
  • 网络principle of constancy of light velocity;The speed of light Postulate;principle of constancy of lightspeed;principle of constant speed of light
  1. 澄清了对光速不变原理的一些不清晰的认识。

    Some dim understanding about the principle of constancy of light velocity is clarified .

  2. 三角形的Sagnac实验和GPS量程公式与有关光速不变原理的关键性试验

    Triangle Sagnac Experiment and GPS Range Measurement Equation with a Crucial Test Related to the Principle of the Constancy of the Speed of Light

  3. 光速不变原理对应坐标时定义,而相对性原理对应原时定义,Lorentz因子正是这两个时间定义之间的转换因子。

    The principle of constancy of the speed of light corresponds with the definition of coordinate time . The principle of relativity corresponds with the definition of proper time . The Lorentz factor is the transformation factor between the two definitions of time .

  4. 光速不变原理在相对论中的作用

    Effect of Permanent Principle of Light Velocity in the Relativity Theory

  5. 谈光速不变原理及其解析方法

    Discussion on the permanence principle of light velocity and its analytic method

  6. 而作为光速不变原理的作用物质,相对论是以电磁波的光而对象的。

    And as the speed of light , the role of the same principle of relativity is the material object and the electromagnetic wave light .

  7. 根据多年的教学经验,对迈克尔逊&莫雷实验进行了进一步的阐述,为使学生对光速不变原理有更深理解;

    Based on my teaching experience for many years , this paper demonstrates the Michelson-Morley experiment further and make students understand the principle of light velocity invariability deeply ;

  8. 在大多数介绍狭义相对论的文章中,导出洛仑兹变换公式的依据都是相对性原理和光速不变原理。

    In this paper , authors present a derivation of the Lorents transformation by invoking the principle of relativity alone , without the principle of invariance of light speed .

  9. 根据相对论时空坐标变换及光速不变原理,推出了光在运动镜面上反射时遵从的规律。

    According to space time coordinate transformation and permance principle of light velocity in the theory of relativity , the rule of light reflection from the moving mirror is proposed in this paper .

  10. 对光子静止质量的实验检验,也是对光速不变原理的一种检验,即使光子仅有非常微小的静质量,如一旦得到实验的检验,将会对整个物理学的发展产生巨大而深刻的影响。

    Experimental investigations of the photon rest mass are an indirect test of the constancy of the speed of light , and any conclusive evidence of a finite mass for the photon will greatly affect the development of all physics .