
chū zhōng
  • middle school;junior high school
初中 [chū zhōng]
  • [junior high school] 中学教育的第一至三年级阶段

初中[chū zhōng]
  1. 我哥哥念完初中二年级就休学了。

    My brother dropped out at the end of the second year of his junior middle school .

  2. 结果调查对象HIV抗体检测均为阴性,年龄最小为14岁,初中文化占50.7%;

    The youngest was 14 years old and 50.7 % of them received junior middle school education .

  3. 威尔士现在的初中生中有1/3以上的人就读的学校学生总数超过1,000人。

    Over a third of those now at secondary school in Wales attend schools with over 1,000 pupils

  4. 五年级的阅读成绩和学分越低,初中的成绩就越低,因此高中毕业率也就会低40%。

    Lower reading achievement scores and grades in fifth grade contributed to reduced grades in middle school and thereby contributed to a 40 % lower high school graduation rate .

  5. 他们让大学生教高中生计算机科学,这些高中生继而把同样的知识教给初中生。

    They engage college undergraduates to teach computer science to high school students , who in turn instruct middle school students on the topic .

  6. 在刚上初中时,具有成长思维模式的学生的数学测试分数与显示出固定思维模式学生的分数相当。

    At the start of junior high , the math achievement test scores of the students with a growth mind-set were comparable to those of students who displayed a fixed mind-set .

  7. 安娜:初中时代结束了。我会想念我所有的老师的。

    Anna : Junior high school days are over . I 'll miss all of my teachers .

  8. 最近,一所初中把几个学生送回家,因为他们违反了校服规定。

    Recently , a junior high school sent several students back home because they broke the school uniform rules .

  9. 1980年我还是一个初中生的时候,上帝给了我一份礼物,那就是幸福。

    When I was a junior high school student in 1980 , God gave me a gift.It was happiness .

  10. A:哦,对不起。我昨天去了那里。你还记得我们初中时的老朋友安妮吗?

    A : Oh , sorry . I went there yesterday . Do you remember Anne , our old friend at Junior High School ?

  11. 哈利:我也是。但是初中的结束是新生活的开始。你要去哪里学习?

    Harry : Me neither . But the end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life.Where are you going to study ?

  12. 中学是指初中和高中。

    Secondary school means junior school and high school .

  13. 初中、高中及更年长的越野跑参与者中,最常见的损伤有哪些?

    What injuries most commonly affect athletes running cross country , at the middle school level , high school level and beyond ?

  14. 初中每天书面作业完成时间平均不超过90分钟。通知提出的其他要求包括:

    The average amount of time junior high school students spend on written homework every day should be less than 90 minutes , according to the circular .

  15. 生成传统解答的初中物理智能CAI系统&原理、结构与关键技术

    A PHYSICS ICAI SYSTEM WITH TRADITIONAL STYLE SOLUTION & Principle , Structure and Critical Technology

  16. 初中二年级无论是整体比较还是分性别比较,情绪和行为障碍学生与正常学生在T分和P分上差异都不显著;

    It makes obvious differences between male emotional and behavior disorders students and average students in T minute , while that is not obvious in P minute .

  17. 总裁助理&现代公司中的重要角色CAI课件在初中物理教学中的辅助教学作用与实践研究

    On Assistant of President CAI Teaches the Center in the Junior Middle School Physics the Teaching Assistant Function and the Research

  18. 本文面向的是初中级Subversion用户。

    This article is intended for beginning-to-intermediate Subversion users .

  19. 采用问卷调查的方法,考察学校三类群体(初中生、大学生、教师)的阅读信念(readingbelief)对记叙文意义建构的影响。

    Questionnaires were used to study the effects of reading belief of three groups ( junior middle school students , undergraduates , teachers ) on the meaning construction in narrative texts .

  20. 从初中几何教学实际出发,针对几何课程和计算机辅助教学(CAI)的特点,将CAI引入到初中几何教学过程之中。

    Based on practice of elementary geometry teaching , CAI is introduced into the process of teaching be dead against the traits of geometry course and Computer-Aided Instruction .

  21. 结果线索熟悉性与信息易接近性对初中生的FOK判断等级都有影响,但二者之间不存在交互作用。

    Results Both cue-familiarity and accessibility enhanced FOK judgment , but their effects were independent .

  22. 我们开发了初中数学CAI的系列课件,对课件使用的效果及学生的反映作了统计分析。

    We develop a series of CAI courseware in elementary mathematics , try to evalute it 's effect and students'attitudes towards the application of the courseware on classroom instruction .

  23. 目的研究LASS(初中生版)在高中生中使用的信度和效度。

    Objective To explore the validity and reliability of LASS for students in senior middle school .

  24. 还有debbie,我初中时最好的朋友,在打迷你高尔夫球时被闪电击中。

    And Debbie , my best friend from junior high got struck by lightning on a miniature golf course .

  25. 方法对4所初中学校所有在校学生进行呼吸系统健康状况和家庭问卷调查,采用多元非条件Logistic回归模型就中学生呼吸系统症状的影响因素进行分析。

    Methods A questionnaire investigation based on students respiratory health and family conditions was carried out among 4 middle school students . Data were sent into unconditional multiple regression logistic model to analyze the influencing factors .

  26. 本研究旨在通过实验研究验证TA技术对我国初中生亲子沟通的干预效果,以探索一种有效且易于被人们所掌握的亲子沟通方法。

    This study aims to validate the effect of TA in intervening parent-child communication of junior high school students , exploring an effective and easy method for students and their parents .

  27. 通过以初中生和大学生为被试的两个实验探讨了FOK(Feeling-of-Knowing即熟知感)的产生机制,是线索熟悉性还是靶项目的可提取性(或记忆强度)决定FOK判断的等级。

    Two experiments were designed to investigate the mechanism of FOK ( Feeling-of-Knowing ) . To explore whether FOK judgements was based on the target 's memory trace target retrievability ) or on cue familiarity .

  28. 方法使用G-6-PD试纸法初筛,四氮唑蓝定量法测定确认的方法调查对2050名(男1126,女1124)瑶族和874名(男481,女393)汉族初中学生进行G-6-PD缺乏症的调查。

    Methods NBT G-6-PD quantification by G-6-PD test paper screening in 2050 Yao ethnic students ( 1126 boys and 1124 girls ) and 874 Han ethnic students ( 481 boys , 393 girls ) in middle junior school .

  29. 初中和小学的假期作业就是不一样!

    Middle and primary school vacation homework is not the same !

  30. 初中阶段青少年健康行为的因素结构特点分析

    Structure of Health-related Behaviors in Adolescence : A Confirmatory Factor Analysis