
zhǔn fǎ lǜ xínɡ wéi
  • quasi juristic act
  1. 受害人同意的法律性质应为意思表示而非准法律行为。

    The legal nature of the victim consent should be viewed as meaning show instead of quasi-legal acts .

  2. 债权让与通知属于需要受领的准法律行为,让与通知实际到达债务人时对债务人发生效力。

    The transference notification of credit is a quasi-juristic act , which goes into effect when delivered to the debtor .

  3. 准法律行为虽不创设新的权利义务关系,但其往往是行政行为的预备或阶段性行为,也因该考虑把其纳入受案范围之内;

    Although semi-legal action doesn 't create new right or obligation , It often prepares for administrative activity , so it is also should be brought into jurisdiction ;

  4. 学界对是否采纳准民事法律行为的概念虽然存在争议,但通说持肯定态度。

    Although there is controversy among scholars over whether to adopt the concept of quasi civil juristic act , the majority are in the affirmative .

  5. 准民事法律行为主要包括意思通知、观念通知和感情表示三种样态,每一样态中又有不同表现形式。

    Quasi civil act includes mainly three types , intention notice , ideology notice and presentment of sentiment , with differential manifestation forms of each kind .

  6. 准民事法律行为准用民事法律行为的规则时,有可以直接准用、不能完全准用和完全不能准用三种情形。

    There are three kinds of conditions on which the rules of civil juristic act act as approving norms of quasi civil juristic act , either directly , partially or not at all .