
lì shǐ dì tú
  • historical map/atlas
  1. 中国历史地图电子图书馆(DL/CNHM)是一个基于Internet的数字图书馆系统。

    Digital Library of Chinese History Map ( DL / CNHM ) is a digital library system based on Internet .

  2. 历史地图在教学中的运用

    The Use of Historical Map in Teaching

  3. 观赏这幅地图珍宝的一种方式是将其视为第一份历史地图。

    One way of looking at this cartographical jewel is as the first historical atlas .

  4. 该站提供美国历史地图,电影照片,图片和出版品,声音记录等。

    American Memory US historical maps , motion pictures , photos and prints , sound recordings .

  5. 北京历史地图的数字化

    The Digital Map of Beijing History

  6. 讨论关于美国原住民的历史地图作为现代的使用。不正确,并非现在拿过去来做文使用。

    An argument concerns that historical maps of Native American lands are put to the present-day uses .

  7. 数字化技术在历史地图方面也在迅速发展。

    In the area of the compiling of historical maps , the digital technique has been also employed .

  8. 帮你找到一些可能无法透过别种方式找到的第一手历史地图资料。

    Help you find some primary source historical maps that may not have been available to you through other means .

  9. 历史地图编辑设计探讨&编制吉林省地图集历史沿革图后记

    Discussion on the Compilation and Design of Historical Map & Postscript of the compilation of historical evolution map of Jilin Provincial Atlas

  10. 历史地图册是根据国家教委颁布的历史教学大纲、历史课程标准编制的历史课本的配套教材,是中学生学习历史不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    History atlases are supporting textbooks which are written according to the syllabus and curriculum standard issued by the state education commission for History courses . They are essential to middle school students when learning History .

  11. 论文的基本框架和主要内容如下:第一部分将对历史地图尤其方志地图研究的现状进行总结分析,提出本文研究的原因和意义所在。

    The basic structure and main contents are : chapter one is the analysis of historical maps especially the maps of chorography . The reason and significance of this thesis will also be presented in this chapter .

  12. 左翼文学思潮是20世纪中国社会现代性选择和矛盾的具体反映,而它的发生和发展,又与思潮传播者的社会身份、地域文化和革命进程的历史地图有极其密切的联系。

    As Left-wing literary trend of thought embodied modernity selection and contradiction in Chinese society in the 20th century , its emergence and development were closely related with the " social identity " and " regional culture " of its propagators , and with the historical map of revolutionary process .

  13. 欢迎看看我的各个国家的照片,游记,历史,地图。

    View My Pictures , Travel Notes , History maps & more .

  14. 在对城区内GPS定位误差进行了系统分析的基础上,提出了一种融合GPS技术和结合历史数据的地图匹配技术的车辆路径定位方法,并通过对实验的统计分析证明了方法的有效性。

    Based on the systematical analysis of GPS positioning errors , the vehicle route positioning technique is proposed , that combine the GPS technique with the map matching technique using the history data . And its validity is checked by the statistical analysis of an experiment data .

  15. 我们只会看到历史或政治地图,或是那些介绍世界地形的地图。因为我阅读了大量的地图册,传统的学校地图开始变得索然无味。

    We would only look at historical or political maps or ones that presented the topography of the world and because I was reading a lot of atlases , the standard school maps became quite boring .

  16. 其次,分析如何在阅读和使用地图中感知地图文化,提出了通过历史的演变认识地图文化和通过不同的地域差异理解地图文化两种策略。

    Secondly , analyze how to apperceive map culture in the process of reading and using maps , bringing forward to two strategies : understanding map culture from finding the history of maps and comparing the discrepancy of different areas .

  17. 历史教师在课堂教学中应重视历史地图的运用,以激发学生的兴趣加深学生对历史知识的理解和掌握。

    History teachers should know the significance of using historical map to stimulate students interests and enhance their understanding of historical knowledge .

  18. 《中国历史地图集》等图集的完成显示了历史地图编绘的成就。

    The completion of the Historical Atlas of China shows the achievement in the compilation of historical maps .

  19. 在此基础上论述教师在历史课堂上运用图册的方法和学生学会使用图册的步骤,为教师在历史教学中更好地使用历史地图册提供借鉴。

    Also it discusses the ways teachers use atlases and the steps in which students learn to use them in class , which will provide reference for the application of atlases for history teachers .