
jué cè diǎn
  • decision point;decision node
  1. 在完整的认证系统中,您仍需要编写策略决策点,以确定用户是否可以访问Web页面。

    In a complete authentication system , you still need to write a policy decision point to decide if a user may access a Web page .

  2. ExclusiveGateway表示一个决策点,具体流出序列流将在此发生。

    An Exclusive Gateway represents a decision point from which exactly one of its outgoing Sequence Flows will occur .

  3. 支持XACML的系统由两个主要组件构成:策略执行点(PolicyEnforcementPoint,PEP)和策略决策点(PolicyDecisionPoint,PDP)。

    A system that supports XACML is composed of two primary components : a Policy Enforcement Point ( PEP ) and a Policy Decision Point ( PDP ) .

  4. 甚至在这些层中此概念更推进一步,设计决策点和交互模式的架构构建块可以帮助定义该SOA解决方案。

    Even taking it a step further within the layers and architectural building blocks there are design decision points and interaction patterns that help to define thee SOA solution .

  5. 策略决策点PDP了解网络设备的状态,能配置和修改设备中的策略。

    PDP know the state of the network devices and can configure and rectify the policies in the devices .

  6. 有几家公司提供了商业策略决策点和策略强制实施点解决方案,这些公司包括Oblix、Netegrity、IBM和许多其它公司。

    Several companies provide commercial policy decision point and policy enforcement point solutions , including IBM .

  7. 包含策略的系统要建立策略决策点(PDP),在这些点上定义事件并做出决策。

    Policies are built into systems establishing policy decision points ( PDPs ), where events are defined and decisions made .

  8. BPM是一种通过一系列活动、用例和决策点对业务流程进行可视建模的技术。

    BPM is the technique used to visually model a business process through a sequence of activities , use cases , and decision points .

  9. 服务注册中心支持存储和检索基于标准的策略,可将其定位为策略决策点,然后由ESB执行策略强制。

    A service registry , which supports storing and retrieving standards-based policies , can be positioned as a policy decision point , with the ESB then performing the policy enforcement .

  10. 在基于策略的管理中,策略实施点(PEP)和策略决策点(PDP)是两个重要组件。

    In Policy Based Management , Policy Enforcement Points ( PEP ) and Policy Decision Points ( PDP ) are two components worthy of mentioning .

  11. 它还支持多个策略决策点(PDP)技术(包括LDAP和TFIM),以便为SOAP、MQ和HTTP传输协议强制执行ESB安全。

    It also supports multiple Policy Decision Point ( PDP ) technologies including LDAP and TFIM to enforce ESB security for the SOAP , MQ and HTTP transport protocols .

  12. 当对每个决策点使用一个规则集时,需要更多的XUs。

    When using one ruleset per decision point , more XUs are needed .

  13. AUT中决策点的识别,能够帮助我们形式化并且精化从测试套件到测试脚本的分解。

    The identification of the decision points in the AUT helps formalize and elaborate the test suite decomposition into test scripts .

  14. PEP创建一个XACML请求并发送到策略决策点(PDP),后者评估请求并返回一个响应。

    The PEP creates an XACML request and sends it to the Policy Decision Point ( PDP ), which evaluates the request and sends back a response .

  15. IETF策略管理框架中主要包括策略管理工具、策略存储仓库、策略决策点、策略执行点几个部件。

    IETF policy management frame includes policy management tool ( PMT ), policy repository ( PR ), policy decision point ( PDP ) and policy enforcement point ( PEP ) .

  16. 在IETF基于策略的网络管理体系中,设备端(PEP)的策略配置是通过策略决策点(PDP)的自动分发机制来实现的。

    In the policy-based network management system of IETF , the Policy Enforcement Point ( PEP ) configurates policy through a policy distribution mechanism of the Policy Decision Point ( PDP ) .

  17. 在测试过程中当达到一个决策点时,测试人员会检查AUT的状态并决定测试活动。

    When a decision point is reached in the testing process , the tester examines the state of the AUT and determines a test action .

  18. SoR是一个或多个业务流程的直接实现,这些流程具有开端、一组操作、一些可能的明确定义的决策点和一个结尾。

    An SoR is the direct implementation of one or more business processes that have a start , a set of actions , possibly some well-defined decision points , and an end .

  19. 如果假定每个主体的每个边界都是执行点(EP)和决策点(DP),则已在此关系图中包含了HLD所需的所有元素。

    If you assume that each border surrounding each principal is an enforcement point ( EP ) and decision point ( DP ), then in this diagram , you have incorporated all the elements needed for an HLD .

  20. WaitForReportAndEstimate汇集点得到需要的文档后,工作包转移到第一个决策点

    When the required documents are available in the WaitForReportAndEstimate collection point , the work package will move to the first decision point

  21. 在每一个决策点,一个决策表要列出AUT(根据条件)需要校验哪些内容,以及下一个活动是什么。

    At every decision point , a decision table should specify what needs to be verified regarding the AUT ( depending on conditions ) as well as the next test action .

  22. 一种有效设置RACI架构的方法是,识别组织过程中的决策点,特别是当过程事物改变状态的时候。

    One effective way to set the RACI framework is to identify the decision points in organization processes , especially when process artifacts change state .

  23. 通过引入时间成本,对以信息成本和代理成本权衡来确定最优决策点的J-M(詹森和麦克林)决策权配置模型进行了修正。

    By introducing the opportunity cost of time , Jensen-Meckling 's Model of Decision-making Configuration was modified where the optimal locus of decision making is laid out according to the tradeoff between information cost and agency expenditure .

  24. 例如,如果所有决策点统一在一个LoanApplicationin/out参数中工作,单一规则集或规则流可能运作良好。

    For example , if all the decision points work uniformly on a single LoanApplication in / out parameter , a single ruleset or ruleflow may work well .

  25. 这里,我们为每个决策点定义一个规则集。

    Here , we define one ruleset per individual decision point .

  26. 图中还包含一个决策点校验是否成功?

    The figure also shows a decision point , validation successful ?

  27. 每一个决策点都可以用一个决策表来指定。

    Each decision point can be specified with a decision table .

  28. 为了执行一个决策点,测试人员需要完成以下工作

    To implement a decision point , the tester must do the following

  29. 同时可大大减少策略决策点和网络设备之间的通信流量。

    And the traffic between PDP and network device is dramatically reduced .

  30. 将通过评估一项条件来确定使用哪个决策点。

    A single condition will be evaluated in order to determine which one .