
  • 网络unilateral sanction
  1. 我们对军事打击威胁和单边制裁行动表示关切。

    We are concerned about threats of military action as well as unilateral sanctions .

  2. 中国一直反对华盛顿实施单边制裁,秦刚也重申了中方的这一立场。

    China has long-standing objections to Washington 's use of unilateral sanctions , a position the spokesman reiterated .

  3. 美国及其欧洲盟国正准备加大针对伊朗的已经更为严厉的单边制裁力度。

    The US and its European allies are preparing to toughen their already stricter unilateral measures against Iran .

  4. 如果把单边制裁延伸到其他国家,损害其他国家利益的话,这是中方不能接受的。

    When such sanctions affect other countries and damage other countries interests , it is something we cannot accept .

  5. 本周日,安倍向记者表示,若朝鲜进行第二次核试验,日本政府将考虑实施更多单边制裁。

    On Sunday , Mr Abe told reporters the government was considering additional unilateral sanctions should North Korea carry out a second nuclear test .

  6. 中方严格遵守安理会有关决议,一直对单边制裁持反对态度。

    China strictly abides by the relevant UN Security Council resolutions . Of course , all along we have been opposed to unilateral sanctions .

  7. 朝鲜政府昨日威胁将对日本实施的严厉单边制裁采取强硬的反击措施,而且此前曾警告,联合国的制裁将被视为宣战。

    Pyongyang yesterday threatened strong counter measures against tough unilateral sanctions imposed by Japan , and previously warned that UN sanctions would be considered a declaration of war .

  8. 在伊朗核问题上,双方表示,美国应尽快无条件重返《联合全面行动计划》,撤销对伊朗的单边制裁。

    On the Iranian nuclear issue , the two sides said that the U.S. should unconditionally return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action as soon as possible and revoke the unilateral sanctions against Iran .

  9. 多边贸易制裁是在联合国安理会授权下实施的,因而具有合法性,单边贸易制裁的合法性取决其是否符合WTO的例外规定。

    Multilateral trade sanctions are legitimate since they are launched under the authority of UN Security Council , the legitimacy of unilateral trade sanctions depend on the general and security exceptions .

  10. 但以版权保护为由,禁止版权产品平行进口,采取单边贸易制裁,或者滥用权利、实施不公平贸易行为,则形成了阻碍国际贸易正常进行的版权壁垒。

    But there are kinds of " copyright barriers " blocking the international trade in the name of copyright protection , including prohibition of parallel imports , adoption of the unilateral trade sanction and the abuse of the rights .

  11. 运用引力模型,以美国和其他61个被观测国家2004年的数据为基础,分析了美国实施对外单边经济制裁对美国贸易流量的影响。

    Using the gravitation model and based on the data of America and other 61 observed countries in 2004 , this paper analyzes on the effect of carrying out the single-side economic sanction for other countries on the trade flow of America .

  12. 他们对于伊朗工业和银行建立了一系列单边和多边制裁。

    They build on a range of unilateral and multilateral sanctions against Iranian industry and banks .