
  • 网络historical ecology
  1. 这种历史生态说明,无界性是文艺学本身的一个特性。

    This kind of historical ecology explaned that , boundless is a property of literature and art .

  2. 早期中国马克思主义解释史的历史生态领域

    On the Historical Ecosystem Realms of the Earlier-period Chinese Marxism Hermeneutic History

  3. 审美历史生态&从《秋颂》管窥济慈诗歌研究的范式转型

    Aesthetics , History , Ecology in John Keats 's Poetry To Autumn A Re - discussion on To Autumn

  4. 可以说,历史生态领域无疑构成了早期中国马克思主义解释史的重要研究领域。

    The historical ecosystem realms undoubtedly constitute the important research realms of Chinese Marxism hermeneutic history in the early period .

  5. 生态警示:气候异常与文学艺术从天人感应角度看文学艺术的生态警示效应无界性的历史生态也谈文艺学的边界危机

    Ecological Warning : Climatic Anomaly and Literature and Art & The Effect of Ecological Warning of Literature and Art from Perspective of the Interaction of Nature and Man

  6. 有益的船员也分享他们了解当地的历史和生态环境。

    Helpful crew also share their knowledge of the local history and ecology .

  7. 主要对研究个案的历史及生态环境进行了概要描述。

    It describes the historical and ecological environment of the research cases briefly .

  8. 行政价值体系的历史&生态研究

    The Historic-ecological Research on the Public Administrative Value Systems

  9. “流民图像”对历史文化生态的记录与还原;

    Secondly , it is the recording and reverting about the historical cultural ecology ;

  10. 西北地区历史时期生态环境变迁及其基本特征

    The Changes and Basic Characteristics of Ecological Environment during Historical Period in Northwest region

  11. 小人物·历史·生态&三位哈尔滨俄侨作家的生平与创作

    Nobodies , History and Ecology & The Life and Writings of Three Russian-Chinese in Harbin

  12. 首先简要介绍了浦城油茶的基本情况,主要是浦城油茶的种植历史,生态特性和种植技术。

    Briefly introduces the basic situation of Pucheng Camellia oleifera mainly Pucheng Camellia oleifera cultivation history , ecological characteristics and cultivation technology of .

  13. 在收集各方面资料的基础上,对农田防护林的发展历史和生态、经济、社会效益进行了总结。

    Based on various data collections , the history of the forest system and the ecological , economic and social benefits are summarized .

  14. 艳情诗的创作实践,实际上反映了南朝特定历史文化生态中,士人的心态。

    The creative practice of Yan Qing poem actually reflected the philistines ' cultural mentality in particular history cultural ecology of Southern dynasties .

  15. 在新时期下,百货这种拥有上百年经营历史的生态环境受到人们的普遍质疑。

    In the new era , the department store that has a operating history of hundreds of years of ecological environment was commonly questioned by people .

  16. 矿山公园是矿山生命周期的延续,它受矿种、历史、生态和地域环境等影响,与普通园林建设显著不同。

    Mining park is the continuation of the mine life cycle which is influenced by minerals , history , ecological and geographical environment and other factors .

  17. 本研究将人文历史、生态和风景园林的研究方法相结合,尝试为植物景观规划的研究思路探索一条新的、综合的、多学科交叉的途径。

    This paper tried to provide a new comprehensive multidisciplinary path for plant landscape planning by combining the research method of historical , ecology and landscape subjects .

  18. 史蒂夫马蒂诺(stevemartino)是美国风景园林师协会成员,提倡使用当地植物营造景观,其设计理念蕴涵着对历史、生态、社会因素的关注。

    Steve martino , landscape architect and member of asla , has been striving to create landscape with native plants , and paying more attention to history , ecology , and society .

  19. 从济南市九鼎山生态农庄这一实际案例出发,针对九鼎山生态农庄的现状,提出规划理念和思路,将历史、生态两条主线贯穿于整个总体布局和结构规划之中。

    According to the present condition of Jiuding Mountain , the concept and thought of planning are put forward in this paper , the whole layout and structure planning are basing on history and ecology .

  20. 主要研究结论如下:1.从社会发展角度,对人类发展历史与生态承载力关系作了简单回顾分析。

    The main conclusions of the study are as follows : 1 . From the social development , the simple review and analysis on the relation of the development of the human history and the ECC has been made .

  21. 他的一生,在一定程度上也可以理解为围绕《设计结合自然》的一生,这种历史也是生态规划的历史,乃至于景观设计学历史的重要组成部分。

    The story of Mcharg himself , is to some extent the history of " design with nature ", and also is an vital part of the history of ecological planning and a part of the history of landscape architecture .

  22. 然而,以人为中心的城市生态系统是一个涉及社会、文化、经济、历史、生态等多要素的巨型复合系统。

    However , city is a kind of ecosystem which is dominated by human . It is a giant complex system which relates to a lot of fields such as society , culture , economy , history , ecology and so on .

  23. 探寻和重塑史前及历史时期生态环境的原貌,研究其演化规律及其对人类社会的影响,无疑具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。

    That result of our exploration and modeling of the original appearance of the prehistoric and historical ecological environment its evolutionary rule and impact on human being society will undoubtedly help to realize the ideal of a harmonious development of human and nature .

  24. 西安市园林绿地系统规划从自然、历史、生态、景观四个方面构建富有地方特色的绿地体系,最终形成生态基质.绿色走廊.绿地斑块的生态性型景观格局。

    Xi'an Landscape Green Space System Plan constructs an green space system full of local feature through four aspects : nature , history , ecology and landscape , forming an ecological landscape structure with ecological base , green corridor , and green space bolcks .

  25. 浅谈我国少数民族历史上保护生态环境的特点及经验

    About The Characteristics and Historical Experience of the Minority Nationalities in Ecological Protection

  26. 人对自然态度的历史嬗变与生态环境

    The Historical Evolution of Men 's Attitude to the Nature and the Ecological Environment

  27. 历史反思与生态建构&当代语感理论的认知基础研究

    Historical Reflection and Ecological Construction : an Enquiry into the Theoretical Base of Contemporary Language-Sense Theory

  28. 祖先记忆,家园象征与族群历史&原生态文化概念辨析

    Ancestry Memory , Homestead Symbol and Clan History & Analysis on the Concept of Original Zoology Culture

  29. 中国广大乡土聚落具有丰富的历史文化和生态内涵。

    There are rich implications about history , culture and ecology in the large amount of rural settlements in China .

  30. 论长江下游茅山丘陵地区现阶段小麦产量和育种目标Ⅱ.品种演变历史及其对生态环境的反应

    Investigation on the yielding ability and breeding objective of wheat in Maoshan downs , Lower Yangtse Valley ⅱ . evolution of cultivars and its ecological response