
  1. 君子博学而日参省乎己。

    Participation date erudite gentleman and even their own province .

  2. 本科期间,曾参与湖北省教育厅资助项目“大学生创新能力”的研究。

    During undergraduate studies , I took part in the itemUndergraduates Innovation Ability Research , which was subsidized by Hubei Ministry of Education .

  3. 基于变参CAPM的江西省住房供应结构变化趋势的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Housing Supply Structure of Jiangxi Province Based on CAPM

  4. 延参法师是河北省沧州市水月寺的住持。

    Yancan is the abbot of the Shuiyue Monastery in East China 's Hebei province .