
  1. 历史告诉我们,加强纪律性,革命无不胜。

    From the history , we can see that the army will win all battle in revolution as long as the discipline is strengthened .

  2. “日本的历史告诉我们,当经济萎靡不振并产生危机的时候,政治不作为的后果是十分严重的”,纽约州康宁市资产管理公司WaverlyAdvisors的战略师安德鲁•巴伯说。

    " The history of Japan serves as testament to what can happen when the political response to a malaise or crisis is stalemate , " says Andrew barber , a strategist at investment adviser Waverly advisors in Corning , N.Y.

  3. 历史告诉我们,这里有一伙银行家,是他们让国家灭亡的。米歇尔弗拉蒂亚尼(MicheleFratianni)评论道。他是印第安纳大学凯利商学院教授,写过大量有关意大利金融史的文章。

    History would tell us that here is a set of bankers who bled the state to death , observes Michele Fratianni , a professor at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University who has written extensively about the history of Italian finance .

  4. 历史告诉我们,消费者技术已经渗透进企业中!

    History tells us that consumer technology bleeds into the enterprise !

  5. 历史告诉我们,每一问题都有它的一个生命历程。

    History teaches us that every problem has a lifespan .

  6. 因为历史告诉我们,虽然这些真理是不言而喻的,

    For history tells us that while these truths may be self-evident ,

  7. 金融业历史告诉我们,企业集团结构复杂,难于管理。

    Financial history tells us conglomerates are complex to manage .

  8. 历史告诉我们,有大大小小的战争

    History tells us that there were wars , great or small ,

  9. 历史告诉我们,货币联盟常常分崩离析。

    History says that monetary unions often break up .

  10. 历史告诉我们,耶稣曾经是一个伟大的人。

    History shows us Jesus was an extraordinary man .

  11. 历史告诉我们,对富人少缴税能鼓励投资和经济增长。

    History suggests that low taxes on the rich encourage investment and growth .

  12. 历史告诉我们,和是福,乱是祸。

    History tells us that peace is a blessing while chaos a scourge .

  13. 这所学校的历史告诉我们

    As the history of this school has taught us

  14. 近代科学发展的历史告诉我们,存在着科学活动中心转移的规律。

    Modern science history indicates that there is transference of world science centre .

  15. 历史告诉我们人类有重蹈覆辙的趋势。

    History tells us that mankind has a tendency to repeat past mistakes .

  16. 历史告诉我们,中世纪之后是启蒙时代。

    History tells us that the medieval era was followed by the Enlightenment .

  17. 历史告诉我们,手机这样的行业会不断整合,最终形成几家独大的局面。

    History says an industry like this eventually consolidates to a handful of players .

  18. 历史告诉我们,巨大成功的背后都有着无数的失败。

    History informs us that stories of success are also stories of great failures .

  19. 但规划的历史告诉我们,英国政府未必明智。

    But the history of planning tells us that Whitehall does not know best .

  20. 历史告诉我们,我们的经济在中产阶级壮大的时候发展的最好;

    We know from our history that our economy grows best from the middle-out ;

  21. 历史告诉我们,泡沫会滋生骗局。

    History tells us that bubbles spawn swindles .

  22. 历史告诉我们,保护主义风潮会愈演愈烈。

    History shows us that protectionism begets protectionism .

  23. 历史告诉我们,和平是需要争取的,和平是需要维护的。

    Historical experience tells us that peace need to be strived for and safeguarded .

  24. 历史告诉我们,牛市的平均持续时间在3年以上。

    History teaches that they run , on average , for more than three years .

  25. 但是,历史告诉我们,公道和爱终将胜利。

    Yet history does remind me that human communities of justice and love still triumph .

  26. 历史告诉我们,债务问题导致的危机,恢复起来往往更慢。

    History tells us that recoveries after debt-fuelled crises tend to be slower than other recoveries .

  27. 历史告诉我们的是:谁阻止新科技的进步,谁就会落后挨打。

    As history teaches us that if anyone society rejects a new technology will not prosperous .

  28. 历史告诉我们,当政体害怕统治失控时,它就会变得暴虐。

    As history points out , regimes become oppressive when they 're fearful about keeping control .

  29. 历史告诉我们战争经常发生,赢家的正义才是正义。在东京审判中,正是这样的。

    History tells me war happened so many times and winner 's justice is a justice .

  30. 历史告诉我们,象今天这样的日子应该呆在床上。

    This is the sort of day that history teaches us is better spent in bed .