
  • 网络reference
  1. 计算视电阻率梯度异常的旁井参照法

    Side-hole reference method for estimating the gradient anomaly of apparent resistivity

  2. 参照法修复指纹图像中的断裂线条

    Healing the broken lines in the fingerprint image by an approach of reference

  3. 结论竞争PCR及其产物酶联杂交定量法是一种相对精确、灵敏度很高和特异性较强的HBV基因全定量测定技术,优于外参照法及其它产物定量法。

    Conclusion Competitive PCR combining with enzyme linked hybridization of amplified products has been proven to be a method of choice for quantitative detection of HBV DNA with high sensitivity , specificity and reliability .

  4. 文化参照法,即把语言与文化比较、对照起来进行研究的方法。

    The cultural reference method , which do some comparison and research related language with culture .

  5. 古汉语专书同义词的归组可使用“系联法”与“参照法”相结合以归纳同义词的方法;

    Synonyms in ancient special classicals can be grouped in the way of " Method of connection " and " Method of reference " .

  6. 利用气体参照法和钻井液热真空蒸馏法来计算煤层气含量,预测煤层的产能和估算储量。

    The gas reference method and drilling fluid thermal vacuum distillation method may be used for calculating coalbed methane content , predicting methane deliverability and estimating its reserves in coalbed .

  7. 法人对法人名誉权的损害赔偿可以参照法入产品销售量的下降,但在实际操作中,应该考虑是否有其他因素。

    Corporate reputation on the legal right to damages can refer to the decline in sales of legal products , but in practice , should consider whether there are other factors .

  8. 运用修正的人力资本法、生产率变动法、成果参照法等环境经济学方法,计算出衡水市区1996-2000年各年的大气污染经济损失。

    We can calculate the loss caught by the air pollution from the year 1996 to 2000 by using the methods of environmental economy such as human capital methods , productivity changing methods , and so on .

  9. 用PCR和内参照RT&PCR法测定由rBCG携带入各组织中的Derp2存在和表达状况。

    The DNA and mRNA of Der p2 gene in various tissue were identified by PCR and RT-PCR , respectively .

  10. 水稻品种对褐飞虱采用标准苗期集团筛选法(SSST法)和参照该法评定的苗期和成株期受害等级为品种的短期受害反应;

    Grades of damage of seedling and adult period of rice varieties to Nilaparvata lugens evaluated with the standard screening techniques ( SSST ) and making reference to SSST was short term damage reaction of rice varieties .

  11. 信息系统中参照排序法的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Reference Sorting in the Information System

  12. 参照药典法初步制定了质量标准。考察了制剂的稳定性。

    Established the tentative quality standard of preparation .

  13. 第五十四条农民购买、使用直接用于农业生产的生产资料,参照本法执行。

    Article 54 The purchase and use by peasants of production materials directly used for agricultural purposes shall be handled with reference to this Law .

  14. 对于这类纠纷,司法机关在处理的时候也只能根据具体情况参照合同法或相关部门法的规定来进行裁判。

    For this kind of disputes , judicial organs could only refer to Contract Law and other relevant sectors on the basis of specific condition ns to make judgment .

  15. 本文以水稻领域为例,主要参照骨架法及斯坦福大学的领域本体建模七步法来构建水稻领域本体。2.语义标注方面的工作。

    The article takes rice as example , adopting seven footwork domain ontology modeling which is developed by Stanford University to construct rice domain ontology.2.The works of semantic annotation .

  16. 农业税、牧业税、耕地占用税、契税的征收管理,参照本法有关规定执行。

    The administration of collection of agricultural tax , animal husbandry tax , cultivated land usage tax and deed tax shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of this law .

  17. 概述了模拟搅拌式反应器中流场的各种方法:搅拌桨边界条件法,内外迭代法,多重参照系法,滑动网格法,快速照相法和大涡模拟法。

    The methods of simulating stirred reactors are described . These methods are impeller boundary conditions approach , inner-outer approach , MRF approach , sliding grid approach , snapshot approach and LES method .

  18. 此外参照补偿法,利用容性电流与电网电压之间π/2的相位差,设计了采集算法来得到基波阻性电流。

    In addition , referencing the compensation method and using the π / 2 phase difference between the capacitive current and power grid voltage , an acquisition algorithm is devised to gather the resistance current .

  19. 参照Kobarashi法,采取以动脉夹夹闭肝门静脉左支、肝动肝左支、左肝管60分钟之后放开,建立大鼠肝左叶、中叶融注损伤模型。

    According to Kobayashi , we blocked up the left branches of portal vein , hepatic artery , hepatic duct for 60 min and then opened them to establish liver I / R I models in rats .

  20. 适用本法总则的规定,并可以参照本法分则或者其他法律最相类似的规定。

    The provisions in the General Principles hereof apply , and reference may be made to the provisions in the Specific Provisions hereof or any other law applicable to a contract which is most similar to such contract .

  21. 作为补充法,重法地法并不能单独适用,它没有设置新的罪名而只是加重了相应的刑罚,实践中必须参照常法的内容。

    As a supplementary law , severe law in special areas shall not separately apply since it has no its own name and it just increases the severe of penalty . It must refer to the conventional laws .

  22. 基于专家调查法、参照单位分析法和AHP法建立了高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系。

    The paper is to establish the evaluation index system of Incorruptible Culture Construction in universities according to the method of expert investigation and AHP .

  23. 采用以β-actin作参照的RT-PCR法对Chymase及ACE基因表达进行检测。

    The expressions of chymase and ACE genes in left ventricle were detected using RT-PCR with 5 - β actin gene expression as reference .

  24. 参照凝胶色谱法(GPC),采用傅立叶变换近红外光谱仪(FT-NIR)测定聚丙烯树脂粉料和粒料的近红外漫反射光谱(NIR)。

    The determination method for average molecular mass of polypropylene ( PP ) by FT near-infrared spectroscopy was established , with GPC ( Gel permeation chromatography ) as the reference method .

  25. 企业员工的劳动合同参照《劳动法》有关规定执行。

    Labor contracts for employees of enterprises shall be formulated with reference to the relevant provisions of the Labor Law .

  26. 本文在参照了镜像法、射线管法等射线跟踪思想的基础上,提出了一种有效的基于虚拟源树的射线跟踪模型。

    Based on Image Theory and tube-tree method , an applicable ray tracing method based on virtual source tree was presented in this paper .

  27. 以汽车发动机连杆破口缺陷检测为例,讨论了所研制的检测设备的系统设计、参照物标定法和测量流程。

    The system design , the method of calibration with reference film and the detection processing according to the detection project of engine rod 's surface disfigurement are discussed .

  28. 第四部分是我国海上侵权行为法体系的具体构建。提出依照尊重现实与客观需要原则、前瞻原则、参照一般侵权法体系建构标准原则、开放原则建立海上侵权行为法体系。

    The fourth establishes the maritime tort law system according to principles of meeting requirements of practice , forecasting , referring to establishing standards of tort law system and opening .

  29. 而参照新自然法的几个特征来看,与其说菲尼斯的学说与法律实证主义相近,不如说他更符合新自然法学的基本特征。

    But refers to new natural law several characteristics which the people induce , his theory are close to the positivism , rather he conforms to the new natural legal essential features .

  30. 运用参照物标定法对体型性状参数进行测量,使得图像采集过程不受摄像焦距的影响,给测量带来了很大方便。

    Applying reference object demarcate method to measure type character parameters , which makes camera 's focus taking no effect on image acquisition course , and which bring quite convenient to measurement .