
  • 网络export demand
  1. adm表示,由于中国和印度等新兴市场国家粮食消费持续增加,该公司受益于玉米等农产品“强劲的出口需求”。

    ADM said it was benefiting from " strong export demand " for crops such as corn in response to rising consumption in emerging countries , including China and India .

  2. 第三个公共因子为出口需求价格弹性因子。

    The third is price elasticity of export demand .

  3. 预计美国2010/2011大豆结转库存也低于USDA预计的水平,这是由于出口需求预计较高。

    Est of US2010 / 11 soybean carryout are also below USDA est due to higher demand forecast .

  4. 出口需求对中国经济增长的贡献:一个修正的核算框架

    Export Demand 's Contribution to China 's Economic Growth : A Revised Accounting Framework

  5. 因此对中国产品的出口需求下滑将产生连锁反应。

    So a softening in export demand for Chinese goods will have knock-on effects .

  6. 目前,中国最大的挑战是出口需求疲软。

    On top of the challenge list is the demand weakness for China 's exports .

  7. 这些国家的增长模式仍一如既往地严重依赖出口需求。

    The growth model remains heavily dependent on export demand , as it always has .

  8. 但经济学家们警告称,真实出口需求可能比人们眼中看到的更为疲弱。

    But economists warn that true export demand may be weaker than meets the eye .

  9. 出口需求、投资需求与消费需求是经济增长的三块基石。

    The demands of exportation , investment , and consumption are the three base stone .

  10. 而这一次,经济下滑的原因是出口需求暴跌和国内消费疲软。

    This time , collapsing demand for exports and weak domestic consumption are to blame .

  11. 通货紧缩的发生,主要原因在于投资需求、出口需求及消费需求趋于萎缩。

    The main cause of deflation is the shrinking demands of investments , export and consumes .

  12. 看来变动汇率在面临出口需求变动时能发挥较好的作用。

    Flexible exchange rates seem to perform better in the face of shifts in export demand .

  13. 其存在的主要问题是资源紧张、出口需求大和走私严重。

    The key problem is the shortage of resources , great demand of export and server smuggle .

  14. 卫哲还补充称,发展中国家市场的出口需求最为强劲,其次是美国。

    Mr Wei added that export demand was strongest in developing markets , followed by the US .

  15. 但凯恩斯主义的通常出发点是假设出口需求是外来的。

    The usual Keynesian starting point , however , is to assume that the demand for exports is exogenous .

  16. 我们认为,单靠美国的产量不足以满足日益增长的国内及出口需求。

    We believe that US production alone does not have the breadth to satiate growing domestic and export demand .

  17. 葡萄的加工和出口需求对中国葡萄的需求拉动的作用没有体现出来。

    And the export and processing have no positive influence on the increase of the aggregate demand for grape .

  18. 只要西方国家的经济活动继续改善,该地区的出口需求应该会出现好转。

    The region should also see a pick-up in export demand if activity in the western world continues to improve .

  19. 由于全球范围内的金融危机,外国投资有可能萎缩,出口需求也将出现疲软。

    Foreign investment is likely to shrink and demand for exports will be weak , because of the worldwide financial crisis .

  20. 由于美国农户在最近的期价高点增加了出售和新的出口需求滑落,美国大豆出口现货基差下滑。

    US cash export basis slipped lower on increase farmer selling at recent highs and a slowdown in new export demand .

  21. 尽管出口需求大幅下滑,但得益于强劲的国内需求,8月份中国制造业实现了小幅增长。

    Strong domestic demand helped Chinese manufacturing growth record a marginal increase in August , despite a sharp fall in export demand .

  22. 然而,随着出口需求复苏趋缓,亚洲出口商今年的状况可能会变得更为艰难。

    However , conditions for Asian exporters are likely to become harder this year as the recovery in export demand flattens out .

  23. 墨西哥的经济今年只是部分复苏,仍受高额税收和低出口需求量的阻挡。

    Hindered by higher taxes and weak demand for its exports , Mexico 's economy is seen only partially recovering this year .

  24. 消费需求、投资需求和外贸净出口需求是拉动经济增长的三驾马车。

    The consumer demand , the investment demand and the demand for foreign trade net export is the Troika of driving economic growth .

  25. 去年,对于出口需求减弱、国内房地产市场疲软可能会对中国经济造成压力的担忧开始显现。

    Concerns had emerged last year that the combination of weakening export demand and a slumping domestic property market would weigh on China .

  26. 但我国的经济发展还面临一些亟需解决的问题:我国的消费、投资和出口需求不足,而且深层次的体制问题也亟待解决,所以对我国的经济形势不能盲目乐观。

    However , some problems such as insufficiency of consumption , investment and export , imperfection of economic system , need to be solved .

  27. 发展中国家面临着出口需求增长率骤降10个百分点,严重地危害了他们今年的增长率。

    Developing countries are confronting a10 percentage point drop in the growth of demand for their exports , seriously undermining their growth this year .

  28. 消费需求、投资需求和出口需求是拉动一国经济增长的三大因素,它们在不同程度上影响着经济增长。

    Consumer demand , investment demand and export demand are driving economic growth in a country and influence the varying degrees of economic growth .

  29. 美国连续17次加息,加之国际油价达到创纪录水平,减缓了消费者及企业的支出,抑制了出口需求。

    Seventeen successive interest rate rises in the US and record oil prices have slowed consumer and corporate spending , damping demand for exports .

  30. 投资需求、消费需求、出口需求的不平衡是形成通货紧缩的重要原因,治理通货紧缩应从优化投资、扩大消费需求、增加出口等方面入手。

    Therefore , the solution to deflation should begin with the optimization of investment , the expansion of consumption demand and the increase of export .