
  • 网络distributed inductance
  1. 以电力电子器件GTO组件为例,对GTO及电路常用元器件模型、缓冲电路分布电感的计算、电路方程的形成和求解以及缓冲电路参数的优化设计进行了研究,并建立了相应的CAD软件包。

    Taking GTO module as example , The authors has made research for modelling of GTO and circuit components most in use , calculation of distributed inductance of snubber circuit , formation and solution of circuit equations and optimal design of snubber parameters and established corresponding CAD software packets .

  2. 测量脉冲电容器分布电感的实验研究和误差分析

    Experimental study and error analysis of measuring distributed inductance of pulse capacitor

  3. 从微带线的等效分布电感电容出发,结合模拟和试验结果以及滤波器结构参数对滤波特性的影响,提出该滤波器的等效LC电路模型以及计算中心工作频率的经验公式。

    Meanwhile , based on the equivalent capacitance and inductance of microstrip lines , the equivalent LC circuit and approach formula for center frequency have been obtained by means of simulation and experiment results .

  4. 多芯片模块二维互联线分布电感电阻参数提取算法

    Distributed inductance and resistance parameter extraction of 2D multi chip module interconnection

  5. 利用紧密的布局减小了分布电感;

    The distributed inductance is decreased through a compact arrangement ;

  6. 谐振法测量脉冲电容器分布电感的原理和方法

    Principle and method for measurement of distributed inductance of pulse capacitor by means of resonance method

  7. 它与短路阻抗法相比,对影响变压器变形的分布电感和电容更为灵敏。

    Also compared to the short circuit impedance method , it is more sensitive to distribution inductance and capacitance effecting on the transformer distortion .

  8. 采用多个单元调制器并联输出,各个单元调制器回路的分布电感也并联,其等效分布电感将大大减小。

    When many cell modulators are paralleled , their distributed inductions are also paralleled , the effective distributed inductance of the modulator is reduced .

  9. 本文介绍了用谐振法测量脉冲电容器分布电感的基本原理和测试方法。

    In this paper , fundamental principle and method for measurement of distributed inductance of pulse capacitor by means of resonance method are introduced .

  10. 对搭接条射频阻抗的扫频/T形分流器插入损耗法测试方法进行了理论分析,提出了抵消搭接条和测试装置之间分布电感的测试方案。

    The test method of RF impedance of bonding strap based on the sweep frequency / T type insertion loss principle is analyzed . The test method is modified by canceling the distributed inductance between the bonding strap under test and the bottom plane .

  11. 在计算OH线圈的电磁分布和电感时,应用毕奥-沙伐公式,通过椭圆积分简化计算,然后把求解过程转化成计算机语言,经反复调试和修改得到一个满足要求的结果。

    In calculating the magnetic distribution and the inductance of OH coil , Bill-Surf equation and elliptic integral is used to simplify the calculation , Then , turn processes of calculation into language for computers , and a right result has been received after a series of adjustments .

  12. 非均匀无耗微带线分布电容电感的研究

    Study on the Distributed Capacitance and Inductance of Non-Uniform Microstrip Line

  13. 最终得到了电流离散化后增加的漏电感,从而给出实际电感与电流均匀分布时电感的差别。

    According to the results , the leakage inductance of the current with discrete distribution is computed and then the distinction between the practical inductance and the perfect one is presented .

  14. 粮食水分分布对高频电感的影响研究

    Effects of moisture conditions of grain on inductance of high frequency coil

  15. 当时钟信号在电路板上传输时,受杂散分布电容、电感等影响,造成时钟信号发生畸变和漂移,严重影响电路的正常工作。

    When the high-frequency clock signal transmits on the circuit board , it is always affected by parasitical capacitances and inductances , and the clock aberration and excursion will influence the whole circuit .

  16. DGS是通过在微波电路的接地板上蚀刻出蚀刻图案(defectedpattern),以改变电路衬底材料的有效介电常数,从而改变介质上的微带线的分布电容和分布电感。

    DGS can change the effective permittivity of material and distributed capacitor and distributed inductance by etching the defected pattern on the ground of microwave circuit .

  17. 然后应用有限元方法分析了电机的磁场分布,进行了电感计算,并应用时步有限元方法验证了MATLAB仿真的正确性。

    Thirdly , the distribution of motor magnetic field is analyzed with static finite element method , and the motor inductance is also calculated . A time-stepping finite element model is developed to verify MATLAB simulation .

  18. 分布电容和分布电感比拟关系的严格推证

    Strict Prove for Analogy between Distribute Capacitance and Inductance

  19. 干式空芯电抗器磁场分布的分析及电感的计算

    Analysis for Magnetic Field Distribution of a Dry Type Air-cored Reactor and Calculation of Its Inductance

  20. 研究了硅衬底导电率变化对金属绝缘半导体传输线的分布电阻和分布电感参数的影响。

    Examples are given to illustrate that the change of silicon substrate conductivity affects distributed parameters of MIS transmission line .

  21. 本文分析变频器输入回路分布电阻和分布电感对输入电流的影响,并推导出输入电流的数值解。

    This paper firstly analyzes the influence of the distributed resistance and inductance on the input current in the input circuit of frequency inverter , and then derives the numerical solution of the input current .

  22. 数字电路设计中,存在着复杂的分布电容和引线电感,信号通过组件甚至导线,都会产生延迟,在输出端可能会出现不是原来所希望的输出。

    There are complex distribution capacitance and lead wire inductance in the design of digital circuit , the message will be delayed when passing package and wire so that there will be undesired output in output end .

  23. 特高压输电线路分布电容大,分布电感小,电阻小,且传输距离远,故障暂态量大且暂态过程明显。

    The fault characteristics of UHV transmission line are of obvious transient process with a great deal of transient components , as a result of long distance , large distributed capacitance and small distributed inductance and resistance .

  24. 将广义传输线方程应用于不均匀微带传输线,提取了带90°拐角微带线的静态分布电路参数&并联分布电容和串联分布电感。

    The Generalized Transmission Line Equations are employed to analyze the circuit parameters of the non-uniform microstrip lines . The static distributed capacitances and inductances of the 90 ° bent microstrip lines are extracted .