
  • 网络PDU;allocation unit;ADU;Unit;CDU
  1. 通过将此分配单元属于其一部分的对象进行分区,可以减少此争用。

    This contention can be reduced by partitioning the object of which this allocation unit is a part .

  2. 提出了一种优化的动态频率选择方案,该方案是对资源分配单元和调度信息传递在子信道域、调制编码域和子载波域的三维选择。

    It proposes an improved Dynamic Frequency Selection scheme , in which traffic allocation unit and scheduling information delivery are selected by subchannel domain , modulation and coding domain , subcarrier domain .

  3. 区块为管理员提供一个很大的磁盘空间分配单元。

    Chunks provide administrators with a significantly large unit for allocating disk space .

  4. 负责清除延迟删除的分配单元的后台任务每秒成功删除的分配单元数。

    The number of allocation units per second that were successfully dropped the background task that cleans up deferred dropped allocation units .

  5. 智能电源分配单元是带外管理设备中的重要组成部分,用于对网络设备的电源进行集中管理。

    Intelligent Power Distribution Unit is an important component of out-of-band management devices for centralized management of the power supply of network devices .

  6. 最后,建立了推力器的驱动模型和对推力分配单元进行了分析研究。

    Finally , this paper establishes the drive model and the thrust distribution unit : the drive model consists of motor , thrust control system ;

  7. 二是系统吞吐量同信道分配单元大小的关系。结果表明,信道信息误差对系统吞吐量的影响主要是因为速率选择错误的原因,错选用户这一因素的影响相对较小;

    One is the impact of channel information error to user scheduling and transmission mode selection ; the other is the relation between system throughput and the size of channel allocation unit .

  8. 在二次侧的信号分配单元则主要讨论了针对单相数据帧编码的信号还原及调理电路的软、硬件设计和工业以太网电路构成。

    As to signal distribution unit at the secondary side , the signal reverting circuit which deals with single-phase data frames ' code scheme and the industrial Ethernet circuit structure are discussed .

  9. 同时,信道分配单元也不是越小越好,适当提高分配单元的大小可以在一定程度上减轻信道信息误差的影响。

    It 's also observed that , when the channel information is not sufficiently reliable , extending the channel allocation unit can , to some extent , lessen the impact of channel information error .

  10. 该算法引入信任度函数反映频谱分配单元对频谱感知结果的信任程度,通过迭代实现了频谱检测门限和信道、功率分配的最优化。

    The algorithm introduces confidence function to reflect the confidence level that spectrum module believes the sensing result , and then obtains the approximate optimal sub-channel and power allocation and sensing thresholds via iteration .

  11. 作为RationalPublishingEngine中一个简单地工作环境,您可以直接在文件模板中分配表格单元的宽度。

    As a simple workaround in Rational Publishing Engine , you can directly assign the table cell widths in the document template .

  12. 增雨防雹火箭的可靠性分配及其单元可靠性增长试验

    Reliability distribution and unit reliability growth tests for rainfall-enhancement and anti-hail rocket

  13. 简要介绍了系统各单元的选择原则,尤其是可靠性原则,系统可靠性分配为单元选择提供了除传统意义上性能指标之外的指标要求。

    Introduce the choice principle of every unit of the system , especially reliability principle briefly , systematic reliability distribution has offered the index besides performance index in the traditional meaning for the fact that the unit is chosen to require .

  14. 这些图象是XX位的图象,已分配XX个单元。

    Images are XX bits deep with XX cells allocated .

  15. 个未分配的CPU单元将仍然不可用于其他用户,因此要闲置此请求。

    The22 unallocated CPU units would remain unavailable to other users and therefore idle for the life of this request .

  16. 图19显示了修改VIOS分区Properties任务的分配的处理单元的设置。

    Figure 19 shows an example of modifying the Processing Units assigned setting for the VIOS partition with the Properties task .

  17. 在计算机存储介质上,LUN仅是分配给逻辑单元的号码。

    In computer storage , a LUN is simply the number assigned to a logical unit .

  18. 我们有未分配的处理器单元,可以使用它们建立更多LPAR,但是因为所有内存都被占用了,实际上无法这样做。

    However , we have unallocated processing units that we could use to build more LPARs but we are unable to , as all of the memory has been consumed .

  19. 这些专用的方法包括对象的分配,存储单元分配以及初始化。

    These special methods include allocation , deallocation , and initialization of objects .

  20. 逻辑单元号是分配给逻辑单元的数字。

    A logical unit number is simply the number assigned to a logical unit .

  21. 其由侦察预警、火力分配和火力单元对空射击模块组成。

    It is composed of detection pre-warning , fire distribution , and fire unit air defense shooting module .

  22. 提供这些信息之后,继续提供标准的配置数据,比如虚拟机资源分配信息、单元名称、节点名称和密码。

    After you provide this information , continue to provide standard configuration data such as virtual machine resource allocation information , cell name , node name , and passwords .

  23. 研究表明,随分配到选择性单元甲苯量的增加,芳烃联合装置对二甲苯的产量下降,苯产量增加,各单元处理规模下降;

    Research results showed that with increasing toluene drawing ratio to selective disproportionation unit , p-xylene productivity decreased and benzene productivity increased and production scale of each unit also decreased .

  24. 在此基础上,提出适合于人工影响强烈地区的水污染物排放总量控制方法,即基于区域行业结构优化分配的控制单元容量总量分配方法。

    And the scheme to control total waste load is proposed , which is suitable for strong artificial regulations regions called environmental capacity distribution in pollution control unit based on optimal industry distribution .

  25. 在共享一个处理器的时候,应该确定为该分区所分配的处理单元的数目,以及将处理能力分布到多个分区的分区数目。

    When sharing a processor , the number of processing units to be assigned to that partition and the number of partitions across which that power is to be distributed should be decided .

  26. 角色分配在配置单元范围内进行,如果没有附加到元素的显式策略断言,则将应用从其祖先元素继承的策略。

    Role assignments are made at the configuration unit scope , and the policy that it inherits from its ancestor element and will apply if there is no explicit policy assertion attached to the element .

  27. 一种考虑多台同种机床分配的有效的单元构成方法

    An Efficient Approach to the Cell Formation with Multiple Machines for Same Machine Type

  28. 例如可以计算平均客户满意度和员工满意度分值,并将其分配给每个子单元。

    For example , average customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction scores can be calculated and assigned to each subunit .

  29. 根据本文中的时隙分配方法,网络单元数越少,分配给每个网络单元的时隙越多,网络单元动态入网、退网以及建立路由表的性能越好。

    According to the method of slot allocation , the less total number for units , the more slot number assigned to units , so that the performance of the unit entering or drawing back the network and establishing routing table is better .

  30. 这些扫描将在已分配给某个分配单元的页内搜索可用空间,以便满足插入或修改记录片段的请求。

    These scans search for free space within pages already allocated to an allocation unit , to satisfy requests to insert or modify record fragments .