
  • 网络historical atlas;History Atlas
  1. 《山西省历史地图集》的设计与计算机制图

    The Computer Map Designing and Compiling for the Historical Atlas of Shanxi Province

  2. 《中国历史地图集》等图集的完成显示了历史地图编绘的成就。

    The completion of the Historical Atlas of China shows the achievement in the compilation of historical maps .

  3. 特别是历史地图集,编制地名索引更是一项重要的工作。

    Compiling the index is also more important .

  4. 简介《泰晤士世界历史地图集》和谈谈前汉帝国幅中的问题

    A Brief Introduction to the Thames Historical Atlas of the World and some Issues about the Map of the Western Hart Dynasty

  5. 本文提出,现在迫切需要绘制方言特征分布图(尤其是方言语法特征分布图),还应当绘制汉语各大方言地图集和汉语方言历史地图集。

    The paper indicates that it is necessary to draw distributing maps of the Chinese dialect 's features , especially grammatical features , and it should draw atlas of each group of the Chinese dialect even historical atlas of the Chinese dialect .

  6. 《中国历史地图集》作为政区地理研究的集大成者,由于历代地理与政区的变化复杂、文献记载的缺漏与歧异等原因而使该书存在着一定的疏误。

    As a comprehensive expression of the research about Administrative Divisions geography , for the complex change of historical geography and Administrative Divisions and omissions and divergence of document records , there are some careless mistakes in the Historical Atlas of China .