
láo dònɡ zhēnɡ yì sù sònɡ
  • Labor dispute litigation;litigation of labor controversy
  1. 劳动争议诉讼举证责任分配

    Allocation of Onus Prob and I in Labour Disputes Lawsuits

  2. 浅谈劳动争议诉讼与民事诉讼的区别

    A Brief Talk on the Differentiation Between Labor Disputes Litigation and Civil Litigation

  3. 劳动争议诉讼制度研究

    The Research of Labor Dispute Lawsuit System

  4. 劳动争议诉讼三题

    The Three Problems of Labor Disputes Procedure

  5. 劳动争议诉讼区别于普通民事诉讼,且与行政诉讼存在诸多区别。

    The labor dispute lawsuit distinguishes between the ordinary civil action and the administrative proceedings .

  6. 论程序正义理论对我国劳动争议诉讼的借鉴价值

    The Discussion on the Value of " Proceduralism " to Labor Dispute Lawsuit in Our Country

  7. 改革劳动争议诉讼制度。

    Reforming labor dispute litigation .

  8. 劳动争议诉讼是当事人解决争议的最后途径。

    Among them , dispute of labor lawsuit is the final channel to settle the dispute of labor .

  9. 通过对各种实证资料搜集、分析,我们清楚地发现我国劳动争议诉讼调解在两条坐标轴中处于失衡的状态。

    By analyzing these empirical evidences , we find in this graph Chinese judicial mediation process is imbalance .

  10. 在劳动争议诉讼中,举证责任如何分配对案件的审理和裁判有着举足轻重的作用。

    In labor dispute lawsuit , the allocation of the burden of the hearing of the case plays an important role .

  11. 因此,劳动争议诉讼制度对于快速处理劳动争议,保护劳动者权利,构建和谐劳资关系有重要的意义。

    Therefore , the system of labor dispute lawsuit plays a vital role in handling labor dispute , protecting labors ' rights , establishing harmonious labor relations .

  12. 第三点从法国的劳动争议诉讼制度、德国劳动争议案件的审理、英国工业裁判所的裁判三方面论述。

    The third point from the French legal system , labor dispute , labor dispute cases in the German trial , the British industrial tribunal of three judges discussed .

  13. 但是诉讼制度具有自身无法避免的劣势,同时我国的劳动争议诉讼解决机制并不十分完善,不利于现阶段我国劳动争议的解决、双方关系的维系和利益的平衡。

    But litigation has its own unavoidable disadvantages . In addition , labor dispute lawsuit system in China is not act perfectly to resolve disputes and to balance interests .

  14. 此外,为构建完善的劳动争议诉讼举证责任,应在个案中大胆适用推定制度,实现一般正义与个别正义的统一。

    In addition , the labor dispute for constructing perfect proof responsibility , the author also think shall apply in specific cases in bold presumption system and achieving general justice and individual justice unity .

  15. 劳动争议诉讼是指劳动争议当事人针对劳动权利争议相关事项向人民法院提起诉讼,由人民法院依法对案件进行审理和判决的活动。

    The labor dispute lawsuit refers that the labor dispute litigants file the charge to the court in view of the rights to work item , and the court carries on trying and the decision legally to the case .

  16. 劳动争议诉讼程序在民事诉讼程序的基础上,按照注重调解、实质公正、快速高效的原则,在审理期限、审判环节、举证责任等方面进行改造,以适应劳动争议审判的需要。

    Labor dispute proceedings in civil proceedings , in accordance with emphasis on mediation , real justice , fast and efficient principle , the trial period , the trial sessions , the onus for upgrading to meet labor dispute trials .

  17. 本文在介绍我国当前劳动争议诉讼制度基本内容的基础上深入分析其不足和缺陷,并提出了一些完善的措施和建议。

    This thesis aims to give a deep analysis of the defects and deficiencies existing in the system of the labor dispute lawsuit on the basis of a brief introduction of the current system as well as propose some improving measures .

  18. 因此,劳动争议的诉讼调解必须在保障诉讼调解自愿性的同时实现劳动法律规范的强制性。

    Therefore , judicial mediation of labor disputes should guarantee voluntaries of parties , at the same time , enforce mandatory labor standards .

  19. 现行劳动争议与诉讼制度存在的问题已对及时、有效解决劳动纠纷产生了一定的不良影响。

    The current system of arbitration and lawsuit on labor disputes are confronted with problems , which have posed negative influence on effective settlement of labor disputes .

  20. 其中,对劳动争议非诉讼解决机制的内在结构进行研究是非常少的一部分,更少的一部分是对非诉讼机制与诉讼机制之间的衔接问题的研究。

    Among them , non-litigation of labor dispute settlement mechanism to study the internal structure of a very small part , less the part of non-action mechanism and action mechanism of the interface between .

  21. 为此,笔者从劳动争议和诉讼主体认定,程序保障和伤亡人员及时得到救助三个方面提出建议,以确保条例得到执行。

    Thereby this article puts forward a proposal from three aspects : determination of the subject of labor dispute and action , procedure guarantee and timely salvation for the casualty workers , in order to ensure execution of the regulation .

  22. 浅议劳动争议仲裁与诉讼的若干问题

    On Problems of Arbitration and Lawsuit of Labor Disputes

  23. 劳动争议仲裁与诉讼请求事项程序性冲突问题研究

    Research on the Conflict about the Claims of Labor Dispute between Arbitration and Litigation

  24. 在此基础上提出,“裁审分离、各自终局”是解决劳动争议仲裁与诉讼衔接问题的有效方法。

    Then the author goes on to suggest a solution , that is , a separation of arbitration and the trial with respective results .

  25. 在劳动争议仲裁和诉讼中,举证责任是一个核心问题,关系到劳动争议当事人切身的合法权益。

    In the labor dispute arbitration and litigation , the burden of proof is a core issue related to the labor dispute of the legitimate rights and interests of the immediate parties .

  26. 在维持裁审关系不变的情况下,深入分析研究劳动争议仲裁与诉讼制度在现实中存在的问题与成因,从价值取向、立法、相关制度方面提出一些完善的思路和建议。

    The Commission in maintaining relations remain unchanged , in-depth analysis of labor dispute arbitration and litigation systems in the real problems and causes , from the value orientation , legislative and related systems to make some sound ideas and suggestions .

  27. 以期对裁审机制本身进行制度调整,使劳动争议仲裁与诉讼互相配合,最终达到保障劳动关系各方的最大利益。

    With a view to the Commission on a mechanism , in order to adjust the system itself , so that labor dispute arbitration and litigation with each other , and ultimately the protection of labor relations in the best interests of the parties .

  28. 劳动争议的仲裁和诉讼的主体应当具有普遍性;

    And the subjects ought to be universal .

  29. 劳动争议仲裁程序不宜作为劳动争议诉讼的前置程序而应实行一裁终局。

    The labor dispute arbitration procedure should not be regarded as the preceding one to arbitrate as the first instance being final .

  30. 因此,本文从劳动争议产生的根源入手,对劳动争议非诉讼解决机制的内在结构进行研究,继而找出解决劳动争议的有效方法。

    Therefore , this paper from the start with the root causes of labor disputes , non-litigation of labor dispute settlement mechanism to study the internal structure , and then find effective ways to resolve labor disputes .