
  • Lawrence;Jennifer Lawrence;D. H. Lawrence
  1. 第二段引文出自D.H.劳伦斯20世纪20年代写的一篇文章。

    The second quotation is from an essay that D H Lawrence wrote in the nineteen-twenties .

  2. 我试着修理它,却让劳伦斯乐得前仰后合。

    My attempt to fix it sent Lawrence into fits of laughter .

  3. 我突然发觉自己几乎同情起可怜的劳伦斯先生来了。

    I caught myself feeling almost sorry for poor Mr Laurence .

  4. 昨天所有人都放一天假,劳伦斯除外。

    Yesterday was a day off for everybody , with the exception of Lawrence

  5. 官方消息人士在公开推测谁有可能成为接任劳伦斯博士的人选。

    Government sources are now openly speculating about a possible successor for Dr Lawrence

  6. 劳伦斯不停地用头撞我,但是裁判并没有警告他。

    Lawrence kept on butting me but the referee did not warn him .

  7. 他和儿子劳伦斯分吃了一张比萨饼。

    He shared a pizza with his son Laurence

  8. 劳伦斯是那种要么让人激动不已,要么让人觉得索然无味的作家。

    Lawrence is one of those writers who either excite you enormously or leave you cold .

  9. 当他轻手轻脚地回到读经台时,他听到了劳伦斯神父冷冰冰的声音。

    When he crept back to his desk , he heard the dry voice of Father Laurence .

  10. 劳伦斯一气之下离开了陆军,在伦敦金融城开始了工作。

    Lawrence , in a fit of pique , left the Army and took up a career in the City .

  11. D·H劳伦斯:男权与女权

    David · H · Laurence : Male Chauvinist and Feminist

  12. 解读D·H·劳伦斯小说中的火车意象

    Interpretation of the Train Image in D.H.Lawrence 's Novels

  13. 论D·H·劳伦斯的道德理想与社会的冲突

    The Conflict between D · H · Lawrence 's Moral Ideal and the Social Realities

  14. 有一本D·H·劳伦斯写的短篇小说集刚出版。

    There 's a collection of short stories by D. H. Laurence that has just come out .

  15. 是那些放荡的爱尔兰妇女在为她们的死者恸哭(乔治A.劳伦斯)。

    It is the wild Irish women keening over their dead ( George A. Lawrence ) .

  16. D·H·劳伦斯是英国二十世纪最重要的小说家之一,也是世界文坛上最富有争议的作家之一。

    David Herbert Lawrence is one of the greatest writers in the 20th century , but also caused the greatest disputes in the world .

  17. 甲骨文公司(OracleCorporation)董事长劳伦斯·J·艾利森(LawrenceJ.Ellison)在夏威夷拥有一座私人岛屿。

    Lawrence J. Ellison , chairman of the Oracle Corporation , has his own private Hawaiian island .

  18. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)区域房地产研究主管安德鲁?劳伦斯(AndrewLawrence)是态度最为悲观的分析师之一。

    Andrew Lawrence , Barclays Capital 's head of regional property research , is among the most bearish of analysts .

  19. 从Unix安全领域的专业术语来看,苹果公司的声明等于是说:劳伦斯的账户被黑客破解了,这不关苹果的事。

    What the company saying , in the technical language of Unix security , is that Lawrence got hacked , not Apple .

  20. “在这里有很大的潜力,”DNA专家和纽约约翰杰刑事司法学院的法医学部主席劳伦斯科比林斯基说。

    " There is a lot of potential here ," said Lawrence Kobilinsky , a DNAexpert and chairman of the Department of Forensic Science at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York .

  21. 在Vogue的采访中,劳伦斯说在成长于肯塔基州期间,她就知道她会成功。

    In a new interview with Vogue , the actress says she foresaw her fame while growing up in Kentucky .

  22. 在《乌云背后的幸福线》(SilverLiningsPlaybook)中扮演一个年轻寡妇的劳伦斯获得最佳女主角奖。

    Jennifer Lawrence fell on the steps up to the stage to pick up her best acting Oscar for Silver Linings Playbook .

  23. E.M.福斯特(EdwardMorganForster,1879-1970)是20世纪初英国著名的小说家与批评家,与当时的劳伦斯、康拉德、伍尔夫等作家齐名。

    Edward Morgan Forster is a highly prestigious british writer and critic , at the beginning of the 20th century .

  24. NAR首席经济学家劳伦斯恽(LawrenceYun)表示,肩胛出售的房屋占2月份总销量的40%至45%。

    According to Lawrence Yun , NAR chief economist , distressed sales accounted for 40-45 per cent of sales in February .

  25. 政府希望继续把重点放在经济复苏方案上,奥巴马首席经济顾问劳伦斯•萨默斯(LawrenceSummers)昨日对福克斯新闻(FOXNEWS)说。

    There 's a desire to keep the focus on the economic recovery programme , Lawrence Summers , Mr Obama 's chief economic adviser , told Fox News yesterday .

  26. 学生们将与劳伦斯社区工作公司的工作人员一起工作,收集数据和探索在主动的IDA计划中让居民参与的潜在涵义。

    Students will work with LCW members to collect data and explore the potential implications of involving residents in an aggressive IDA program .

  27. 正如劳伦斯•萨默斯(LawrenceSummers)所指出那样,令人担忧的是,高收入经济体似乎无法在不制造极端信贷动荡的前提下,推动需求强劲增长。

    As Lawrence Summers has argued , the high-income economies seem to be worryingly unable to generate good growth in demand without extreme credit instability .

  28. 安全预测:劳伦斯穿着柔美的褶皱折边RalphLauren(拉尔夫?劳伦)礼服完美亮相金球奖,这是她第一次转变。

    Safe Bet : This feminine ruffled Ralph Lauren gown is the perfect pick for Lawrence 's first turn at the Golden Globes .

  29. 因此,SETI研究所的天文学家劳伦斯道尔领导的一个小组决定看一看。

    So a team led by SETI Institute astronomer Laurance Doyle decided to take a closer look .

  30. 借用劳伦斯(DHLawrence)观点——所有文化都“深深扎在金钱的粪堆里”,魏纳讨论了金钱的作用。

    Applying DH Lawrence 's insight that all culture is built on a " deep dung of cash , " Weiner discusses the role of money .