
jiàn qiáo dà xué
  • Cambridge University
剑桥大学[jiàn qiáo dà xué]
  1. 他接受了剑桥大学的研究员一职。

    He has accepted a research professorship at Cambridge University .

  2. 她在剑桥大学学习法语和德语。

    She read French and German at Cambridge University

  3. 我为能上剑桥大学而刻苦学习。

    I was working hard to get into Cambridge .

  4. 他在剑桥大学学习哲学和心理学。

    He studied philosophy and psychology at Cambridge .

  5. 一项科技新奇迹在英国剑桥大学诞生了——这就是扫描电子显微镜。

    A new technological marvel was invented at Cambridge University in England , the scanning electron microscope .

  6. 去年加入快速晋职队伍的新公务员中,牛津和剑桥大学的毕业生占了41%。

    Last year Oxbridge graduates accounted for 41 % of entrants to the civil service 's fast stream to promotion .

  7. 他曾是剑桥大学皇家学院的院长。

    He has been the master of king 's college , cambridge .

  8. 只有学业上的精英才能上牛津或剑桥大学。

    Only the educational elite go ( goes ) to Oxford or cambridge .

  9. 你什么时候去剑桥大学?

    When will you go up to Cambridge university ?

  10. 罗丝·孟恩思是名在英国剑桥大学研究进化生物学的博士后,他是开放科学的忠实捍卫者,部分原因是他以以化石为基础的研究需要依靠他人的数据。

    Ross Mounce , a postdoc studying evolutionary biology at the University of Cambridge , UK , is a vocal champion of open science , partly because his fossil based research on access to others ' data .

  11. 该研究中心的学术主任、剑桥大学哲学教授休·普莱斯表示,该中心成立的部分原因是剑桥大学的存在风险中心。霍金也是剑桥大学的学者。

    Huw Price , the centre 's academic director and the Bertrand Russell professor of philosophy at Cambridge University , where Hawking is also an academic , said that the centre came about partially as a result of the university 's Centre for Existential Risk .

  12. 这次划船比赛是英国最著名也是最古老的两所大学——牛津大学(Oxford)和剑桥大学(Cambridge)之间的比赛。

    This boat race is an event between the two most famous and also the oldest universities in Britain – the Oxford and the Cambridge .

  13. 然后他去了剑桥大学学习宇宙学。

    Then he went to Cambridge University to study cosmology .

  14. 霍金在剑桥大学当教授。

    Hawking worked at Cambridge University as a professor .

  15. 剑桥大学赢的次数更多。

    The Cambridge has won more .

  16. 保罗:让我看看。哦,你是汤姆。我听说你在剑桥大学。

    Paul : Let me see . Oh , you are Tom . I heard you were in Cambridge University .

  17. 在大学间进行划船比赛的想法来自两个朋友——剑桥大学的学生查尔斯·梅里维尔和他在牛津大学的朋友查尔斯·华兹华斯。

    The idea for the boat race between the universities came from two friends – Charles Merivale , a student at Cambridge , and his friend Charles Wordsworth who was at Oxford .

  18. 杰西卡·加德纳博士�剑桥大学图书管理员

    Dr Jessica Gardner , University Librarian , University of Cambridge

  19. 他在剑桥大学上学时曾一度被勒令停学。

    He was once rusticated in Cambridge .

  20. 但对此,牛津大学和剑桥大学均表示没有此类的扩张计划。

    But Oxford and Cambridge have both said there were no plans for any such expansion .

  21. 该哲学理论的创立者、剑桥大学教授安迪·马丁对贝克汉姆存在主义的描述为“留着超酷发型的存在主义”。

    Described by its creator , Cambridge professor Andy Martin , Becksistentialism is " existentialism , but with a very cool haircut . "

  22. 来自剑桥大学的地理学家艾米·唐纳文撰写了这份报告,她说有些人无法抗拒火山的原始力量。

    Amy Donovan , the Cambridge University geographer2 who has written the report , says that some people are unable to resist the elemental power of a volcano .

  23. 剑桥大学就共有7座这样的博物馆——费兹威廉博物馆、考古与人类学博物馆、动物学博物馆、古典考古博物馆、惠普科学历史博物馆、塞德威克地球科学博物馆、史考特北极研究所博物馆等。

    In the University of Cambridge , there are altogether seven such museums-Fitzwilliam Museum , Museum of Archaeology1 and Anthropology2 , Museum of Zoology3 , Museum of Classical Archaeology , Whipple Museum of the History of Science , The Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences , Museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute .

  24. 剑桥大学贾奇商学院(CambridgeJudgeBusinessSchool)在6所新上榜院校中排名最高,位列第50名。

    Cambridge Judge Business School was ranked highest among the six new entrants , in 50th place .

  25. 牛津一贯的竞争对手剑桥大学(Cambridgeuniversity)也加入这场竞争中。

    Oxford 's traditional rival , Cambridge University , has also joined the game .

  26. 50年前的这个月,一位著名的英国化学家改行的小说家C·P·斯诺在剑桥大学作了一场演讲。

    Fifty years ago this month C.P.Snow , an eminent British chemist-turned-novelist , gave a lecture at the University of Cambridge .

  27. 两所英国商学院——伦敦商学院和剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)贾奇商学院(JudgeBusinessSchool)——在“有工作经验要求”项目排行榜上领跑。

    Two UK institutions , LBS and Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge , top the post-experience ranking .

  28. 英国剑桥大学社会学家DavidStuckler是这份报告的作者之一。

    David Stuckler , a sociologist at Britain 's University of Cambridge , co-wrote the report .

  29. 哈萨比斯本科在剑桥大学(CambridgeUniversity)学习计算机科学时接触到了人工智能。

    Mr Hassabis was introduced to artificial intelligence while studying computer science as an undergraduate at Cambridge university .

  30. 剑桥大学(cambridgeuniversity)的研究者们对生活在淡水池塘中的雌性微生物蛭形轮虫进行了研究。

    The researchers , based at Cambridge University , focused on bdelloid rotifers , female microscopic organisms that live in freshwater pools .