
xié bàn dān wèi
  • co-organizer
  1. 分配原则是:“先申请、先付款、先分配”,协办单位可优先安排。

    The co-organizer may have the priority to be arranged .

  2. 和氏璧化工作为主要协办单位之一,参加了当天的活动。

    NCM participated in this event as one of the chief co-sponsors .

  3. 我代表展会的主办单位、协办单位和全体展商对各位领导、各位嘉宾的光临表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!

    On behalf of our host and exhibitors , I would like to welcome and thank you to all the leaders and guests !

  4. 除了政府部门、主办和协办单位,本届论坛还得到了各参展商的大力支持和通力合作,再次对此表示感谢。

    Besides government departments , sponsors and help sponsors , this forum has also enjoyed great support and cooperation from all exhibiters . Let 's express our gratitude for this again .

  5. 我借此机会,对各主办单位以及承办、协办单位为这次论坛的召开付出的巨大努力表示衷心感谢!

    I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of the host organizations , the organizer and associate sponsors , for great efforts made towards this forum .

  6. 通过搭建跨越州级发改部门、县(市)级发改部门、项目单位和协办单位的信息互通的平台,最大程度的提高项目信息利用率、共享度。

    Through building state-level development and reform departments across the county ( city ) level development and reform department , the project unit and co-organized by the information exchange platform to the greatest degree of increased utilization of project information , sharing degrees .

  7. 是的,今年的比赛由中国日报社和爱立信(中国)有限公司主办,国际英语联合会和中国高校英语口语协会协办,赞助单位有英孚教育集团,北京电视台,新加坡时代出版集团,上海外语教育出版社以及培生出版集团.

    That 's right . This year 's competition is organized by the China Daily and Ericsson China Company Limited , Coordinted by the Enlish Speaking Union and China University English speaking Association , and Co-sponsored by EF Education , Beijing Television , Times Publishing Group of Singapore , Shanghai Foreign Laguage Education Press , and pierson Education .