- 网络break fee;break-up fee;breakup fee

It also gives them the option to walk away for a break fee and do a rights issue instead .
It confirmed yesterday that Rio Tinto would pay it a $ 195m break fee for withdrawing from the deal .
Equinox has agreed to pay a C $ 250m termination fee if it accepts a superior proposal from another bidder .
The agreement includes a termination fee of C $ 50m and a cost reimbursement fee of C $ 10m payable by Grande Cache if the deal is not completed .
In the event the merger is terminated if regulatory approval isn 't achieved , Facebook would pay WhatsApp a $ 1 billion cash breakup fee and issue $ 1 billion in Facebook shares .
But if I were an odds-maker , the breakup fees suggest that google-motorola is lower on the board than hp-autonomy .
The awkward part fee , should you accept ?
His endorsement list shrank and his marriage ended in a divorce settlement reportedly worth $ 100 million .
It had been speculated that the settlement could have left her the world 's richest ever divorcee .
It also means that Steinway will be required to pay Kohlberg a $ 13.35 million termination fee .
Break-up fees have emerged in recent years as a sort of compensation at the end of a long-term relationship .
Break-up fees are more commonly paid by men - out of guilt or in order to offset their partner 's upset .
Then again , it sounds as if Moore was probably quite happy with the settlement : Willis allegedly paid her a sum of $ 90 million .
Bohai had agreed to raise its break fee by $ 100m to $ 350m , " to provide greater certainty of value and reflecting its commitment to the transaction . "
In addition to paying the break fee and rights issue fees , Rio will have incurred costs , not yet released , of pursuing the Chinalco deal from February until May .
So her plan is if she is not going to be queen then she could lock down a $ 350 million divorce settlement by threatening the palace to divulge family secrets .
As France 's erstwhile first lady flew to India yesterday on a humanitarian assignment , friends said she was expecting to thrash out a financial settlement with the head of state upon her return .
These billionaires have all lived in the grip of a rip-roaring obsession with work that should have ruined all relationships , and all have enough money to attract gorgeous new wives - and to pay off old ones .
Should the deal be blocked , AT & T could have to pay $ 3bn to Deutsche Telekom , as well as handing over additional spectrum and wireless data roaming arrangements , under what is known as a reverse break fee .