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劳劳 [láo láo]
  • [disconsolate; melancholy] 怅惘若失的样子。一说惆怅忧伤的样子

  • 举手长劳劳。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  1. 他们各人欺哄邻舍,不说真话。他们教舌头学习说谎,劳劳碌碌地作孽。

    And they will deceive every one his neighbour , and will not speak the truth : they have taught their tongue to speak lies , and weary themselves to commit iniquity .

  2. 然而,也正因为这些"才″的关系,才使得他们身不由己的将自己捆绑在一定的事业范围之中;终其一生,劳劳碌碌为人所用,为社会用、为公司用而不自知。

    However , they don 't know that because of those abilities , they bind them in an affairs build by themselves and bustle all their life for others , for the society and for the company .

  3. 劳劳苦苦却毫无益处。因耶和华的烈怒,你们必为自己的土产羞愧。

    They have sown wheat , but shall reap thorns : they have put themselves to pain , but shall not profit : and they shall be ashamed of your revenues because of the fierce anger of the LORD .

  4. 他们种的是麦子,收的是荆棘。劳劳苦苦却毫无益处。因耶和华的烈怒,你们必为自己的土产羞愧。

    Though good grain was planted , they have got in thorns : they have given themselves pain without profit : they will be shamed on account of their produce , because of the burning wrath of the lord .