
  • 网络accurate number
  1. 提出了一种快速而准确的数模混合集成电路衬底耦合参数提取方法。

    An efficient and accurate substrate coupling parameter extraction method for mixed signal IC is introduced .

  2. 通常也显示不出准确的时数。

    Usually it did not even show the correct hour !

  3. 世界卫生组织和联合国艾滋病规划署相信,目前的数字是迄今为止最准确的估计数。

    WHO and UNAIDS believe the current figures are the most accurate estimates to date .

  4. 要显示更多垂直排列的日历,您可以指定在“待办事项栏”中要包含的准确日历行数。

    To show more calendars arranged vertically , you can specify the exact number of calendar rows to be included in the to-do bar .

  5. 介绍了一种基于信号幅度特征的时域提取算法,可以准确地从数模混合信号中提取数字信号。

    This paper introduces a time-domain extracting arithmetic based on signal range feature . The digital signal can be extracted from digital and analog mixed-signal exactly .

  6. 研究人员说标签应该描绘更大,更实际的食物量,更准确的卡路里数,从而可能阻止人们吃得太多。

    The researchers say labels should depict larger , more realistic serving sizes , which might deter people from eating too much by giving them a more accurate calorie count .

  7. 我们在学习和研究数时,不能只看到数本身的数量意义,而应注意其深层的文化背景知识,以便准确地把握数的内涵意义,揭示俄汉民族文化的不同特点。

    While studying and researching into numerals , one should not only notice numeral signs , but also the rich cultural background information lying beneath them so as to correctly grasp the connotations and illustrate different features of both Russian and Chinese cultures .

  8. 第三章,对于罪数认定问题,应在理解好事后不可罚行为和想象竞合犯等刑法理论的基础上,对具体的犯罪行为作出分析,准确认定其罪数形态。

    On the number of identified crime problems , understanding the Afterwards act of impunity and imaginative joinder of offenses are essential precondition for identifying form of crime-number . Then make a accurate identification based on specific analysis of the specific criminal acts .

  9. 从分析存储器操作数的存放地址入手,可以更好地理解寻址方式,准确访问存储器操作数。

    We can understand the addressing mode better and call it correctly by analyzing the storing position of memory 's data operation .

  10. 进一步分析了参数对模糊扩张矩阵的分类结果在训练准确率、测试准确率、规则数等方面所表现出的敏感性,详细论述了用遗传算法进行参数优化的实施方案。

    Secondly , we further analyzed the sensibility of parameters to the fuzzy extension matrix classification result on the training accuracy , the testing accuracy and the rule number . And the implementing scheme of the optimizing parameters method with genetic algorithm is discussed in detail .