Measuring and Monitoring Technology of Ventilation Leakage in Goaf with SF_6 - CF_2 CLBr Two Element Trace Gas

  6. 为研究在药用植物中表达人干扰素(IFN),构建了人IFN-γ植物双元表达载体。

    Plant binary expression vector of human Interferon - γ( HIFN - γ) was constructed to study the expression of in medicinal plant .

  7. 双元检测法动态测定PSII靶温度

    Workpiece temperature measurement for PSII using double thermocouples

  8. 圈量子引力中源于Penrose双元计算的研究途径

    An Approach Originated from Penrose Binor Calculus in Loop Quantum Gravity

  9. 有8个(13%)是来自于T-DNA以外的双元载体主干序列;

    Eight ( 13 % ) of them were from backbone sequence of binary vector out of T - DNA .

  10. 而LIC双元载体可以弥补这些不足,并且使用价格便宜,但是用于单子叶植物转化的LIC双元载体并没有得到发展。

    While Ligation-Independent Cloning vectors can make up for these deficiencies , and they are cheap .

  11. 将0.4、0.8、1.6、2.9kbGBSS基因的5′侧翼区与GUS基因融合,构建了双元表达载体。

    Binary vectors were constructed by fusing 0.4 , 0.8 , 1.6 , and 2.9 kb 5 ′ flanking regions of GBSS gene with GUS (β glucuronidase ) .

  12. 用它构建了带动报告基因Gus表达的双元载体,并用农杆菌介导法转化水稻得到了转基因植株。

    The cloned promoter has been used in construction of Agrobacterium binary vectors with Gus reporter gene , and several transformed plants were obtained through Agrobacterium mediated transformation .

  13. 本文对双元液体混合物(75%(w)R-12+25%(w)R-22)的热力学性质在宽广的密度范围内作了研究。

    The thermodynamic properties of a liquid binary mixture consisting of 75 weight percent Freon-12 and 25 weight percent Freon-22 have been investigated over a wide density range .

  14. 新发展的双元Ti载体结构优化,适用范围广,易于基因克隆操作,同时提高了植物转化的效率,更便于进行植物基因功能的研究。

    The newly developed binary Ti vectors have a optimized structure , wider ranges of adaptations and easy cloning procedures , and are capable of increasing plant transformation efficiency and much more easy to use in gene function study .

  15. 将其与聚氧化乙烯(PEO)组成双元助留体系,应用于脱墨废纸浆抄纸工艺。

    Cationic phenol-formaldehyde resins ( CPFR ) and polyethylene oxide ( PEO ) comprised a binary retention system which was used for deinked pulp of waste paper .

  16. 采用中性伯胺(DDA)模板剂,在硅酸四乙酯(TEOS)的水解聚沉过程中,将双元金属Fe、Ce引入中孔分子筛骨架中,首次原位合成了分子自组装Fe/Ce-HMS。

    At present , iron and cerium-containing HMS by molecular assembly in themselves with the template reagent of dodecyl amine in the course of the hydrolytic coagulation of ethyl silicate ( TEOS ) was primarily prepared .

  17. 本研究将双元表达载体CamDs转入水稻中,发展了一个带有基因捕获器的Ac/Ds激活转座子系统作为插入标签来研究水稻基因组。

    By constructing the binary vector CamDs and transformation mediated by Agrobacterium , we developed an Ac / Ds transposon system that could be used for both gene trapping and activation tagging .

  18. 本研究对CBE、双元制、工学结合、五环联动四种人才培养模式进行了比较分析。

    This research compares and analyses the four kinds of technician-training patterns : CBE , unit doublet system , the combination of working and learning and the linkage of pent-cyclic ring .

  19. 东乡野生稻双元细菌人工染色体(BIBAC)文库的构建

    Construction of Binary Bacterial Artificial Chromosome ( BIBAC ) Library of Dongxiang Wild Rice

  20. 用时间渡越法(TOF)测试超音速分子束中N2O分子飞行的平均速度,并且从理论上讨论了双元混合气体中N2O/He载气比和喷嘴温度对N2O分子速度的影响。

    To measure the mean translational velocity of N_2O molecules in the supersonic beam by time-of-flight and to discuss the dependence of the translational velocity of N_2O molecules on the N_2O / He seeding ratio of the binary gas mixture and on the nozzle temperature .

  21. 在原有算法的基础上,引入了另外两种Laplacian矩阵,并通过实验验证了算法的有效性。第二,提出了基于双元树复小波变换的有监督的谱特征分析算法。

    Another two Laplacian matrixes are introduced to get better performance , and experiments are done to verify its effectiveness . Secondly , supervised spectral analysis based on dual-tree complex wavelet transform is proposed .

  22. 而后又概述了国内外能力本位课程观发展现状,包括德国双元制模式、CBE模式、MES模式以及这些模式在我国国内发展取得的主要成果以及目前存在的不足。

    Then it summarizes the development actuality of curriculum view of competence based education ; including Germany " two buck system " mode , CBE mode , MES mode and some production and disadvantages in our country .

  23. 作者根据自己多年应用SF6单元示踪技术的科研实践,提出应用双元示踪技术检测复杂采空区的漏风。

    Abstract Base on applications of its research and achievements on SF_6 single element tracing technology , the author introduced the application of SF_6 two element tracing technology to measure and monitor the ventilation leakage in a complicated goaf .

  24. 研制了快速、准确、简单地测定PSII靶温度的系统,提出了用双元检测法动态测量PSII靶温度的方法。

    A simple and convenient system used to measure the workpiece temperature fast and exactly for plasma source ion implantation ( PSII ) is developed . The method of dynamic workpiece temperature measurement using double thermocouples is introduced .

  25. 通过构建三个双元载体的质粒pDsE、pDsG和pAc和农杆菌介导的T-DNA转基因,发展了一个带有基因捕获器和增强子捕获器的Ac/Ds转座子系统作为插入序列标签来研究水稻基因组。

    By constructing three binary vectors ( pDsE , pDsG and pAc ) and T-DNA transformation mediated by Agrobacterium , we developed an Ac / Ds system harboring gene trap and enhancer trap for gene tagging in rice .

  26. 用聚氧化乙烯(PEO)-酚醛树脂助留助滤体系验证凝胶助留助滤机理,沿着凝胶助留助滤机理这一思路成功开发了PEO-硅溶胶新型双元助留助滤体系。

    Polyethylene oxide ( PEO ) - phenolic resin ( PR ) retention system was used to inspect and verify gel retention and drainage mechanism . A new dual PEO-silica sol two-component retention and drainage aids system was successfully developed along the idea of gel retention mechanism .

  27. 文章介绍了德国职业教育中的双元半制。

    The article introduces Germany professional education , especially semi-two-training system .

  28. 应用PEO/PFR双元絮凝系统处理造纸白水

    PEO / PFR Dual Flocculation System for Treating Whitewater in Papermaking

  29. 氧化剂/可燃物双元体系热分解动力学

    Thermal Decomposition and Reaction of Binary Mixtures of Fuels and Oxidants

  30. 人干扰素-γ植物双元表达载体的构建

    Construction of Plant Binary Expression Vector of Human Interferon - γ