
fù zhí
  • the position of a deputy to the chief of an office, department, etc;the position of a deputy to the chief of an office,department,etc.;deputy
副职 [fù zhí]
  • [the position of a deputy to the chief of an office,department,etc.] 在办公室或部门中副的职位(副手)

副职[fù zhí]
  1. 按惯例,这一领导职务的副职总是由女性担任。

    By convention the deputy leader was always a woman .

  2. onleave休假这些军官在休假。associate表示副职

    These officers are on leave .

  3. 领导岗位的副职,是领导活动中的重要组成部分。

    Deputy post of leader is an important part of leader activity .

  4. 正职的企业家在创新意识行为层面的风险承担意识上显著高于副职的企业家。

    Chief entrepreneurs had significant better innovation risk exposure consciousness than vice-deputy .

  5. 按照惯例这一领导人的副职总是由女子担任。

    By convention the deputy leader is always a woman .

  6. 浅析分管式副职&权力的归属与运作

    Simple Discussion about In Type Deputies & The ownership and operation of power

  7. 汉语副职英译的语料库调查研究

    A corpus analysis of the English translation of Chinese subordinate ranks / titles

  8. 他正在与现任副职领导人角逐领导的地位。

    He is standing against the present deputy leader in the leadership contest .

  9. 麦克是这个部门的副经理。表示副职的词语

    Mike is the assistant manager in this department .

  10. 正职与副职的关系;

    Relationship between chief position and deputy position ;

  11. 从战略管理的视角思考医院副职的作为

    Reflecting on the role of deputies in a hospital from the perspective of strategic management

  12. 企业副职的责任模式比较

    Responsibility Pattern of Vice Position in Enterprises

  13. 是提高副职自身思维能力应具备的基本素质;

    It should be provided with the basic diathesis of increasing the deputy dean oneself ideation .

  14. 副职过多,效率难以提高,容易助长官僚主义和形式主义。

    Having too many deputy posts leads to low efficiency and contributes to bureaucracy and formalism .

  15. 当好副职和下级也是重要的领导艺术

    To Perform Deputy Leaders ' and Subordinate Leaders ' Responsibility Perfectly is the Most Important Leading Arts

  16. 企业领导者能否正确处理好正职与副职之间的关系,事关企业的兴衰成败。

    How to deal with the relationship between leaders is the key issue for enterprises to succeed .

  17. 龚爱爱曾在榆林市当地某村镇银行担任副职。

    Gong Aiai , was a former deputy head of a local rural bank in Yulin city .

  18. 在假设条件下的比较分析显示,企业采用第一种副职责任模式有利于实现企业的经营目标。

    The comparative analysis shows that business goal of an enterprise can be advantageously accomplished by adopting the first pattern .

  19. 副职领导是领导干部队伍的主体,被领导能力是领导干部不可忽视的能力。

    While the latter is the main part of the leading team , the capacity of being led is not negligible .

  20. 爆炸发生在这座建筑的咖啡馆,一些副职人员在早会后在那里喝茶和吃饭。

    The explosion was in the building 's cafeteria where several deputies have gone to take tea and have lunch following the morning session .

  21. 副职超编现象的公共政策分析&兼论政策在组织内执行时的阻滞因素

    A Public Policy Analysis Base on the Phenomenon of Deputies Overstaffing & Also on the policy implementation in the organization of the block factor

  22. 企业领导有正职与副职之分,他们两者既是领导与被领导的关系,又是同级之间职责和权限分工不同的关系。

    An enterprise has chief and deputy leader positions whose relationship is both that one dominate another and that they have different rights and responsibility .

  23. 试论副职领导必备的能力和素质论领导情境与副职领导干部配备方式&以深圳大学实行正职对副职提名权的做法为例

    Capacity and Qualification of Deputy Cadres The Leader 's Situation and the Choice of the Subsidiary Leader & An Analysis of the Reform in Shenzhen University

  24. 中国人民解放军副职领导人形容这个举动与日本政府决定“购买”钓鱼岛的目的一样。

    The deputy head of the PLA has described the move as the equivalent of the Japanese government 's decision to " purchase " the Diaoyu Islands .

  25. 为了解决这个问题,很多地方以层级不一的地方性规范创设了行政首长出庭应诉制度,要求行政机关的正职领导或者副职领导必须出庭应诉。

    In order to solve this problem , many different locals create a system that the chief executive leadership Or the deputy leadership must appear in court .

  26. 煤矿分管安全工作的行政副职对瓦斯治理工作负监督检查责任;

    The deputy manager of a coal mine in charge of the safety work shall be responsible for the supervision over and check of the gas controlling work ;

  27. 有的可以经过他作自我批评,改正错误,继续任原职,有些可以改为副职或者委员。

    Some of the well-to-do middle peasants may continue at their posts after making a self-criticism and correcting their mistakes , others may be made deputy leaders or committee members .

  28. 企业绩效考核体系中,企业副职履行责任的模式分为两种:(1)不在企业责任体系中独立承担绩效责任,而是作为正职绩效责任的部分责任代理者;

    In the performance evaluation system of an enterprise , the vice position has two responsibility patterns : one is partly responsible for the evaluation , rather than independently responsible for all ;

  29. 尽管一些部门被合并了,主要官员仍抱着饭碗不放,导致副职官员越来越多(这使得中央也很为难)。

    Although some departments have been amalgamated , the main bureaucrats have all kept their jobs , leading to an abundance of deputy directors ( which also makes dealing with Beijing difficult ) .

  30. 与部属的关系:承上启下作枢纽三方面浅析了办公室副职应处理好的基本关系。

    Carry forward in a new paragraph assuming key position tray in three aspects having analysed office position of a deputy to the chief of an office should handle the good basic relation .