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lénɡ nuǎn
  • Cold and warm;changes in temperature;ways of the world;varied experience
冷暖 [lěng nuǎn]
  • [changes in temperature-well-being] 泛指日常生活起居

  • 关心农民的冷暖

  1. 谢谢你,让我知道人情的冷暖。

    Thank you , dodge my changes in temperature knowing human feelings .

  2. 色彩有冷暖色调之分,居家环境的色彩也不应单一。

    Colour has the branch with tonal changes in temperature , reside the colour of an environment to also do not answer onefold .

  3. 对冷暖天气都要做好准备。

    Be prepared for both warm and cool weather

  4. 5.motherhen关心他人冷暖的人;婆婆妈妈的人桑德胡就像个妈妈桑一样,满足学生们的各种需求。

    Sandhu is like a mother hen , catering2 to the students ' every need .

  5. 研究表明,由Rb、Sr含量变化构成的这些旋回主要是由干冷暖湿气候波动所致。

    The study showed that these cycles were chiefly resulted from dry-cold and warm-humid climate fluctuations .

  6. ENSO冷暖事件与郑州地区汛期气候异常关系

    Preliminary Analysis of The Relation Between The ENSO Events and The Climatic Abnormity in Flood Season in Zhengzhou

  7. 诚如有的学者所指出的?长约4m的柱样反映出冷暖气候旋回特征。

    The sediment cores which are about 4m long display warm and cold climatic cycle features .

  8. 南海典型冷暖年份合成SST距平场的时空结构十分相似;

    The fields of composite SST anomalies in abnormal cold and abnormal warm years are similar not only spatially but also temporally .

  9. 拥有冷暖空调、消防烟感、背景音乐、有线电视、宽带上网、VOD点播系统。

    It is equipped with air-conditioners , fire control system , background music , TV receiving , broadband internet and VOD system .

  10. 分析了海洋降水量在冷暖事件年的变化特征,主要结论如下:1、在暖事件年(ElNi?o),全球海洋平均降水量呈递减趋势;

    The characteristics of the precipitation patterns during warm and cold events of ENSO are as follows . 1 ) The global mean precipitation has a decreasing ( increasing ) trend during an El Ni ?

  11. 第一个和第二个耦合流型域以ENSO事件冷暖位相与北太平洋/北美区的正负位相PNA型之间的关系为主要特征。

    The first two coupled regimes are characterized by the relationships between the warm cold phase of ENSO episodes and positive negative phase of PNA patterns .

  12. 本文利用40年全球范围的温度场、高度场、UV风场资料,分析东北地区冷暖夏年的大气环流异常空间特征及长期演变。

    By using of temperature , height , UV wind field datasets for global 40 years , global circulation anomalous spatial feature of cold / warm years in summer in east-northern China and its long-period variation is analysed .

  13. 持续型(秋季型)的ELNino事件可能会引起上海地区年雷暴日数异常偏多,而少雷暴年则多为ENSO(ELNino/SouthernOscillation)冷暖事件的更替年。

    Durative El Nino events are likely to induce the abnormal increment of the thunderstorm frequency while fewer thunderstorms occur in the period of ENSO ( El Nino / Southern Oscillation ) transformation years .

  14. 作为温度指标的δ18O反映了过去近2000a来气候在冷暖波动中逐渐变暖的趋势。

    δ 18 O , an index of temperature , revealed that there was a trend of climatic warming in the past 2000 years .

  15. 首先,在着装环境不变的情况下改变服装clo值,记录人体生理指标和服装冷暖舒适的主观评价值。

    At first , physical indexes and subjective evaluations of thermal comfort were recorded by changing clo value of clothes during the experiment , which was conducted in climate chamber .

  16. 在模式ENSO冷暖事件的演变过程中,次表层海温异常沿赤道的东传起了关键作用,模式的ENSO模态主要表现为“时滞振子”模态。

    The eastern propagation of subsurface ocean temperature anomalies along equator was found closely related to the evolution of ENSO cycle , the " delayed oscillator " mode is the controlling mode of the model ENSO events .

  17. 两个典型全省性冷暖年的亚洲月平均500hPa西风环流指数有明显差异。

    The circulation indexes of west wind at 500 hPa are obviously different in two typical wannest and coldest years .

  18. 通过理论分析及空调器整机性能试验,说明混合工质R407C是变频冷暖空调器中R22的灌注式替代工质。

    By a combination of theoretical analysis and performance testing , it is shown that refrigerant mixture R407C is a drop-in substitute for R22 in inverter heat pump air-conditioners .

  19. 该序列的低通滤波曲线,揭示了近250a来的冷暖变化事实。

    The lowpass filter curve of this sequence was used to bring to light the fact of cold and warm change in recent 250 years .

  20. 夜间200m高度以下有较强的冷平流,在250~400m高度有较弱的暖平流,冷暖温度平流对测点上空边界层温度和层结变化有显著影响;

    There is strong cool advection below highs of 200 m , while the weak warm advection between the heights of 250 m and 400 m. The heat advection have significantly influence on the temperature and stratification of boundary layer ;

  21. 对赤道中东太平洋冷暖事件有较好的模拟能力,并且对SST变率的模拟在位置和强度上比旧版本有明显改善。

    The new model version also has the ability to simulate the warm and cold events over the central and eastern equatorial Pacific . In comparison with the previous versions , the simulated amplitude and location of SST anomaly in the tropical Pacific is ameliorated in the new model .

  22. 介绍了多普勒雷达速度PPI产品图像定性识别方法,分析了与对流性降水云体有关的图像特征:①冷暖平流与大尺度辐合辐散运动相结合的零速度线;

    The qualitative identification methods of Doppler radar velocity PPI pictures are introduced . The related image features of convective rainfall clouds are analyzed : ① the zero-velocity lines in the wind field related to large-scale convergence or divergence in combination with cold or warm advection ;

  23. 利用1.5万年来的Δ14C记录和2600年来的太阳黑子周期长度(SCL)资料,发现太阳活动存在时间尺度为2.1~2.8ka的准周期波动,它们与全球气候的冷暖波动非常吻合。

    A quasi - periodic wave length about 2.1-2.8 ka was found with Δ 14C recorder since 15 ka BP and with the sunspot cycle length ( SCL ) over past 2600 years . They are identical in climate wave of cold and warm over the global .

  24. 东部型ENSO冷暖事件互为初始场,在形成某一位相的ENSO事件的过程中也同时为相反位相的ENSO事件准备条件。

    The results also show that , due to the warm and cold phase of the Eastern pattern ENSO events , one phase is the initial field of another , while one phase of ENSO events forms , another phase will follow meantime , thereby the ENSO cycle completes .

  25. 然后利用计算的PDSI以及降水、温度资料详细分析半个多世纪以来中国气候冷暖与干湿之间配置关系的时空分布特征,主要分析其年代际变化规律和气候转型特征。

    The temporal-spatial distributions of the configurable relationships between warm-cold and dry-wet in Chinese climate change are studied using PDSI , historical precipitation and temperature data , especially their inter-decadal characteristic and climatic shifts .

  26. 冷暖空气的激烈交锋、梅雨锋上的中尺度辐合线、700hPa、850hPa上的低涡、切变线以及稳定维持的高低空急流是导致这场暴雨的直接影响系统;

    The strong conflict of warm and cold mass , mesoscale convergence on Meiyu front , shear line , and stably maintaining of high and low jets make for the rainfall .

  27. 住宅用冷暖地板空调系统设计

    Design of Cooling / Heating Floor AC Systems in Residential Buildings

  28. 北极涛动对河南省冷暖变化的可能影响

    The Possible Influence of Arctic Oscillation on Temperature in He'nan Province

  29. 他时刻把女儿们的冷暖放在心上。

    He is always concerned with the well-being of his daughters .

  30. 论织物接触冷暖感

    On the cold - hot Sensation of clothing in contact