
  • 网络dakota;SOUTH DAKOTA;Sioux Falls;SouthDakota
  1. 他住在奥阿希湖上游约60英里处,靠近南达科他州的葛底斯堡。

    He lives about 60 miles upstream from Oahe , near Gettysburg , South Dakota .

  2. 他住在南达科他州的拉皮德市。

    He lives in Rapid City , South Dakota

  3. NPR新闻,加里·艾伦伯特南达科他州佛米良报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Gary Ellenbolt in Vermillion , South Dakota .

  4. 反对者们派了南达科他州的跨性别人士去见身为共和党人的州长丹尼斯·多加德(DennisDaugaard),他们认为此次会面对州长造成了影响,促使其否决了相关议案。

    Opponents sent transgender South Dakotans to meet with Gov. Dennis Daugaard , a Republican , and they believe that influenced his veto of the bill .

  5. 当时,我曾在南达科他州的Ellsworth空军基地的一个乐队工作。

    I was in the band at Ellsworth Air Force Base , South Dakota .

  6. 2002年他险些推翻了一个得到大多数企业拥护的破产法案,2004年还差点让汤姆•达施勒(TomDaschle)从南达科他州参议员的位子上下来。

    Who else could have derailed a bankruptcy bill that was beloved by business ( in2002 ) or ejected Tom Daschle from his South Dakota Senate seat ( in2004 )?

  7. 几名激烈角逐参议院席位的共和党候选人也提出了同样的意见,比如乔治亚州的戴维·珀杜(DavidPerdue)、南达科他州的迈克·朗兹(MikeRoundds),以及艾奥瓦州的约尼·厄恩斯特(JoniErnst)。

    The same point has been raised by several Republican candidates in tight Senate races , including David Perdue of Georgia , Mike Rounds of South Dakota and Joni Ernst of Iowa .

  8. 但是从明天开始这位来自南达科他州的WNBA运动员就将身着俄罗斯的战衣,和美国队相抗衡。

    But tomorrow the WNBA player from South Dakota will put a jersey on for Russia and play against the United States .

  9. 大多数信件从苏福尔斯(SiouxFalls)寄出,这座城市有一条时髦的餐饮街,一家香气扑鼻的肉铺和许多家银行&这要得益于南达科他州有益于银行业发展的高利贷法。

    Most are mailed from Sioux Falls , a city with a street of spiffy restaurants , a fragrant hog butchery and lots of banks & here by the grace of South Dakota 's bank-friendly usury laws .

  10. 但是,总部设在南达科他州苏福尔斯市的美国乙醇燃料联合会的克里斯丁.布莱克(KristenBrekke)说,该项研究忽略了一个情况,那就是农民们利用新技术和改善耕作方式以使产量不断增加。

    But Kristen Brekke of the American Coalition for Ethanol in Sioux Falls , South Dakota says the study does not take into account the growing yields farmers are producing by using technology and improved agricultural practices .

  11. 今年1月,南达科他州共和党参议员约翰·图恩(JohnThune)开始提交一个法规议案,支持网络中立原则,禁止付费优先通路以及封锁或限制任何网页内容的做法。

    In January , Senator John Thune , the South Dakota Republican , began circulating legislation that embraced the principles of net neutrality , banning both paid-for priority lanes and the blocking or throttling of any web content .

  12. 在南达科他州阿伯丁(Aberdeen)的北方州立大学,外国学生每年要交15000美元的学费和食宿费,这是面向州外学生的收费标准。另外,外国学生每一学期还要交大约100美元的国际学生费。

    At Northern State in Aberdeen , S.D. , foreign students pay the out-of-state rate of more than $ 15000 a year for tuition , room and board , plus an international-student fee of about $ 100 a semester .

  13. VivosxPoint是这些售罄的社区避难所之一。这座靠近南达科他州布拉克山的避难所由575个军用地堡构成,在1967年前用作军火库。

    One of those shelters , Vivos xPoint , is near the Black Hills of South Dakota , and consists of 575 military bunkers that served as an Army Munitions Depot until 1967 .

  14. 美国南达科他州最大的城市;位于南达科他州东南部。

    Largest city in South dakota ; located in southeastern South dakota .

  15. 他在有美丽夕阳的南达科他州。

    He 's in South dakota , where they have beautiful sunsets .

  16. 强烈的冬季风暴席卷了南达科他州的一部分和怀俄明州。

    A strong winter storm slammed parts of South Dakota and Wyoming .

  17. 南达科他州公共广播电台的加里·艾伦伯特将带来详细报道。

    South Dakota Public Broadcasting 's Gary Ellenbolt has more .

  18. 南达科他州西南部及内布拉斯加西北部被严重侵蚀的贫瘠的地区。

    An eroded and barren region in southwestern South Dakota and northwestern Nebraska .

  19. 同时,今天南达科他州已经降雪。

    Meanwhile , snow fell in South Dakota today .

  20. 原先住在南达科他州的。

    Formerly of Sioux falls , South dakota .

  21. 另外一项特别的活动将在南达科他州的格林伍德市附近举行。

    Another special event will be held near the city of Greenwood , South Dakota .

  22. 南达科他州:比北达科他州要近一些。

    South Dakota : Closer Than North Dakota

  23. 我将继续在波多黎各、蒙大拿和南达科他州的竞选。

    I went to live with my mother 's cousin and her husband in Montana .

  24. 位于美国南达科他州的“总统山”于1927年动土,首先雕刻的是乔治·华盛顿的头像。

    Construction on the South Dakota monument began in1927 with the face of George Washington .

  25. 美国南达科他州,一只名叫侦察员的狮子狗正在进行哨声命令和找回猎物的训练。

    A hunting poodle named Scout practices following whistle commands and retrieving in Freeman , S. D.

  26. 发源于北达科他州,向南流经南达科他州直到密苏里州。

    A river that rises in North Dakota and flows southward across South Dakota to the Missouri .

  27. 南达科他州的拉什莫尔山代替位于乔丹的世界著名红城佩特拉

    South Dakota 's Mount Rushmore replacing the world famous ' red city ' of Petra in Jordan

  28. 我有注意到,在南达科他州瓦格纳市那些荒芜的商店和那些退伍军人的聚集场所,

    I did notice the barren shops in Wagner , South Dakota , and the VFW gathering hall

  29. 南达科他州的高中橄榄球队已经准备好迎接本周末的第一场比赛。

    High school football teams across South Dakota are getting ready for their first games this weekend .

  30. 谁知道,南达科他州范宁的妹妹艾丽将这样的照耀下,冉冉升起的新星?

    Who knew that Dakota Fanning 's younger sister Elle would be such a shining , rising star ?