
jiǎn féi fǎ
  • banting
  1. BabyFoodDiet婴儿食品减肥法好吧,我承认瑞茜·威瑟斯彭非常的可爱也很漂亮,但是她只能依靠婴儿食量减肥法来保持苗条也太可怕了。

    Okay , Reese Witherspoon is super cute and sweet , but following a baby food diet is pretty silly .

  2. 你不可能在每天只有不到600卡热量的情况下有一个健康的生活习惯。所以这是不行的,因为你不是婴儿。CabbageSoupDiet卷心菜汤减肥法

    You can 't maintain a healthy lifestyle with less than 600 calories per day , so this is just a no-no. Oh , and you 're not a baby .

  3. 我测试的第一个应用是NannyforGoogleChrome。对于信息的摄入来说,这个应用的做法就像阿特金斯减肥法(Atkinsdiet)和杜坎减肥法(Dukandiet)对人们摄取的食物所做得那样,它禁止或限制人们对特定网站的访问。

    The first one I tried was Nanny for Google Chrome - which does for information what the Atkins or the Dukan diet did for food , by outlawing or restricting certain websites .

  4. SundownerDiet暮后小饮减肥法我知道凯特看起来非常漂亮,但是我就是无法停止想起她的暮后小饮减肥法,因为那太蠢了。

    I know , I know , Kate always looks amazing , but I can 't help thinking that her " sundowner " diet concept is goofy .

  5. 不过,这种浪漫减肥法效果不会持久。

    But the slimming effects of romance don 't last forever .

  6. 我要进行“果汁速度减肥法”。-

    I 'm going on a juice fast . - Mmm .

  7. 高脂肪摄入小组所遵循的饮食习惯是一种经过改良的阿特金斯减肥法。

    The high-fat group followed something of a modified Atkins diet .

  8. 《普林逖金减肥法》里,所有一切都是脱脂牛奶。

    The Pritikin Diet , everything is non-fat milk in these diets .

  9. 热衷于生蘑菇减肥法的不止罗克妮一人。

    Roxanne is not the only fan of the diet .

  10. 我希望这种“苏珊减肥法”不过是一时的时尚。

    I 'm hoping this dieting of susan 's is just a fad .

  11. 香蕉早餐减肥法尚未经过科学验证。

    The Morning Banana Diet hasn 't been tested by the scientific community .

  12. 月经周期减肥法治疗妇女肥胖症的疗效观察

    Observations on the Curative Effect of a Menstrual Cycle Weight-reduction Method on Female Obesity

  13. 还有“绦虫”节食减肥法。

    Then there is the tapeworm diet .

  14. 中医综合减肥法对肥胖症大鼠血浆神经肽Y的影响

    Effect of combined treatment in Chinese medicine on neuropeptide Yin serum in obesity model rat

  15. 之后是「早晨奇异果减肥法」?!

    Heath After the Morning Banana Diet , Now there is the Morning Kiwi Diet !

  16. 我们也曾经试过柚子减肥法。

    We did the grapefruit diet .

  17. 换句话说,每种减肥法对长期减轻体重都没什么用。

    In other words , for long term weight loss , all of the diets failed .

  18. 即使这样激进的减肥法是安全的,健康专家还是表示,这样的做法往往会适得其反。

    Even when aggressive diets are safe , health experts have said they usually are counterproductive .

  19. 由宾夕法尼亚州立大学的芭芭拉·罗尔斯博士带领的一组研究人员对这种喝汤减肥法进行了测试。

    The soup regime was tested by researchers at Pennsylvania State University , led by Dr Barbara Rolls .

  20. 小卡和我在实行“果汁速度减肥法”,所以美食放在家里……

    Uh , Cam and I are on a juice fast , so having this stuff in the house --

  21. 柚子有助脂肪燃烧,根据这种减肥法,你需要在每顿饭前吃半个柚子。

    Grapefruits have fat-burning properties , and this diet requires that you eat half of one before every meal .

  22. 从全世界范围看,多数人称节食是最佳减肥法,其次是运动减肥,43%的人选择运动减肥。

    Globally most people say cutting food intake is the best answer , followed by43 percent who do more exercise .

  23. “果汁速度减肥法”的第四天,我很饿,但是感觉很好。

    Day four of the juice fast , and I 'm hungry , but I 'm -- I 'm feeling pretty good .

  24. 然后有红茶和乌龙茶减肥法,之后是大豆减肥法和番茄汁减肥法。

    Then , there was the black tea and oolong tea diet followed by the soybean diet and the tomato juice diet .

  25. 酵素减肥法在日本相当流行,酵素能促进脂肪分解,达到减肥的功效。

    Enzyme slimming way is quite popular in Japan , enzyme can promote fat to decompose then achieve the goal of reducing weight .

  26. 我记得在日本,当香蕉减肥法风头正盛时,人们直接去超市的食品区域。

    I remember in Japan people heading directly to the food section in the supermarket when the banana diet was at its peak .

  27. 我知道凯特看起来非常漂亮,但是我就是无法停止想起她的暮后小饮减肥法,因为那太蠢了。

    I know , I know , Kate always looks amazing , but I cant help thinking that her sundowner diet concept is goofy .

  28. 事实上,金牛们都爱吃,所以饥饿减肥法会使你感觉缺乏营养,很痛苦。

    Theres no getting away from the fact that Taureans love to eat , so starvation diets could make you feel deprived and pretty miserable .

  29. 香蕉早餐减肥法的创始人建议:远离冰激淋,甜甜圈和薯片。大概是由于这些食物容易让人吃起来没完没了。

    The creator of the diet advises staying away from ice cream , donuts , and potato chips , perhaps because they are foods people tend to overeat .

  30. 最新研究显示,经常与家人一起吃饭的女孩采用极端减肥法的可能性较小,比如:催吐、服用泻药或减肥药。

    New research shows girls who regularly have family meals are much less likely to adopt extreme weight control behaviors such as vomiting , using laxatives or diet pills .