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  1. 山坡下面,野山羊咩咩地轻声叫着。

    From the slope below , the wild goats bleated faintly .

  2. 羊在咩咩叫。

    A sheep is bleating .

  3. 结果呢?公羊的犄角被篱笆夹住,进也不得,退也不得,只能“咩咩”不停地叫唤。

    As a result , with its horns caught in the fence , the ram could neither advance nor retreat but bleat7 helplessly .

  4. 羊群咩咩地挤拥在街上。

    Flocks of sheep jostled and bleated in the street .

  5. 羊咩咩市长助理,我们需要你的帮助。

    Assistant Mayor Bellwether , we need your help .

  6. 在农村,他可以听到鸟儿歌唱,羊儿咩咩地叫。

    In the country , he can hear birds sing and sheep bleating .

  7. 咩咩羊群在草地上慢慢盘桓,

    The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea ,

  8. 但是姐姐已经死了,死掉了不会读呦,咩咩。

    But the sister has died , died not read Yo , bleating .

  9. 羊咩咩市长助理,她的警徽。

    Assistant Mayor Bellwether , her badge .

  10. 咩咩叫和这种叫声相似的声音。

    A sound similar to this cry .

  11. 因为你们的嗓音听起来像鸟儿的歌唱,而我的嗓音却像羊在咩咩叫。

    Because your voice sounds like birds singing while my voice sounds like sheep bleating .

  12. 山羊妹妹做笔记念书,咩咩。

    Goat sister study notes , bleating .

  13. 在阿里巴巴的农场里,小羊羔咩咩叫。

    " Baa , Baa " cry his little lambs , On the farm of Ali Ba-ba .

  14. 由聚乙烯制成的巨型灯泡。(灯泡为啥要和羊咩咩放在一起涅?)

    Made from polyethylene , this unique lamp is in the shape of a giant light bulb .

  15. 绵羊说:有空位让我做吗?甘伯伯说:有,但是你不能咩咩叫。

    Have you a place for me ? said the sheep . Yes , but dont keep bleating .

  16. 羊妈妈开始很害怕地咩咩叫起来,农夫就跑出来保护小羊。

    She began to cry and bleat fearfully , and the farmer came out to protect the lamb .

  17. 歌未完,云雾中呈现出一大群山羊,羊儿边走边发出咩咩叫声;

    Unfinished song , showing a large cloud of goats , sheep walking issue " Baa Baa " call ;

  18. 第一只奶牛叫“哞哞”,第二只奶牛叫“咩咩”。

    The first cow said " moo , moo " and the second cow said " baa , baa " .

  19. 听,羊羔咩咩地细声叫喊,鸟儿们群栖在榆树之颠,他们是一伙喧闹的家伙;

    Hark the little lambs are bleating , and the cawing rooks are meeting in the elms a noisy crowd ;

  20. 他害怕的从裂缝边缘往下看,发现丢失的羊羔正在下面悲伤的咩咩叫着。

    Peering fearfully over the edge of the chasm , he sees deep below the missing lamb , plaintively bleating .

  21. 喇叭是一群象;在一群熊鸡内报晓;羊群内的咩咩叫声。

    Trumpet in a herd of elephants ; crow in the company of cocks ; bleat in a flock of goats .

  22. 人们发现它的时候,这只可怜的绵羊挂在15英尺高,旁边是根电线杆,并在咩咩的求救呢。

    The unfortunate sheep was spotted bleating for help more than 15 feet above the ground next to a telegraph pole .

  23. 这真的没必要。那两头羊每天一清早就咩咩地叫,吵得我们睡不好觉,何不把它送给邻居,与他换一窝蜜蜂不是更好吗?

    Wouldn 't it be better for us to give them to our neighbor , who will give us a beehive for them ?

  24. 但是玫瑰花、色彩鲜艳的小猫、小鸡和咩咩叫的黑羊刚一靠近,

    but at the approach of the roses , at the mere sight of those gaily-coloured images of pussy and cock-a-doodle-doo and baa-baa black sheep ,

  25. 如果一只狼丧失嗜血的本性,吃起草来,模仿绵羊咩咩叫,就不再是一只狼了。

    If a wolf loses taste of blood and eats grass , imitating moo of sheep , then it will not be a wolf any longer .

  26. 到处寂静一片,直到她们停在其中一扇门前,门里传来一位老太太清嗓子的声音,听起来像一只绵羊在咩咩叫。

    Everything was silent until , behind one of the doors before which they stopped , an old lady cleared her throat which sounded like a sheep bleating .

  27. 扮成羊在他们家门口露营,咩咩叫著「你抢了我们的东西」,直到你被警察带走为止。

    Dress up as sheep and camp out in front of their houses . Bah " Yooooouu robbbbbed ussssss " until the police arrest you and take you away .

  28. 我们能听到他们的牧群走近的声音:绵羊咪咪,山羊咩咩,还有那叮当作响的驼铃。

    We would hear their caravans approaching our neighborhood , the mewling of their sheep , the " baaing " of their goats , the jingle of bells around their camels'necks .

  29. 你能想象熊猫说“我爱你”时是“咩咩咩”,说“我愿意”时像鸟叫,而说“我很生气”时又像狗叫吗?

    Can you imagine giant pandas baa like sheep to say " I love you " and warble a cheerful " I do " when wooed by a suitor , and bark like a dog when they are furious ?

  30. 咩,咩,黑羊儿,羊毛你可有?

    Baa , baa , black sheep , have you any wool ?